Chapter 18

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Slamming the door open, Castiel escapes from the bunker, from Dean and tears across the field and into the trees. Dashing and dodging he runs until his legs are about to give out and then he finally stops. Bending over, he attempts to catch his breath, his thoughts a terrifying mess of "what ifs" and other possible outcomes. How could Dean offer himself like that? The need to take him was too overwhelming, so Cas fled. Now, Cas knew how Dean really felt, how much trust he had in Cas to not hurt him, even though everything in Castiel wanted to burn Dean up with his passion.

Castiel's breathing finally slows and he takes a look at the nature around him. He listens to the rustle of the leaves, the songs of the birds, and clears his mind of all the dark thoughts that followed him out here.

"No matter what you do, angel, you'll never be rid of these feelings," a voice says from out of nowhere.

"Who's there!?" Cas spins around, looking for the source of the sound, his body tense and ready to fight.

Castiel is mocked with laughter. "You poor thing, you don't know what's happening to you." The laughter continues, "Did you think everything was finished when you killed me and my nest? And you were so very ruthless," the sinister voice drops lower.

Cas gasps, recognizing the voice. "Come out, let me see you. I don't know how you managed to survive, but I'll be sure to kill you again." Castiel squints into the early afternoon sun, scanning the area.

"I'm not anywhere you can find me, for I am a part of you now. The great thing about my venom, should I die, I have the power to become a symbiotic being. This ensures that I will live and someday become whole. Which is what is going to happen to you, angel. You will become my new body," the voice says, plainly.

"Like hell I will," Cas refutes, growling at the voice inside his head. "I'll find a way to rid myself of you."

"Oh goodness, this is precious. You can try, but the longer I'm in you, the more danger your darling lover will be in. Soon, you'll be unable to control that lust of ours, and it is indeed ours. A gift from me to you. The drawbacks, well, you'll soon want to drink from him. As you've already bitten him, you're well on your way. Oh, and don't worry, I have a bonus to add in for no price at all." The voice laughs harder, the sound echoing inside Cas' mind.

Cas instantly feels a sharp pain in his head. Doubling over, he grabs his face, his gums shifting and moving in his mouth. His teeth rearrange and two new, extremely sharp and pointed canines fill in. Cas runs his tongue over them, fear and curiosity coursing through his body. Castiel makes a vow to himself to not use these weapons on Dean, or anyone.

Slightly panicking, he knows that only one person can help him, Sam. Now, how can he manage to keep Dean safe, when everything inside of him is screaming to only do harm? Wrapping his arms around his body, he turns back to the bunker, running back to his hopeful salvation.

Walking back through the door, he looks down to assess the situation. Seeing as Dean is not in the library and he cannot hear his voice, he cautiously walks down the stairs, blood and dirt messing up the surface from his naked feet. Castiel makes a mental note to clean that up after he talks to Sam. "Sam?" Cas calls out, tentatively.

"In here, Cas," Sam replies, the sound coming from his usual spot in the library. Looking up from his laptop, he stands and rushes to the angel's side. "Jesus, Cas, what happened?" Sam asks, worried.

"I took a bit of a run," Cas absentmindedly replies, "Sam, that's not important, I did something terrible and I need your help." Castiel looks at Sam, the fear bleeding into his gaze.

"Cas, what is it?" Sam looks at Cas, a bit bewildered.

"The nest I destroyed. It's changing me," Cas explains.

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