Chapter 12

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Castiel looks around the destroyed bunker. The walls riddled with bullets and holes from the rockets lobbed at him, Castiel struggles to stand. The vampires were tough to kill, even smiting them took some extra power. Underestimating the leader was Castiel's biggest downfall, and why he is as hurt as he is now. Castiel scans the bodies, searching for life, or movement. Pleased that there is none, Castiel lays back on the floor, allowing the darkness to swallow him, but not before seeing a pair of beautiful green eyes.

Running down the burnt-out hallways, Sam scans the rooms as they pass them. Afraid to alert their presence, he keeps quiet, but silently prays that they find Castiel alive and in one piece. Sam knows that it would destroy his brother to see the angel dead, but lately, Dean's been showing a lot more emotion where Castiel was concerned. He wonders what's happened between the two of them. If they live through this, he'll get his answers. Rounding a corner at the end of the hallway, they enter a giant room, destroyed. "Dean," Sam breathes.

Following behind Sam closely, Dean checks over his shoulder, making sure there is no one, or thing, behind them. The sound of his heart pounding pierces his eardrums. Taking in his surroundings, Dean becomes more and more worried about Castiel and curses the angel silently in his mind for not listening to him. He follows Sam around the corner and turns at the sound of his name. His eyes widen, and his stomach drops as he surveys the room and damage. His breathing becomes shallow as he looks back at Sam. "What the..."

Sam looks at all the felled bodies; many of them are nothing more than burnt husks. Some are missing heads, but the wounds are jagged like they were ripped off. One dead vampire is hanging from the rafters, limbs missing, the head, gone. "Who did all of this, Dean?"

Shaking his head in disbelief, Dean rubs the back of his neck before looking at Sam. "We need to find Cas and get the hell out of here, Sam," he swallows, kneeling as he takes a closer look at one of the burnt corpses. Dean's brow furrows, "Do you think he did this?"

"All of the signs point to Cas, Dean. They look like they were smited, or pulled apart. I've never seen Cas fight like this before. I knew he could be ruthless, but he's always been careful around us." Sam looks around the room again, seeing a familiar shape covered in blood and pieces of flesh. He gasps, surprised to see the angel laying in a puddle of blood. A large gash on his head and bite marks all over the exposed skin of his upper body. Castiel's shirt lays in tatters, soaked a deep crimson. "I think I found him," Sam whispers, pointing towards the form. He is silent and still, afraid to move.

Dean looks up, his attention drawn to where Sam is pointing. His whole body stiffens as his breathing becomes erratic at the sight of his angel. Dean drops his weapon, and his eyes sting as tears begin falling silently down his cheeks. He swallows hard, clenching his jaw before finally getting to his feet, his knees feeling weak. Rushing over to Castiel's side, Dean surveys the extent of his wounds before placing both hands on each side of his face, cupping it gently. "No, no, no, Cas come back to me," Dean chokes, patting Castiel's cheek, trying to wake him up.

Sam walks up behind his brother, looking down at the both of them. "Dean, we have to take him with us. We can't leave him here. Here, let me," Sam bends down, lightly grabbing Castiel's arm, looking over at his brother. "Dean, can I carry him out?" Sam asks gently.

Dean growls as he slaps Sam's hand away. "Don't touch him," Dean growls and quickly wipes the wetness on his cheeks with the back of his hands. He inhales deeply, turning his attention back to Castiel before speaking again to Sam. "Grab the machete and head back to the car," he says quietly. "I'll carry him up behind you."

Sam backs up, looking at his brother protecting the lifeless angel. "Dean, we don't know if there are other vampires here. I don't want to lose you both," Sam sighs, backing up. "I won't be too far ahead that I can't hear you if something happens, but I will give you some time with him. Just don't take too long. It'll be dark soon, and if there are more monsters, I don't want to be down here when they return. Also, he deserves a hunter's funeral. We'll need to find the materials." Sam leaves the ruined hanger, walking around the corner and out of sight.

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