Chapter 9

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Dean's face pales as he hears Castiel's words and swallows dryly. His breathing becomes erratic before disappearing behind the curtain again. Bracing himself against the wall, he stares down, watching the water and suds going down the drain. He growls before punching the wall hard, effectively cracking the cheap tile. Ignoring the fresh cut on his knuckles, he shuts the water off and rips the curtain back. Stepping out of the shower, he grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist before striding quickly over to his bed and begins digging his clothes out of his duffle bag.

Following quickly behind Dean, Castiel reaches out and grabs his arm, trying to turn him around. "I will get him back, Dean," he says, his voice cracking.

Dean snatches his arm out Castiel's grip and focuses on putting his clothes on, wincing slightly at the emotion in Castiel's voice. He pulls on his clothing quickly before turning to Castiel, meeting his blue eyes. He closes his eyes before pulling Castiel into him, wrapping his arms around him, squeezing him tightly as he buries his face in his neck, trying to calm himself with Castiel's scent. "I can't lose him," Dean says, his voice low.

"You won't lose him, I'm right here," Castiel puts his arm around Dean's shoulder, his hand tangling in the man's hair. "Your happiness is what I live for. Sam makes you happy, and we will save him," Castiel whispers, pulling back a little bit, he takes Dean's head in his hands, looking into his eyes. "I love you, Dean. I wasn't lying when I said that, even in the throes of passion," Castiel places his lips against Dean's forehead, then kisses down to his eyes, placing a kiss on each eyelid. From there, he places a soft kiss on his lips, trying to kiss the worry he sees in the brother's eyes, and Castiel's heart begins to ache because he feels so selfish and that selfishness puts Sam in danger.

Dean's eyes close tight as he absorbs Castiel's words and affection, his hands settling on Castiel's hips. He gives a light squeeze before pulling away with a sigh before walking over to his nightstand, opening it quickly. Pulling out his gun, he checks the chamber and pulls back on the slide. Clearing his throat, he stuffs it into his waistband against his lower back and conceals it with his shirt. He looks back to Castiel, his face hardening in determination. "How do we get him back?"

"I have a lock on Sam's energy signature so that I can lead us to him. Let's grab the weapons and get to the car. I'll tell you where to go," Castiel walks over to the bag of weapons by the door, he picks it up, another hand on the doorknob. Opening the door, he looks over to Dean, feeling a little apprehensive. "Are you ready to leave, Dean?"

Dean nods, glancing around the room, making sure he has everything before grabbing his keys and making his way to the door where Castiel is standing. "Yeah, let's go," he replies, running a hand over his face.

Castiel exits the motel room, walking over to the Impala. He waits by the car, watching Dean lock the door. He scans for Sam's signal, finding it to be a little weak, but still traceable. It's not too far away, surprisingly. Castiel wonders to himself how whoever took Sam, got him from the bunker unless he was on the way back to the motel.

Dean strides over to the Impala as his mind plays a hundred horrible, bloody scenarios. He slips into the driver's seat, quickly starting the car up, and the engine roars to life. He sits back and glances over at Castiel. "Where are we going?" He asks, gripping the wheel tightly.

Castiel looks over to Dean. "Leave the motel and turn left down the road. Sam feels like he's nearby. I'll tell you when to turn again," Castiel says, his voice hollow again as he concentrates.

Dean pulls out of the parking lot swiftly, carefully following Castiel's directions. He glances over at Castiel as he drives and clears his throat. "How did this happen, Cas?" He asks his voice heavy with anger.

"Dean, I sent him to the bunker, the one safe place I know. What I think happened is that Sam left, coming back here to find you. I also think some of these vampires you're hunting have found him. I told you that they are mighty. I suspect one of them is near Alpha strength; otherwise, they wouldn't be able to hide Sam from me," Castiel explains, looking over at Dean, his anger beating against the angel. "When we find these vampires, we will find Sam. I am sure of this," Castiel finishes, looking forward out of the windshield. "Dean, turn right, just ahead," Castiel points at the dirt road in the distance.

Dean nods, making the turn down the road where Castiel is pointing. He rubs his face, scratching at the light dusting of stubble on his chin as his brow furrows. He looks over at Castiel, listening intently. "Okay, we've dealt with Alphas before. But how in hell were they able to find Sam in the first place?" Dean sighs in frustration staring down the dirt road ahead of him.

"The two of you are known far and wide to hunters and monsters alone. Not only do the human authorities want you, but I know that the creatures you fight might want you dead. Since the two of you, together, are near-invincible, I believe they would take any chance they could to get one of you alone. Dean, this is why I told you I wanted to help you. This isn't like any other nest you have taken on before. I also can't help but feel guilty that I put Sam in danger all because of my personal needs. I wasn't thinking clearly and look what I've done," Castiel looks down to his hands, which are sitting in his lap. He looks up quickly. "Dean, to the left," he points down a field, the trail overgrown with weeds and grass.

Dean narrows his eyes, taking in the landscape around him as he turns. Gripping the wheel, swallowing hard, as he listens to Castiel's explanation. He exhales deeply. "Look, Cas, I appreciate you sent him somewhere safe, and it's not your fault he was trying to get back to the motel..." he trails off, pausing briefly, "But if anything happens to him because I was outside of my mind..." Dean sighs again. "I was such a dick to him," he says, remorse heavy in his voice.

"If something happens to Sam, I would never forgive myself, Dean. I don't need your threats to remind me of what I've done. I also will understand if you wish for me to stay away from you. I would want that, if I were you," Castiel looks out the window, then bolts up in his seat. "Stop the car," he demands.

Dean slams on the brake, stopping the car suddenly. He looks over at Castiel, rubbing his face. "Cas, stop. Let's find Sam, kill some vamps, and then we'll talk 'bout whatever the hell this is, after," he says, motioning between them.

Castiel jumps out of the car, missing what Dean is saying. He runs out into the middle of the field, scouring the ground and pinpointing Sam's location. Castiel bends down, finding a handle in the grass, pulling it hard, and a door opens from the ground. He rushes down, taking the steps two at a time. The walls change from mud to steel, the air getting colder, and a strange scent invades Castiel's senses.

Narrowing his eyes, he focuses on Sam, moving faster through the hallway, he doesn't see the trap, and he springs it, the explosion catching him on his left side, blasting him through the wall. 

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