Chapter 11

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The sun somehow manages to make its way through the curtains, and Sam rolls over in bed, gazing at the alarm clock next to him. The numbers were showing that they managed to get a good amount of sleep, as it's just shy of noon. Sam sits up quietly, looking over at his brother on the other bed. Finally, he scans the room, hoping Castiel joined them some time while they were sleeping, but there was no such luck. "Cas, where are you?" He whispers into the room, a sudden feeling of dread washing over him.

Dean rolls over as his eyes peel open, seeing Sam sitting up. He yawns, settling himself on his back, glancing over at Sam. "You alright?" Dean asks as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes before sitting up, taking a glance around the room. He falls back with a huff seeing that Castiel disappeared again. Dean rolls over and grabs his phone off the nightstand seeing no missed calls and grumbles, tossing it back. With a sigh, he pushes the covers off him and finds his way over to the coffee maker.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was waking up. How'd you sleep?" Sam follows his brother's actions with his eyes, leaning back against the headboard. He stretches a bit, thoughts running through his mind about where the angel could be and why Castiel hasn't contacted them.

Dean yawns as the coffee maker starts whirling to life. He sits down at the table, resting his face in his hands, shrugging slightly. "Fine," he answers Sam's question. Dean glances down at his watch before looking back to Sam. "Let's head out in 30 and grab some lunch. I can't focus on an empty stomach."

"That sounds like a great plan," Sam shuffles out of bed and into the bathroom. He brushes his teeth, fishing his phone out of this pocket. Noticing there are no missed calls, Sam dials Castiel's phone number and then puts the phone to his ear. He listens as the number dials, but Castiel does not answer the phone. Sam tries not to growl into the phone, but shuts it off instead, focusing on brushing his teeth.

Dean watches Sam enter the bathroom and listens intently for the sound of running water. He looks down at the table, eyeing the scratch marks before tracing his index finger over them gently. Biting his lip once he hears Sam turn on the water, he takes a deep breath. "Castiel, I swear if you don't get your ass back here..." Dean prays quietly to his angel before letting out a frustrated sigh. Getting up from the table, he walks to the coffee maker and pours himself a cup.

The sound of ruffling feathers fills the room. "Hello, Dean," Castiel manages to get out, his voice hoarse and filled with sincere regret. He shouldn't have come. His heart was breaking while looking at Dean. The lure of Dean's voice, his prayer, was too much to stay away. Castiel looks at the table, then back up to Dean's eyes, unable to keep his emotions from filling them. "How did you sleep?"

Dean spins around at the sound of Castiel's voice, setting his mug on the counter. His eyes widen in shock that Castiel heard him and appeared so quickly. Dean rakes Castiel's form before walking up to him, grabbing the sides of his face and smashing their lips together.

Castiel melts into Dean's touch but shakes as Dean kisses him. The moment over far too quickly.

Dean quickly pulls away and tries to steady his breathing, locking on to Castiel's eyes. "Terrible because I was worried about you all night. You can't just do that, Cas," he sighs, walking back over to grab his coffee mug. "I still don't know what you were thinking, rushing down there without me."

"I'm sorry you worried for me, I ... wasn't sure you wanted me around. I know it was dangerous to go down there, but I couldn't let anything happen to Sam, and I didn't want you to fall into a trap. I wouldn't survive your loss, Dean," Castiel's voice cracks, a sob escaping. Looking over at Dean, tears fill his eyes but don't spill. Castiel reflects on the night, how he raged and cried over the idea that he could have lost Dean.

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