Chapter 8

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Dean's eyes dart around the darkened room, his chest heaving as he wraps his arms around Castiel, enjoying the pressure of his body on top of his own. He runs one hand up Castiel's back as his fingers tangle in his hair, and he tugs gently, placing a kiss on the man's shoulder. Castiel's words echo in his ears, almost deafening him. He squeezes Castiel tightly to his body as he listens to the silence of the room. Dean swallows hard, his voice low and hoarse. "I need you," he chokes into Castiel's ear.

"As I need you, forever by my side. You've given me the best gift I've ever had," Castiel whispers, his body still quivering as he continues to empty into the other man. Very slowly, his body calms, and Castiel pulls his wings back carefully, trying not to destroy the table in the process. Gingerly, he pushes off the surface and Dean, standing between the man's legs. Castiel very slowly unsheathes himself, holding Dean's legs for support.

Dean grunts, arching up at the feeling of Castiel exiting him. Sitting up on the table, a sudden sense of exhaustion washes over him as he rubs his face with his hands. Reaching out, he steadies himself by putting a hand on Castiel's shoulder. He closes his eyes as his head lulls back, and he lets out a yawn. He smiles sleepily at Castiel and chuckles lightly. "That was... well... I don't even know, Cas," Dean sighs, getting lost in his thoughts.

"A long time coming?" Castiel cocks a brow, holding onto Dean, steadying him. "Would you like a shower, Dean? I can help you get clean, and you can sleep afterward," he says in a soothing voice. He also notices the torn clothes all over the floor. "I'll be sure to replace the clothes I've obliterated," Castiel smiles at the discarded clothes, then back to Dean.

Dean nods in agreement as he pushes himself off the table, slightly wincing as it creaks under his weight. He grins, looking down the clothes scattered on the floor and chuckles. "You owe me a whole closet at this point," Dean starts shuffling toward the bathroom, his gait a bit off. A growling stomach draws his attention as he rubs it. "I'm starving, I need food after a shower," his eyes widen briefly. "And... uh, Sam?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yes, of course. Sam..." Castiel looks over at a very naked Dean. "I can bring him back right now, and he can see you in this... state, or I can wait until you've disappeared into the bathroom. What would you have me do?" Castiel teases, knowing the right answer. He lightly snaps his fingers, and the destroyed clothes are gone. Walking over to Dean's bag, he pulls out his belt and looks into the bag, new clothes inside. "Your clothes are back."

Dean nods and chuckles softly, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "When did you get funny?" He says teasingly with a glint in his eyes before starting for the bathroom once more, stretching his now sore muscles. Dean hadn't realized how tense he was as he strolled lazily into the bathroom. He starts the water, while steam quickly fills the compact space.

"Do you require my assistance, Dean?" Castiel calls after the man, walking over to the door while fastening his wayward belt in the process. He stops, waiting for Dean to reply.

Smiling to himself, Dean steps into the warm shower as he feels his heart swell slightly at his angel's worry and protectiveness. "I think I can handle a shower, Cas," he smirks to himself. "Unless you're ready for round two already." Closing his eyes, Dean sighs as the warm water soothes his sore muscles.

Castiel opens the door, quietly, as not to disturb Dean and pulls back the curtain. "If you're up for another round, I am," Castiel smiles brilliantly at the other man, winking at him.

Dean jumps at the sound of the curtain opening as his hands cover his groin in reflex. He relaxes a bit after seeing it's Castiel and laughs nervously. Dean smiles at the angel before going back to washing himself. He leans forward, placing a soft kiss on the corner of Castiel's mouth. "Raincheck?" Dean cocks a brow with an apologetic smile. "I'm starving, and Sam's probably wondering what the hell is going on," he says, his heart sinking a bit the thought.

"I understand. We have vampires to hunt, too." Castiel closes the curtain and walks out of the bathroom. He snaps his fingers, but Sam doesn't appear. Castiel snaps again, and nothing happens. He rushes back to the bathroom. "Dean, we have a problem," his voice laced with real panic.

Dean rubs his face with water as he hears Castiel's voice as he rushes back into the bathroom. "If that burger place is closed, pizza's cool," he replies before sticking his head out around the corner taking in Castiel's panicked expression. Seriousness washes over Dean's face as he searches Castiel's. "What is it?"

"I can't get Sam back. I tried, but he won't come back. Something's wrong," Castiel tips his head back, scanning for Sam's essence, his voice hollow. "I feel something faint like he's hidden away. I can follow the trail, but not without some difficulty," Castiel lowers his head, eyes level with Dean's. "I promise I will get him back." 

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