Chapter 19

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Cas washes his hair slowly, enjoying the feeling of cleaning the dirt off of his skin. Normally, he would rush through this process, but after the run and everything else, he decides to take his time. Rinsing the soap out of his dark hair, he leans back against the shower wall, the hot water pelting his weary body. He sighs, attempting to work through the problems in his mind and how to solve them.

"That's the issue, isn't it. You don't know how to deal with me. Well, it's quite simple, just give yourself over. You'll no longer have to think anymore," the voice says, trying to pull Cas into the darkness.

Castiel stiffens, pressing his thumbs to his eyes and shakes his head. "I won't," he mumbles, tipping his head against the tile.

Staring at the door to the bathroom, Dean bites his lip contemplating if he should interrupt Cas or not. He inhales deeply before knocking on the door firmly and opening it, walking in a bit as the steam hits his face. "Cas? You alright?" He asks carefully. Narrowing his eyes at the curtain, he crosses his arms over his chest.

Snapping his eyes open, he can see Dean's silhouette through the shower curtain. "Yeah, I'm doing okay, Dean. Is everything okay? Can I help you with something?" Cas asks, not sure why Dean would come into the shower again.

Dean's shakes his head slipping off his boots and socks quietly. "You scared me, running off like you did, Cas." He says, pausing as he removes his red plaid shirt, allowing it to fall to the floor. "And Sam is acting more... Sam-like than normal." He bites his bottom lip following Cas' silhouette with his eyes. "You wanna tell me what were you and him talking about before I walked in earlier?" He asks. His voice low, as he raises his eyebrows, lifting his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.

"Talking about, Dean? I was reading," Cas replies.

"I heard you two mumbling about something when I walked in." He says, undoing his pants, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud before slipping down his boxes to his ankles and kicking them aside. He moves closer to the curtain. "What were you talking about, Cas?" He asks firmly before pulling the curtain back and stepping into the shower. His eyes fixed on Castiel's.

"You..." Castiel hisses. Seeing Dean naked sets him on edge, his lust spiking. He groans, turning to face the spray of the water, trying to distract himself from the need pulsing through his body. The voice in his head was not lying about the passion burning through him. The alpha's venom may have been blasted away, but the being was still there.

Dean inhales deeply, feeling his frustration bubbling, as he closes the space between himself and Castiel. He wraps a hand around the angel's waist, setting his hand mere centimeters away from Cas' dick. He pulls him against his firm body, grinding his own growing erection into Cas' behind. "What about me?" He breaths into Cas' ear before placing a kiss on the nape of Cas' neck.

"Dean," Cas growls, dipping his head down. He attempts to grip the tile on the wall in front of him. Keeping his back to the man, he fights for control. "We were talking about your trust in me. I worry that I'll not be able to uphold it. I fear I'll let you down," Cas grits out through his teeth, his tongue swiping against the sharp canines.

"I trust you with my life, Cas." Dean murmurs against Cas' neck. He growls low in his chest turning him around swiftly, pushing him up against the tile before pressing his body against Cas'. "You drive me crazy." He whispers before slamming their lips together and grinding his erection against Cas' hips as a moan escapes him.

"Take him," the voice inside Cas screams.

Castiel kisses Dean, close-mouthed, he moves his hands above his head, allowing his lover to do what he pleases. His chest heaving with exertion to not take control from Dean. Castiel thrusts his hips forward and closes his eyes. Looking at Dean would be too much from him, especially the way Dean is so desperate for Cas. "Dean, please don't be mad at me," he whispers, the words lost in the spray of the shower. Feeling Dean's body against his ratchets up his own need and with his new "gifts" pressing against the inside of his lips, Castiel prays that he'll be able to get out of this without hurting Dean.

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