Chapter 20

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Dean makes his way down the long dark corridor, his machete at the ready. His eyes dart around looking for any signs of life. He rounds the corner seeing numerous bodies on the ground. Looking up, he sees a dark figure hunched over a lifeless body. His blood runs cold seeing the familiar fabric of a tan trench coat, now bloodied and tattered, around the limp body. "NOO," He screams, gaining the vampire's attention. The vampire rises to his feet turning to Dean with a smirk as he licks the angel's fresh blood from his lips. A growl erupts from his chest as he charges forward, slicing the vampire's head off in one clean swipe. His chest heaves as he drops his weapon next to him before rushing to Castiel's side, dropping to his knees. His eyes scan Cas' pale, beautiful face for any semblance of life. "Cas," he pleads, cradling his head in his hands, "Come back to me..."

Dean's eyes fly open as he gasps and chokes for air. "Cas..." He calls, his voice weak and hoarse. He feels his skin beaded with sweat as he attempts to control his breathing. He tries to sit up as a sharp pain shoots through his neck and he falls back against the pillow. "Ugh," He lifts his hand to the source of the pain, feeling a bandage. He sighs, closing his eyes tightly, trying to remember what happened.

Feeling Dean move on the bed, Sam snaps awake, "Dean!" He looks at his brother, grateful that he pulled through the night. Sam slumps down in his seat, then leans forward, pulling the blanket up on his brother. "I'm so relieved. It was rough for awhile there." Sam's cheeks color slightly, "I uhh have clothes on the table next to you, I didn't really have time to dress you and I really didn't want to. I've seen enough for one day." He smooths his hair back, leaning back in the chair once more, "How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" Sam rambles for a bit, still very nervous about Dean and what he witnessed earlier. Sam knows that he can't let Dean and Cas come together again. It would be devastating, for both of them.

With a grunt, Dean sits up gingerly holding his neck, leaning against the headboard. He glances down making sure the blankets are covering him before looking back into the worried hazel eyes of his younger brother. Clearing his throat, he feels how dry it is. "No, I'm okay... just a little thirsty." He sighs closing his eyes and allowing his head to fall back against the headboard. "Where's Cas? Go get him for me." He rubs his face in his hands before looking back to Sam.

Sam's eyes go wide and he jerks his head back. "No, Dean. I'm not going to get Cas. He tried to kill you tonight. I told him to stay away from you and he didn't listen to me," Sam eyes alight with anger and betrayal. "I don't want him around you," Sam asserts.

"That's not your call to make, Sam." He glares at him trying to keep his raspy voice level. "And do you hear how crazy you sound, it's Cas... he didn't... wouldn't try to kill me." He sighs, leaning forward and grabbing his clothes that Sam set out, setting them next to him. "Aren't you supposed to be gone on that case anyway?" He cocks an eyebrow looking up at his brother.

"Yeah, cause I can really leave you with Cas? He was balls deep and had fangs buried in your neck, Dean. He isn't the Cas you know. He's something else and he has a really nasty friend on his shoulder, or should I say, in his brain, catching a ride," Sam quickly says to Dean.

"What are you talking about, Sam?" He sighs, "Jesus, you sound like a damn lunatic." He rubs his hand over the bandage, thinking, trying to remember what happened. "Could you just go grab me some water and give me a minute to get up and dressed?" He pleads with his brother.

Sam shakes his head, and tries for truth with Dean. "The alpha vampire, from that squad that Cas destroyed. He has this power where he can insert himself into a host's bloodstream and in time, he takes over and becomes the new alpha. That is what is happening to Cas now, that is what I was researching, that is why I told him to stay away from you," Sam is breathless by the time he finishes. He gives Dean a bottle of water and walks to the door, facing away from him. "I'm not leaving you Dean. Now that I know..." Sam leaves the statement hanging in the air.

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