Chapter 24

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Castiel crosses the room, placing the hot water and cloth next to the bed. He sets the clean sheets on the desk nearby. Turning, he rummages through Dean's dresser, pulling out a t-shirt, a pair of boxers, and really soft sweatpants. Moving back to the bed, Cas pulls the soiled blanket back, his breath catching again at the perfect sight of Dean naked on the bed. Cas has to shake the thoughts from his head, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. He tosses the blanket across the room.

Nearing the bowl of hot water, he takes the rag out, squeezing the excess water into the container and places the cloth against Dean's skin. The angel is gentle as he cleans the strange substance off of the man in front of him. "I promise I will always care for you, no matter what," Castiel whispers to Dean, "You are, and will be, the most important person to me, forever," his voice breaks into a sob, as he leans over Dean's chest, two hot tears fall onto the man's skin. 

Dean's steady breathing hitches, becoming shallow, at the feeling of Castiel's tears falling on to his body, his sob like a knife in his soul. Tears fall from his closed eyes as he reaches out to him in the darkness desperately wanting to console his love. The frustration continues to grow inside of him, but he allows Cas' words to flow over him, adding to the warmth growing in his chest.

"I'm so sorry that I did this to us," Castiel's words are barely audible. He continues to wipe Dean clean. Castiel finishes, all the while humming songs that Dean has shared with him over the years. "Okay Dean, time to get these sheets changed and get you dressed," Castiel takes a big breath, reaching for the first cuff. He unlocks it, letting it fall against the bedpost. Cas looks at the wounds where the metal cut into Dean's skin and he shakes his head. Slowly, he moves to the cuffs on his legs, unlocking them in turn. Finally, he gets to the last cuff turning the key and letting it fall away too. Castiel stands over Dean, ready to see what will happen, if anything.

Dean's eyes blink open slowly as the warmth in his chest spreads throughout his entire body. The darkness begins to fade away, leaving only light, only Castiel. He squints at the blurry image of Cas standing at the edge of his bed. He blinks as things begin to come into focus. He smiles weakly as he tries to swallow what feels like sandpaper in his throat causing him to cough and gasp for air. The indescribably vile taste in his mouth causes him to wretch, bowing off the bed slightly as he tries to catch his breath.

"Dean!" Cas gasps, putting his body over Dean's trying to help him with whatever is causing him this current bout of anguish. He can't seem to get the words out he needs to say to tell Dean how happy and relieved he is to see him awake. Tears spill down his face silently, as he tries to keep his face as stoic as possible. Castiel kneels next to the bed, near Dean's head, pulling the bowl of water down in case he needed to throw up. "Here," Cas looks into the man's face, a slight moan of relief escaping him to see those green eyes once more.

Dean sighs as the feeling of nausea passes and he leans back onto the bed. He he steadies his breathing as he closes his eyes. "Cas..." he manages to whisper in a gravelly voice. He opens his eyes and looks into the endless blue of his angel's eyes. He smiles weakly and lifts his arm putting his hand on the side of Cas' face, wiping at the wetness on his cheek.

"Welcome back, Dean," Castiel smiles up at the handsome man in front of him. Reaching behind him, Cas presents the clothes. "For you. I need to get those sheets off the bed," Cas can't stop smiling like an idiot, pure happiness running through his veins.

"Thank you." Dean says weakly. He nods working his way to the edge of the bed. He slips on his shirt and stands up and steadies himself, grabbing on to the edge of the nightstand before pulling on his boxers and sweatpants. He walks slowly over to his desk, slumping down in the chair and turns to watch Cas change the sheets on his bed. He smiles, shaking his head at Cas in disbelief, that he survived and that they're together. He is in awe as he takes in the sight of Cas' divine beauty, causing his breath to hitch slightly.

Tossing the sheets over with the blanket, Cas can feel Dean's eyes on him. Hearing the man's breath catch causes Castiel's eyes to wander over to Dean. "Is everything okay?" Cas crosses the room, standing in front of the man, then slowly moves to his knees to be on even ground.

"More than okay." Dean nods, running his hands through Castiel's soft, dark hair as his smile widens, "You're so beautiful, you know that?" He leans forward moving some of his hair aside before kissing him softly. Sighing happily, he leans his forehead against his angel's and closes his eyes contently, enjoying the warmth radiating off of him. "Thank you Cas, for believing in me... in us, even when I didn't." He inhales Cas' scent as a feeling of absolute peaceful happiness washes over him.

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