Chapter 6

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Castiel blocks Dean as the younger brother escapes with the car keys and leaves the two men alone. "It's probably for the better, Dean. You're in no mood to drive, and you've been gone all day. Just take some time to relax," Castiel says, closing the door from the hasty retreat. "Sam will be safe with the car, he just cares, and he's been worrying a lot about you the past few days," Castiel returns to stand in front of Dean. "I'll be here to protect you while you sleep, Dean," he smiles again; the look in his eye is anything but innocent.

Dean curses under his breath, and Sam is gone before he can blink. He looks into Castiel's eyes as his narrow and darkens. Dean licks his lips as he slowly steps towards Castiel. "You see, it's none of your's, or Sam's, business if I go down to the bar and find some random chick to fuck," he pauses with a smirk and continues walking toward Castiel, backing him against the door. "And it's definitely none of your business if I bring her back here and empty myself into her as she screams my name," he breathes, placing his hands on the door next to the angel's shoulders.

Castiel looks at Dean's hands, breathing in the scent of the man's whiskey breath, then looks to Dean, standing up to his full height. Although he is still shorter than Dean, something inside of Castiel demands attention, demands obedience. "Dean, I told you that I would tell you when you can come. I wasn't lying about that." Castiel presses his body against the front of Dean's, forcing the man to either back off or allow the contact to happen. He reaches back and locks the door behind him, keeping the brother inside the room, for now.

"Bite me, Cas," Dean growls, pushing the angel back against the door as he grinds his hips into Castiel's. Dean buries his head into the other man's neck, inhaling his minty scent.

Grinning at how cute and desperate Dean is to find relief, Castiel grips Dean by his neck, effortlessly lifting him from the ground. "Now, I will not have any of this behavior from you." Castiel throws Dean across the room, depositing him onto his bed. Before Dean can blink, Castiel is on top of him, his hand already down Dean's pants and holding tight. Castiel breathes into Dean's face, holding tightly to his control lest he rips the other man apart with his unearthly passion. "Do you want to come that badly, Dean? All you have to do is beg for it," Castiel whispers as he strokes Dean. The angel grows frustrated with Dean's pants and rips them from Dean's body and throws them to the floor. Their faces close together, and Castiel's body pinning Dean under him, Dean doesn't have much choice but to answer.

Dean hisses, as Castiel's hand makes contact with his cock as it continues to harden. Arching his hips up, he moans while pushing against the angel's hard body. "Yes," Dean glares up at Castiel with a mixture of anger, frustration, and lust washing over his face. "P-please," his voice low as he swallows hard, wetting his lips.

"All you've done is give me a hard time, Dean. Tell me why you think I should reward you with some release?" Castiel licks Dean's lips, pushing his tongue inside. Castiel explores the other man's mouth throughout, biting Dean's bottom lip as he pulls away. Castiel shrugs off his trench coat and tosses it to the chair across the room. His hand still on the man's hardened length, he begins to unbutton his shirt, slowly, all the while maintaining intense eye contact. "I do have to say; your begging is music to my ears. I would never have guessed you to cave in so soon," Castiel smiles, finishing the last button, tossing his shirt to the same chair. "Since you've scared Sam away, we shouldn't be interrupted, this time," he smirks, his hand going for his belt. "Now, answer me," Castiel demands, his voice sharp, like the crack of a whip.

Dean's eyes widen as his pupils dilate further as he watches the man, angel, above him, removing his trench coat and shirt. His eyes rake Castiel's body as he smirks back. "Because you want it," he challenges. "Bitch."

"Because I want it? Tell me if I'm mistaken, but didn't you drive off and almost explode all over the seats of the Impala? I, Dean, am in full control. Of everything," Castiel hisses. Gripping Dean's neck in his free hand, he pulls the man into a sitting position. Removing his other hand from Dean's dripping cock, he buries it into his hair, pulling his head back at a harsh angle and straddling Dean. Castiel slowly lowers his face to Dean's, biting at his lower lip and scraping his pants against Dean's exposed member.

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