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"Jimin you again made the wrong move", my choreographer said in a disappointing tone.

It is the tenth time I'm repeating the same dance move again and again.

Park Jimin what the fuck is wrong with you man?!

Today somehow I can't concentrate on on my practice. I don't know why??

Each and every time the image of that girl comes in front of my eyes and I make the wrong dance move again and again.

I want to see her again but why?? I mean I have seen the girls who looks much prettier than her, and much sexier than her, so why only her??

I don't know but I was feeling weird when she bumped on me... as if my heart was going to explode on any moment.
But somehow those feelings were familiar to me... Her face is kinda familiar... As if I have seen her somewhere but somehow I cannot remember exactly where!!

Aishhh this is so frustrating!!

Once again I made the same dance move hoping to get succeeded but again I failed.

Jesus I can't!! Not anymore now... I'm hella tired.

I lay down on the floor and I could feel that my choreographer is coming closer to me as I could feel his footstep getting louder and louder. He leaned on my face passing me a towel so that I can clean my sweaty body. I took the towel with a thankful smile and cleaned my face as I sat up on the floor.

Again the face of that girl comes floating in front my eyes. I could remember her voice. Her soft girlish tone. Her large beautiful eyes. Her sexy lips which already makes me want me to taste it.

As I was lost in my deep thoughts my body shook a bit in surprise when my choreographer with his deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Jimin why are so much distracted today? I think today you are only physically present but mentally absent somewhere. Today just take some rest. You are not in the state of learning new moves. But remember that your next concert is next week. So better be mentally as well as physically present." He patted my shoulder and left the room.

I could not say anything to him. This is the first time something like this happened to me. This is the first time he taught me a new move which I could not follow or learn properly. Someway or the other he was right. I think I should rest today.

My body was sweating like hell. I was wearing my jeans and on top my wet thin white t-shirt that was hugging my body tightly. I checked the condition of my body.
Sure enough any girl would be killed with this lovely view ;-)

I heard the knocking sound on the door. I lazily replied, "come in."

With that I heard the sound of turning door knob and screeching sound of the door. I casually looked at the person who just entered the practice room. My heart started to beat in a fast pace as if it is going to explode soon. Again that same weird feeling.

The picture of that same girl whom I just met today, the reason for my distraction,whom I wanted to meet for so long.

And she is there standing beside Maya, with her soft pretty pink lips, brown eyes sure enough that she was staring at something. As I followed her gaze I found her staring at my sweaty abs. I smirked at her amazed expression. She is making me proud of having such six pack body. If this is what I will get from having such manly body I swear to do two hours more workout for her.

Again I am having the same weird feeling. Can anyone just tell me why??

Wow first time I like a girl drooling over my abs.

Beside her Maya was also drooling over my abs but I ignored her and focused on that girl.

I cleared my throat to help both of them to move there staring so that they can continue.

A pink shade formed on that girl's cheeks as she realised that I caught her off-guard. I chuckled a little at her reaction. Aww she really looks so cute while blushing!!


A/N: Wassup guys!!!💕

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Park Jinuska❤️

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