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Next day....

Yena's POV:

Last night I could barely sleep for yesterday's incident.
I turned my body after every five minutes, sometimes hiding my face under the pillow while smiling and blushing like a fool.
Fortunately, I stay alone, or else my housemate would have surely send me to asylum for smiling and blushing and hiding my face without any proper reason.
I don't have the guts to face Jimin but I have to go to the company because I was called for a meeting. The meeting was supposed to be about their next MV shooting.

I expect to hide my face and not face him today, the very next day after that incident.
Little did I know that the meeting is with everyone, that is, including the members of Bangtan.

I opened the door of the meeting room, and found Jimin sitting among his group members with his one elbow resting on his hyung's shoulder and his other hand on the top of the table operating the cellular device.
His black hair bangs was hanging carelessly on his forehead, and his plump lips were slightly parted exposing his crooked teeth.

Overall the view was more than enough to kill a girl mercilessly.

His dark brown orbs which was fixed on his phone screen  suddenly moved to my body frame, slowly and steadily moving up from my feet to my face and finally our eyes met.
I shifted my eyeballs avoiding the staring contest.

"Get in," Taehyung who was standing behind me, asked me politely to get inside the room with a sweet boxy smile.

Soon, I realised that I was blocking his way by standing in front of the door.

I apologised and entered the room without any further hesitation.
Unfortunately three seats were empty. One between Jin and Namjoon, second one for the manager, and the other one just opposite to Jimin, beside Maya.

Obviously I can't sit neither between Jin and Namjoon because that one is Taehyung nor on the empty chair for the manager. So I had to take the seat that was left beside Maya opposite to Jimin.

As soon I got seated Maya started showing me some of the fashionable dresses to note down my opinion which one to buy among them since it was hard for her to decide. It seems like she is really excited for the date with a guy who is the music composer of Bangtan.

And Yes, she is taking my opinion because according to her, I have a good fashion sense. Lol.

We started chitchatting.  Sometimes giggling and sometimes laughing. She is a really sweet girl.
Moreover thanks to Maya for distracting my mind or else God knows may be I would again start to stare at him.

But I could feel Jimin staring at me which was apparently burning my soul. I looked at him for a second to check him and yes I was right. His gaze was on me but he was cautious enough about the surrounding.

As our eyes met, he winked at me but the next moment he looked somewhere else and behaved as if nothing happened.
I was little confused about his sudden changed in his behaviour.
Soon I realised that the manager is here.
Everyone stood up including me and Jimin and bowed down to him.

And finally the meeting started.

Maya took down the note whatever he was saying, whereas I was listening to him like an obedient student listening to her teacher with full concentration ignoring the surrounding, noting down rather trying my best to note down everything on my mind.

Jimin's POV:

Aishhhh, this girl!!
I'm doing my best exploiting every chance to take a look at her, just to share the staring moment with her, but she is constantly going on ignoring my presence.

Afterall I can't deny the fact that I love a lot when we stare at each other. Even if it is for just few seconds. I love the feelings that she triggers within me when she looks at me.
Yesterday I really loved her expression before leaving her alone in the dressing room.

Damn she was looking so adorable!!

I was really hesitating a bit before doing that, with an expectation of her withdrawal. But God knows from where I got the courage of making that bold move by touching her lips. But surprisingly she didn't withdraw, rather she allowed me to continue. So I did. Afterall who wants to miss the golden chance.

Although I regret for not kissing her, but I think that moment is going to come soon.


"Jimin, I guess your mind is somewhere else."
I shifted my gaze from her to the manager at the lightning speed on hearing his voice before anyone could realise where mind is actually resting.
To be honest I just wanna kill you for ruining my thoughts!!

"Umm-ac-actual-" I cursed myself for shuttering at this moment.

"It's fine Jimin, but concentrate from now on." He replied in a warning tone.

I nodded, not even daring to look at her again, not because to save me from further embarassment, but for her cause I really don't want her to get into any kind of troubles for my stupidness.

I tried and did my best to concentrate though it was hard at least on her presence.

Finally the meeting ended and the manager left.
But the rest was sitting here, discussing about the other things like the dress code, hairstyle, etc.

Except me, who will now get busy in flirting with my girl.



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