Chapter 12

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///just a few quick words! Thanks to everyone that is an active reader and reads every chapter! I love you guys<3

Also, I updated previous mentions of the apartments because I changed it up a bit. Sorry about that confusion!

And finally, it would be really great if you guys could comment and favorite more! I don't care if you comment 2829841931 times a chapter, actually I want you to do that! Even silly things that are irrelevant haha!

Thanks guys I love you all and hope you enjoy///

"Wanna tell me why two members of fricken One Direction are in our apartment downstairs?" Morgan half shouts-half whispers. If the boys couldn't hear us, she would be screaming at me.

"Well in all fairness, I tried to tell you about Niall but you didn't believe me," I snap which she scoffs at.

"Why are you mad at the fact anyways?" I question, confused at her behavior. If anything I thought she would be happily surprised, maybe shocked but still ecstatic.

"Because I'm in yoga pants and a ratty old sweatshirt! I don't even have makeup on god dammit!" She says and I giggle a bit.

"Oh my god that's what this is about? You don't want to look bad in front of them?" I ask but her expression doesn't change.

"Morgan, you are hot. You don't need mascara to prove it. And besides, I doubt these guys will care as long as we feed them," I assure her. "Now, let's go back downstairs and await our guests, shall we?"

"Fine," she sighs and makes her way down the steps as I follow.

"Hey...Allyson, right?" Harry calls as I walk down.

"Yeah?" I answer back.

"By any chance do you have FIFA?" He asks and I look over at Morgan who beams instantly.

"Uh yeah duh of course we have FIFA. What kind of twenty year old girls do you think we are?" Morgan jokes and jogs over to the TV to set up the game.

Harry laughs and Morgan smiles at him, her face blushing. And she thought they wouldn't like her because of her appearance.

She glances over at me and I send her a wink, which makes her giggle even more.

"Who's hungry?" I shout to the living room from the kitchen which is only around fifteen feet away.

Niall shoots his hand up instantly as Harry and Morgan say that they are also.

I pick up my cellphone out of my wallet and dial Papa Ginos to deliver a few pizzas. Along with some wings, fries, soda, and salad to make me feel that we aren't going to be eating complete junk.

It isn't supposed to arrive for another twenty minutes, so I pull out some nachos to munch on until then and set it on the coffee table. Hopefully they like nachos, I mean, who doesn't?

I sit myself next to Niall on the couch who has a controller in his hand like the other two. I grab my own and quickly join the game, playing for USA with Morgan against Harry and Niall representing England.

"Surprised you didn't choose Ireland," I joke, still intensely focused on the game.

"It wasn't my choice," Niall shoots a glare at Harry who only laughs.

"Ireland doesn't stand anywhere near England," Harry says.

"Yeah, doesn't stand anywhere near cause they're too good for em," Niall says and laughs at his own joke.

Harry's smile drops and he grabs a few chips while still managing to play.

I'm not a master at FIFA like Morgan is who occupies her Saturday mornings playing, so I am trying to get used to the buttons and figure out which is used for each play.

My little player looks ridiculous kicking and running randomly. I sigh in frustration at my lack of ability to understand video games easily.

After a few minutes, I finally get the hang of playing, and I figure out which button is to kick.

"I'm getting pretty good at this if I do say so myself," I brag and smirk out of pride.

While I make my player run to get the ball from Niall's, I press buttons randomly because I still have no clue what to do. Then all of a sudden, my player slides on the field and trips Niall's as I steal the ball and score.

My face drops in shock, but quickly changes to laughter. Morgan stands up and cheers, rubbing it all in Harry's face.

"SUCK THAT!" She shouts and I glance over at Niall who is staring at me intensively. I shift in my seat uncomfortably.

"Did you slide tackle my player, Allyson?" Niall questions, his voice a low pitch that scares me a bit.

"N-no. I mean, maybe?" I squeak as he leans over me.

"That's not a very legal play," Niall says and I gulp.

"Do you know what I do to players who don't play fair?" He growls and I shake my head no.

"I..." He begins and pounces onto me, as I scream.

"TICKLE THEM!" He shouts and begins just as he said he would.

I laugh uncontrollably, and he seems to know my weak spots already as if this is a regular activity for us.

"Niall-I-I can't-breathe," I manage to choke out in between fits which makes him laugh too. His laughter glows off of him and I notice the same twinkle in his eyes from the bar, and in the pictures of him on stage.

"What was that?" He asks, still chuckling.

"I can't-breathe!" I gasp and he just tickles me more.

"Let's remember that there are two other people in here," Harry says and I manage to calm my laughter as Niall stops tickling me immediately. My face reddens, and I realize that that was the first time I had intentional physical contact with Niall, and not just banging into each other or brushing fingers.

The doorbell rings and I jump from the couch to get the pizza, trying to fix my hair from being attacked.

As I stand up, Niall kicks me in the butt while I walk by, so I scowl at him, continuing to walk to the door.

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