Chapter 1

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Yo people, I wrote another fanfic before this (but I'm thinking about deleting it instead of finishing it).

I am no professional writer, I just kinda like it. I hope you enjoy the story, and please comment and favorite, I want to hear your opinions!

I'm not sure if I'm going to do both P.O.V's yet (point of view) but don't be surprised if one chapter is Niall instead of the main girl.

It might start off slow at first, so please hang in there!

Thank You!x


"This is a really stupid idea," I mumble. Morgan nudges me and I pout, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh shut up you're going to have the best night of your life. I don't even remember the last time we went out. We are getting old and boring," she says and I laugh.

"Morgan we are two twenty year olds who can barely even afford our apartment bills. We aren't old, but maybe a bit boring," I admit and she laughs.

"Yo Ralph, it's right down here to the left," she speaks up getting up from her seat to point to the bar across the street to our taxi driver.

He pulls up in front of it, and we get out. I pay for the ride, because Morgan will spend a lot more on drinks than I will.

She hooks her arm with mine and we stare at the sign that read Lucky O'Connor's. It's a popular Irish bar filled with the same people most nights. Morgan and I used to come here all the time when we first moved to Boston together. We have been friends since as long as I can remember, and this has been our dream. Well, our vision was to be rich, famous, and partying every night; but that part got cut out.

I sigh, "Can I go home?"

She yanks me forward towards the door, and I take that as a no. The loud noise of chatter and the music in the background ring through my ears. I glance at Morgan to my right who is beaming.

"You better get so drunk Allyson, cause I am!" she cheers to herself, and walks to the bar like a super model. Her confidence is a lot higher than mine, and it just glows off of her in almost every little thing she did.

In a matter of seconds she is talking it up with a group of guys and drinking a beer. I laughed, typical Morgan.

I look around for an empty seat at the bar, where I plan to spend the whole night by myself. Maybe I'll even decide to make some small talk to the bartender if I'm feeling my own burst of bravery.

It's not that I have no confidence to talk to people, it's just that I have no confidence that they will even like me. I mean, there's not much to me anyways. Why settle for me when you can have tan, auburn haired Morgan?

And anyways, I don't believe much in happiness anymore. Why have fun when it's just going to be taken away from you so soon?

I walk over to an empty stool and sit down, waiting to be served.

"What can I get ya, miss?" someone asks me, and the familiar voice I recognize instantly catches my attention. I look up to meet the speaker.

"Colin?" I sputter.

The white haired, fifty year old, stubbly chinned man that I used to talk to every night chuckled. "Allyson! Long time no see! What have ya been up to? Been missin' you and your friend Morgan's craziness over here! Not the same without ya every Friday night!"

I blush, remembering the times we would come here and get completely wasted, not caring about anything. When life didn't totally suck.

"Usual starter?" he asks me, and I nod.

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