Chapter 28

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"What are you doing here?" I gasp, because no where in my mind was I expecting to open the door to see this boy.

"I-I wanted to make sure you were okay," in his hands he holds a bouqet of red roses. 

"I'm fine," I tell him. For a few seconds there's some silence.

"Well, I thought you might like these. They would look nice in your kitchen," he gives a small smile and my heart can't help but warm from his sweet gesture.

"You can uh-come inside I guess then," I offer, and this time his smile meets his eyes, with the same sparkle I get to see only every so often.

I step away from the doorway so he can enter, and I re-close the door.

"Hey Kevin," Morgan shouts and I stop dead in my tracks.

"Kevin?" Niall says with a confused look on his face as he turns towards me.

"Niall?" Morgan says, just as confused as she turns her attention from ESPN to also look at me.

Now, all eyes are on me. Lovely.

And to make the situation ten times better, a knock sounds from the door again. I wince at the noise, foreshadowing what is about to happen.

I close my eyes as I open the door, and I am only about fifty percent positive that the next guest is indeed Kevin, because this night seems to be just full of surprises.

"Hey Allyson," a husky voice says, and I open my eyes to see Kevin standing before me.

And in his hands are a bouquet of  orange tulips.

"I didn't know which flowers to get you because I've never been here before, but I remember you said something about liking the color orange last night," he says, with his bright white teeth gleaming.

"Thanks," I mumble as he walks into the apartment, and I close the door for the second time tonight.

"Oh is this a double date with your roommate?" Kevin asks, looking at Niall and his flowers.

"You're here for a date?" Niall asks as he looks at me.

"Well it wasn't specified what it was," Kevin's cheeks blush.

"I thought you weren't dating anyone Allyson?" Niall's voice cracks as he asks this.

"I'm not," I tell him, and Kevin's eyes focus on me too. "Well I mean, I don't know what this is," I gesture between Kevin and I.

"Well this just got major awkward," Morgan speaks up from her position on the couch and I want to slap her.

"So is this what you do? Invite multiple guys to your apartment to create situations like this?" Kevin says, his tone raising.

"No! No no, I didn't invite Niall, I didn't know he was coming over," I tell him honestly.

"So there's another guy in the picture? And you weren't going to tell me if he didn't show up?" Kevin snaps back and I am starting to get annoyed.

"There is nothing between Niall and I," I answer.

Niall's arms fall to his side and a rose falls out of the bouquet onto the hardwood floor. The sparkle I saw just minutes ago are lost, and his deep blue eyes look at me with pure misery.

"I should get going," Niall says and I don't reply as he opens the door and leaves.

If there was any chance of even becoming friends with him, it is all lost now.

I wipe my eyes with my hands, trying to focus on what just happened right before me. Because I still can't grasp it.

Kevin stands awkwardly in front of the door, and before I can change my mind, I open the door leading outside and sprint down the steps.

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