Chapter 43

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/// Hey guys! I've been getting a ton more reads lately! But, I don't get that many votes and/or comments ): So, I hate to do this, but I think I'm going to have to do this - I won't update until the previous chapter gets at least 10 votes and 20 comments on different lines/paragraphs. I'm sorry! 

On a better note, please enjoy this chapter I love you all x / //

"Move out of the way! Clear the area! Move move move!" shouting surrounds all around me, but I can't bring myself to open my eyes to locate the source of the voice. 

But I don't need my vision to know that I am laying down on something very uncomfortable, and strapped to it; while at the same time moving fast. Very fast. And it's on a rather bumpy road.

I groan when my head starts to throb again.

More noises begin to come clear as I hear tons of voices around me, shouting, and is that a siren in the background?

The last thing I remember is being at the concert and...


"He's okay Al," a voice reassures me and I pinpoint it as Morgan's.

Did I say his name out loud?

"Yes," she repeats again, breath less. 

Is she running?

Do I keep saying everything I think I'm thinking?

"Everything is going to be okay Al hang in there," she pants. She is running. She has to be.

I can barely hear foosteps and the sounds of wheels running against the ground over the throbbing of my head and the sharp ringing in my ears. 

"Ma'am please don't speak to the girl, she is in no condition to be using her brain unnecessarily in a state like this," the voice who was shouting says in a calmer voice than before.

"What do-do you mean? State like this?" Out of breath of running, or I can also hint a bit of worry in her voice.

I want to tell her I'm okay, that I know this will get better, it's just a headache. But I can't bring myself to do so. My mind won't connect with my body. Is this what it feels like to be paralyzed?

Am I paralyzed?

"Ma'am please no more questions," I can only imagine the look on Morgan's face at being denied. It's rare someone ever rejects her, especially a male.

But she doesn't argue him.

"Over this way!" a voice calls out from maybe thirty yards away. Then again, my hearing isn't very accurate so they could be right next to me for all I know.

A few moments later the object I am laying on shifts around and I am rolled upwards onto a different surface. Where in the hell...

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to exit the ambulance," the man who rejected Morgan earlier says, and I assume this statement is for her too.

"Excuse me? She's my best friend-she's like my sister," she states, a firm tone in her words.

"Well she isn't your biological sister so I'm going to have to ask you again to exit the vehicle," 

"I'm all she has," the man sighs and I hear some more noise.

"We are ready G," the man shouts and the ambulance begins the sirens again and I can feel the vehicle speed off.

"Check the oxygen level," a different voice calls out, this time a woman.

I feel hands touching my arms and then something is placed on my face. 

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