Chapter 26

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The grass tickles my legs as I am sprawled across the field. My fingers play with a dandelion sprouted by my hips, and I pick it out of the ground, sniffing the sweet smell that wafts through my nose. I sit myself up, looking out at the calm of the meadow. It is outlined with forestry, and a single willow tree is about fifty yards away from where I sit.

I close my eyes, taking in the tranquility, when they snap open as the soft sound of an acoustic guitar plays. The melody is so beautiful, and chills run down my back. It's like every little cell in my body starts to dance to the music that feels so perfectly made, just for me.

Was it?

I pivot my head around, trying to locate the source of it. I need to find whoever is playing. I need to. There is nothing else I need more than that right now. Because who ever is playing, is important.

I can feel it.

Just like the way I feel the music inside me right now.

I stand up, slowly stepping towards where my feet take me towards the willow tree. And with every step, the strumming becomes more clear and slightly louder.

Then, once I am closer, I spot the tan neck of the guitar peeking from the other side of the tree, beneath the leaves that dangle from above. I stop in my tracks, just enjoying the sweet harmonizing.

But my curiousity over comes me as I pad across the tall grass that hugs my ankles.

A seering pain shoots across my head and my vision is black. I open my eyes, and I still see only blackness.

I moan in agony.

"Quite a fall you took," a voice says and I connect it as Morgan's.

But Morgan doesn't know how to play the guitar...

I lift my head up, rubbing my eyes. The scene of my ever-so-loved living room depresses me, because I wanted it so badly to be real.

The meadow, the tranquility, the soft grass, the bunnies by the tree, the music, the guitar player.

The guitar player.

I never got to see who it was.

Who would my subconscience pick to play that song that was meant for me? I assume it was, at least, because nothing has felt so right before.

I guess it was just a dream after all.

I re wrap the plaid scarlet blanket around me, that I don't even remember using the previous night. But yet again, the memories are still faded.

I lean against the couch that I just fell off of, and Morgan just stares at me, so I stare back.

"Where'd you go last night?" she questions.

"So we are talking again?" I ask, confused. One thing I do remember is being on not the best terms with her.

"Allyson, let's be real. We haven't gone a full day without talking before since the day we met. So what makes you think you can get rid of me that easily?" she says and I smile.

She smiles back, and grabs her coffee, and another, and jogs over. She plops herself onto the floor across from me, after handing me a mug.

I sip the sugary taste of my favorite pumpkin creamer.

"So where'd you go?" she asks.

"I just went to Colin's, it was no big deal."

"Yeah, no big deal my ass. What did you do? Did you meet anyone?"

"No," I lie.

"Then how'd you get home?" she questions, but before I can answer she does for me. "I know you didn't drive yourself home last night. Your car isn't parked out front."

I don't know how to reply just yet, so I keep silent.

"I knew it!" she shouts.

"Knew what?"

"That you met a boy!"

"How do you know? Maybe I met a girl," I say, but she only rolls her eyes.

"So what's his name?"

"Kevin..." I mumble.

"Kevin's a hot guy name. Was he hot? I bet he was."

"Why would you think that..." I trail.

Morgan always has the strangest theories. Especially when it comes to boys. Especially. Any other time, it's her wacked up scientific theories. Like how the world is going to end, aliens, diseases, you name it. And don't get her started on sports theories or you might as well plan your own funeral.

"Remember Kevin from BC? He felt soo-"

"Morgan!" I shout, cutting her off.

"What?" she laughs, and I laugh too.

"Allyson! What if it's the same Kevin!" she says, with wide eyes.

"It wasn't. I remember that Kevin. Especially his voice, or should I say moans, thanks alot for that," I say and she playfully punches me in the arm.

"Anyways, this one goes to Harvard. Much better school," I brag.

"So what happened?" she pries.


"You little piece of shit, what happened? Why did he drive you home?"

I sigh.

"I had a lot to drink. So he offered to drive me home safely, because he only had a few beers. I don't remember alot of last night to be completely honest thanks to this hangover of hell, but I do remember ordering a lot. And he paid for everything, so I feel kinda bad. Maybe I'll just call him and tell him I'll pay him whatever I owe him."

"So you got his number?" she asks, excitedly.

My cheeks blush as she giggles.

"Seems like you're already whipped for him," she smirks.

"Am not," I defend myself.

"Are too," I roll my eyes and stand up, keeping my blanket wrapped snuggly around my body. It's one of my favorite blankets, and I have a strange feeling that Morgan might have put it on me while I was sleeping. One of those sweet gestures I know she would do for me, and one I would most definitely do for her.

I pad across the hardwood floor and fixate myself some cereal.

"I'm starving," I whine, filling up the bowl with milk. Morgan slides into the stool across from me, as I stand, eating my breakfast.

She whips out her phone and taps away. One of my pet peeves. I hate the sound of the pads of fingers constantly and repititively hitting the glass screen. It makes the goosebumps rise on my arms, also allowing my tiny hairs to stick up on them too.

"So you got over Niall quickly," she speaks up.

"What?" I mumble, cereal spilling out of my mouth.

"You seemed pretty fallen hard for him already. I was just surprised you got over him so fast, that's all," she answers simply. But this conversation isn't over so quickly.

"I never fell for him. We are friends. Just friends," I tell her, and can't decide whether I am happy with that or not.

"Allyson. Let's get some things clear. Get that fact of 'friend-zoning' or whatever we used to call it out of your head. Because here in the real world, people become friends before anything else. That's how you get to know eachother, this isn't online dating. This is the real shit," she states, still not looking up from her phone.

Her statement makes me wonder. Is she refferring to Niall? Or is she referring to Kevin?

Am I referring to Niall or Kevin?

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