Chapter 51

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/// I can't believe I have 9k reads that amazing. Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who reads this! And a special shoutout to all of you wonderful readers that comment and vote! I love reading everything you have to say haha! Sorry, the past few chapters and probably the next few are going to be a little slow, but I have ideas that I don't want to rush into...just yet. But it will get exciting, thrilling, happy, sad, and emotional to say the least. I hope you guys enjoy! (: x ///

"So..Miss Parker. Why do you feel that I should give the job to you? What makes you-how should I phrase this...special?" the man in front of me, Alexander Cummings interrogates me as he folds his fingers together while leaning on the desk separating us. The way he speaks just adds on to my nerves, because he pauses a lot of his syllables, drawing out the questions.

I gulp. I have no clue how to answer that, because I have no idea what makes me special, because I'm not. I am different for sure, thanks to my screwed up life, but being different and special are polar opposites.

I swear all of the vapor in the air has been dried out and my throat is unable to physically answer. I have to cough a few times to make sure I can at least make a noise.

"Well, I strongly believe that I will be able to fulfill any tasks as your assistant that you ask of me, sir," I choke out. His eyes are draining all the happiness of my soul and I feel like a petrified puppy facing a vicious bull dog.

"I asked what makes you special, not what you are capable of," he says, his voice calm compared to my shakiness. I don't think I've ever been this nervous.

All I want is for Niall to be sitting next to me, with his hand on my thigh while whispering in my ear that I will be alright. 

But he's not, so I will just have to face this alone. Like most things.

"I'm creative, in my thinking, planning, and most tasks. I am quick to my feet, rarely ever tired, and open to ideas," I say, exaggerating these skills just a tad.

Mr. Cummings leans back in his chair, now taking his intertwined hands and placing them behind his head as a cushion. He narrows his eyes, and I swear he has some sort of x-ray vision that he is using to scrape through me, inside and out.

"Why do you want to work here at Lumatrix?" he asks. His eye balls are glossy but I don't think I have seen him neither blink nor take his sight off of me. I wish he would, just for a second, because I can barely even breathe with his stare.

"The company excites me with their very..." I try to find the right word because I honestly don't know what the hell this company even produces, "exquisite products."

"Is that so?" I nod in reply, too fast, so in result I try to slow it down but I just make a fool out of myself in doing so.

"I read your application Miss Parker and I notice you did not attend any colleges or universities after graduating high school. Why is that?" his hands are now placed on his thigh, where my eyes are focused. I quickly avert them to the smooth surface of the desk. My guess is cherry wood...or mahogany. I don't know my woods very well. Why the hell am I even thinking about wood types...

"I didn't feel the necessity at the time. I believe I am intelligent enough than to have a piece of paper prove that I am with some fancy lettering on the degree," I answer honestly.

"So no school stood out to you? You were completely uninterested?" 

"Not a single one,"

"Did you apply anywhere?"


"Did you get offered any scholarships that you just simply refused?" 

My eyes widen and I cough to shake it off. He is going to think I am absolutely insane.

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