Chapter 29

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Two hours later, the bottle of whine is finished off, and the counter is filled with empty beer bottles. I stopped counting how much I drank after five beers. I mentally couldn't count, it just didn't happen. Maybe I should go back to highschool and retake algebra. Or maybe I should just go back to elementary school so I can color with the crayons, too. I'd like that. 

"Morgan?" I giggle.

"Yes, Allyson?" she responds in a high pitched voice, as if I am a five year old, when I am clearly twenty.

"We should startsband," I slurr.

"We should start a band?" she repeats as I nod. "Maybe follow up on that thought when you aren't under the influence."

Morgan didn't consume nearly as much alcohol as I did. She's no fun. Definitely a party pooper. Next time I throw a party, she's not getting invited. 

"No, I know what I want!" I whine. If I want to start a band, then I will. I do what I want. And it will be called Allyson and the Aliens. It has a nice ring to it. I am so creative.

"I should probably get going soon," the blonde boy sighs, breaking the conversation.

"Why? I like you," I frown, and he only laughs. "What's funny? Do I have something on my face?" 

"No, you're just cute when you're drunk. Didn't I tell you that at the bar?" he chuckles.

"No, I wasn't drunk at the bar."

"Oh is that true?" he laughs. Is he making fun of me? How rude.

"Yes! Don't you remember? We sat outside of the bar all night, none of us drank."

He gives me a strange look, and laughs awkwardly. Why is he being awkward? That's what happened. I didn't have any drinks that night. We sat outside behind the bar all night and talked about everything. Everything from our favorite colors to childhood memories to places we want to travel too. Why wouldn't he remember? I shake it off and take another sip of my beer and place it back on the counter again.

"That's enough, Al. I'm serious, I don't wanna hear you complaining all day tomorrow, you will already be hungover enough. Don't need to add on to it," she scolds me and takes away my unfinished beer as I pout. I was enjoying that bottle. It tasted better than the rest. Each drink I had, it got better and better. 

He stands up from his seat and puts on his charcoal trench coat, rubbing his hands together and then lacing his fingers, before he speaks.

"I think I'll head out now. Bye Morgan," he says with a smile. "And bye, Allyson. It's been a great time. I had fun."

"Bye Niall!" I wave and he stares at me oddly before walking towards the door. I contemplate walking him to the door, but my mind doesn't connect with my feet. So I guess I won't. Since, I physically can't.

He waves a final time before opening and closing the door on his way out. Once he is long gone, Morgan turns to me with a look that I can't tell shows amusement or frustration. Maybe both?

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you," she shakes her head. Then, she places her head in her palms and sighs.

"You can buy me food. Or give me more beer," I tell her.

"This is why underage people shouldn't drink. Well, immature ones. I obviously can handle a few drinks. You on the other hand..."

"I'm not that drunk," I defend myself. I feel better than words.

"If you're not drunk, than I'm dating Zac Efron and my mom is Adele," she says with a smirk. I don't process what she is saying, so I choose to ignore her. I know Morgan is single as a pringle and her mom isn't Adele. Silly girl.

"So does that mean I can't have a drink?" 

"No," she snaps.

"Please?" I pout, and she sighs while standing up from her seat, grabbing the beer bottles and placing them in the recycling. My eyes follow her hands as she places each bottle carefully so the glass doesn't break. I never knew how entertaining recycling could be.

"So why did you keep calling Kevin, Niall?" she asks with a laugh. Why does everyone keep laughing? I don't understand what's so funny.

"Who's Kevin?"

"The guy who was just here...?" she says, looking concerned.

"That was Niall," Geez. And she think's I'm the one bad with names.


"Are you talking about Kevin from the bar?" I ask, remembering a Kevin that I met recently. He was cute. And blonde.

"Yes, he was here," she tells me.

"Really? When?" 

"Just know," she laughs and I am upset I missed him. He was fun the other night. Was it last night? I don't even remember. Maybe I'm turning into Dory from Finding Nemo when she can't remember a lot either. Maybe my hair will start to turn blue, just like her.

"I thought you were over Niall, too. You literally said less than two hours ago that you were. And then you get him all confused with a different guy. They don't even look alike. Maybe the hair color, but that's really the only similarity. Their personalities are polar opposites," she says, and the moment she mentions him, my mind is filled with thoughts of the boy that has consumed my head for days. Maybe even parts of my heart, too.

"I miss him already," I pout. "I need fresh air."

Morgan continues to tidy up by now filling the dishwasher with our dirty dishes that also occupy space on the island. I stand up from the stool and my eyes blurr for a few seconds before I regain my balance and walk towards the door.

But before I walk out, I grab my car keys off of the vanity by the stairs and then exit.

I trip on my way down the steps outside, but luckily I grab the railing just in time to catch my fall. I giggle at myself and then continue down the path towards my car.

Once I get in the drivers seat, I roll down my windows and turn on some music, but only play it softly because I don't really feel like singing. I just want some background noise. I don't like feeling lonely. But I usually do. So music kinda helps with that, I guess.

I drive away and try to remember where Niall's hotel was located from my house. I'm almost positive it is only a few blocks away. It was somewhere very fancy. I remember the valet parking outside, with works dressed in uniforms of black tuxedos. Maybe I could meet one of them. They seemed attractive from my view.

A few cars that are on the road beep at me, giving me strange looks, but I don't know why. I know I'm a great driver. I've always been. 

"You can see them here in Boston later this week as they end their tour! Listen for the key word after this song to win tickets!" a voice on the radio says and I move my attention to turn it up. I like winning stuff. Especially concert tickets. Timmy always loved concerts.

I hum along to the song that I recognize, and I think it's called something like 'Memories of Midnight'. I don't know who it's by, but I don't mind the song so I wouldn't mind seeing them in concert. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel and turn the street that I realize is the same one that the hotel Niall is staying at with Harry is located.

I notice streetlights ahead, but don't process the red light until it's too late. I drive right through the light, just as a car speeds past, coming from the street adjacent to the one I am on. I turn to look at the car that almost hit mine, as I continue to drive through the red light.

The sound of a car horn rings my ears as I turn to my left, and the last thing I see is the bright lights of a truck before I black out with a seering pain. 

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