Chapter 57

663 37 23

Songs of Inspiration:

This - Ed Sheeran

Drunk - Ed Sheeran

Not About Angels - Birdy

Best Shot - Birdy and Jaymes Young

Niall's POV

"She used to like Big Time Rush?" I snort, and squeeze my nose in case beer would spill out. Sometimes this happened at the worst times, and I refuse this to be one of those.

"Yep, especially that guy with all that hair," Jordan cringes and this only makes me laugh harder.

"They're good guys, I just find it funny. My band opened for them for a little while," I say, after my laughing fit slowly drifted to a close.

"Seriously? But you guys are huge and they're some band off of a television show. They're not even a real band!" he exclaims, not believing my words.

I nod. It was rather funny when we did open for the lads, because a lot of people showed up to the concerts for just us, not them. I didn't really understand at the time, but looking at our fan base now, I can see the difference between ours and theirs. It's insane really, how big my boys and I are. It's easy to forget, until the flashing lights of cameras and screaming fans come out. And I never get used to it, and I don't think I ever will. It's exciting, and rather overwhelming each and every time.

"So how long have you known Allyson?" I ask, and I take a sip of my water and place it back on the counter top of the bar.

"Oh God I have no clue. It seems like it's been forever. I was best friends with her brother since basically birth, and she was just like my little sister I never had. I'm an only child, so the two of them were like my own siblings," he answers.

"Was best friends?" I ask, confused as to what happened between the two that changed the tense of the verb. I don't mean to be nosy, but I'm just curious. I hope this guy didn't pull some douche move to quit things with her brother, and Allyson herself. I like Jordan, so far. He seems really cool.

"Yeah, was," he only repeats his words.

"Did the two of you just part separate ways or...?" I pry. The curiosity is killing me and I just want to make sure I can trust this guy around my girl.

"No, well, I mean I guess you could say that in some sort of way. It wasn't by choice, and I don't think it's my place to tell you. Allyson will when she feels comfortable enough," his voice is clear that he wants to change the subject.

I don't really understand though. And I don't know if I want to bring something this random up to Allyson, especially since she never talks about her family to me. All I know is that she grew up with both of her parents in Boston, and that she has an older brother named Timmy. 

I hope she feels like she can trust me with whatever this big secret is, and the more I think about it, I think I will just ask her. That's what couples do right? Talk things out?

"And how did you meet Al?" Jordan takes the turn as questioneer.

"At a bar," I state simply.

"So you're in bars a lot I guess?" he laughs and it hits me the irony of the situation.

"Well, yes, and no. I guess it's just a coincidence that we are in one now. I didn't intend on going to a bar earlier until I saw the sign and I was cold and confused," I admit honestly.

"So you just met her at a bar? That's it?"

I nod.

"Oh c'mon there's more to a story then meeting at a bar and falling in love. That's too cliche."

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