Chapter 9

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I don't understand why this keeps  happening to me. I wanted to come with them but they didn't let me. How could they leave me? How could they do this to me?

How could they be so cruel to me?

I let out a sigh as I crossed my arms. I can't be home alone tonight. I'm scared of being alone in a big, quiet and scary house....

No, Sam! Don't scare yourself! You'll do just fine by yourself!

I nodded at this and just grab my phone to distract myself from this home alone thing.

I really don't like being alone in a big house since it gives me a feeling like there's a ghost or something, like I'm being watched. Usually, there will be at least someone to stay here with me but it just so it happens that all of my brothers are leaving.

What a coincidence, right?

They gave me all the things that I needed for defending myself if someone was breaking inside of the house, but they didn't gave me something that will defend myself from ghosts.

What if a vengeful soul that lives in this house kill me or something?

I groaned at this. I don't want to sound like a scaredy cat but let me just be honest here...

I don't have the guts to get out of my bed much less, my room.

Yup I'm a cowardly potato.

I laughed pathetically at myself.

'You're not afraid of someone trespassing the house but you're frightened of ghosts? Wow... So brave...' My subconscious insulted at me.

I growled at that but I didn't say anything back because it's so true.

I just don't want to admit it out loud.



No! no!


This is bad...

Really bad...

My phone battery died and the sun has already set. Darkness has surrounded the skies with the moon and stars to shine and twinkle.

My stomach has been growling for a while now and I just couldn't ignore it anymore. I slowly stood up and walked towards the door like a person in some horror movies.

I gulped and slowly opened it, making it creak loudly, echoing through the dark and empty hallway.

I slowly walked towards the stairs but everytime I take a step, it makes a creaky and frightening sound. I couldn't help but flinch at every sound it makes.

When I finally got to the last step, I immediately opened every light that we have since I can't be walking around with just one light.

Satisfied with what I did, I headed towards the kitchen to get something to eat. Lucas already cooked me some food, all I need to do now was to reheat it.

So I did just that. While I waited for the timer of the microwave to finish, I hummed a random tune that just pops in my mind.

My brothers really are stupid. Leaving me all alone like this. I don't even know where they're going, they just said that it was important.

Was it just sheer coincidence?

Before my thoughts could go further, a loud noise startled me, causing me to yelp.

It sounded like a door harshly closing.

I'm sure that I closed my door before going downstairs.

Maybe it's one of my brothers' door?

Oh, I hope it's not a ghost...

Isaac's Pov

I glared at Kyle who was trying not to laugh. His whole body was trembling as he heard Sam's frightened shout.

I sighed quietly.

I don't know how I ended up in this situation but Kyle and Noah said that he wanted to prank Sam. We all know that she's afraid of being home alone and this two idiots want to take an advantage of that.

Lucas was giving them a withering glare while Tyler and Jayden seems okay with this prank.

Kyle ordered us to close every light that she opened to just scare her off and I couldn't help but grumble. Still, I do want to see her reaction so I just went with the flow.

This could be served as her punishment for every bad deeds that she has done.

Tyler stomped his feet as loud as he can to make it sound like someone is walking. We heard Sam's panic voice then followed by thuds and grunts like she has tripped and fallen.

Jayden chuckled softly at this while Lucas was trying so hard not to rush at Sam.

Poor Lucas.

Noah laughed lowly, imitating an evil character laugh.

"W-What do you want from me, ghost!? I don't have anything to offer you!!!" We heard Sam shout. I couldn't help but laugh quietly at her frightened state.

Like a small baby lamb calling for help.

"You guys shouldn't be scaring the poor girl." Lucas lightly scolded us. "You guys know that she hates being alone in a big and empty house."

Tyler scoffed. "Come on, Luke. Try and have some fun!"

"Besides she loves horror movies do why can't she handle a real life one like this?" Jayden added causing Lucas to sigh in irritation.

"I want you soul~" Kyle said in a low and husky tone before snickering.

"You have done some bad things to your brothers." Added Noah.

I don't know how Sam fell for that but she did. She was shouting in panic and she was all shouting like 'I apologize!' or 'They are mean to me so I can't help it!'

I rolled my eyes at that.

"YOU WILL PAY!!!" The two shouted then Tyler stomped his feet like the sound of running.

Samantha's Pov


My heart was beating loudly against my chest. My fear was now eating my calm composure and I couldn't help but get a knife and swing it like a madman.

"Stay away from me! Get away!"

Then I heard laughing, the lights opened and my brothers entered the kitchen with a jolly expression written on their faces (except for Lucas since he's a big mama bear on her).

I was dumbfounded by what was happening. They were still laughing at me and it took me a moment to realize what they did.

These idiots made a fool outta me!

So they were the one making all those sounds!

I let go of the knife and my eyes started to fill up with tears and now I'm crying like a big baby.

Everyone panicked at this and their happy expressions turned into fear.
They all started to surround me.

"See? Look at what you guys have done!" I heard Lucas shout in worry.

"D-Did we scare you that much?" Kyle nervously laughed and I only cried louder making him more worried than he already is.

"Did we overdid it?" Jayden asked to his brothers.

"I don't think so..." Tyler mumbled worriedly.

"I don't think so? You people overdid it!" Lucas exclaimed with a huff of disbelief.

I wiped my tears and hit them as hard as I can before grumbling.

They should thank me because I'm not killing them.

"That is for scaring the crap out of me..."

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