Chapter One

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Harry's POV:

It was getting near Christmas, and when you have big bucks you're supposed to spend them on the people you love, right!? So me and the lads decided that it was about time to go shopping. Only problem was it's kind of hard to go out in public without getting mobbed. So we went and talked to managment, and they came up with a solution. Pretend there's a gas leak. That way everybody leaves, and we get the whole entire mall to ourselves.

I gotta admit, it was pretty funny watching everyone run out of the mall screaming, "Gas blow!"

We'd only had a few minutes to go shopping- in which I got a pair of boots for Gemma- before we got a call. "Vas Happenin?!" Zayn said into the phone and put it on speaker.

Paul's voice rang through,"Boys, the blizzards getting bad, and I think that the exits may be blocked."

"What?" Liam asked.

"You heard me. Check to see if you can get out."

Niall ran over to the exit and pulled. Nothing. "Paul's right," Niall said, taking a bite of the sandwhich he was eating, "No way out."

Zayn turned back to the phone, "What are we supposed to do, then?"

A pause. "Umm...just wait I guess. We'll get you out of there as soon as possible...but it might be a while. We can't get any equitment out on the roads or anything, so it could be a couple of...days."

"DAYS!?" Louis suddenly screamed, making me jump.

"Yeah, days. I gotta go call a snow plowing factory. Try to stay warm," with that he hung up.

We heard a noise.

"What was that?" Liam asked, looking around.

"I dunno. A robot?" Niall suggested.

"Shut up," Zayn said.

"Maybe a robber?" Louis added.

"Oh my god I don't want to dieeee," Niall groaned.

"Guys, it's just girls," I said as we watched them make their way around the corner, seeming to be arguing.

"Wait, you guys are trapped too?" Zayn asked and all five of the girls whipped around. They looked a bit younger than us, maybe between the ages of sixteen and seventeen.

"Who are you?" A girl with short, straight blonde hair and big green eyes asked.

"Mack!" A red-head screamed. "Hellloooo, look at them!"

"Oh my god," A tan brunnete said, "I think we already died and went to heaven."

"Are they real?" A girl with long dark blonde hair said.

"I think so. But why aren't they talking?" A girl with long dark curly hair said.

"Perhaps because you havn't allowed us to get a word in," Liam said, sighing. "What are you girls doing here?"

Red-head but her hands on her hips. "I could ask you the same thing, One Direction."

"Ahhh, so they know who we are," Louis said, smiling.

"The whole world knows who you are," she resonded.

"Okay, let's just all calm down," Zayn started, "What are your names?"

The girl with the short hair said, "Mackenzie, you can call me Mac."

Red-Head said, "Shayna."

Tan one said, "Dezi."

Girl with long blonde hair, "Scarlet."

Girl with long dark hair, "Miranda."

"Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn," Zayn said, as if they didn't already know. "Now, would one of you care to explain why you guys are here?"

Scarlet responded, "I dunno. One minute we were trying on clothes and then everyone was gone and we were trapped."

Liam explained our own story, and when we were done the girls just looked scared. I had to admit, they were all quite pretty.

"Well what are we supposed to do, then?" Miranda asked. "Don't you guys have people to get you out of situations like this?"

"They're working on it," I sighed. "But for now....we're on our own."

heyyyy!! i know that was kind of short, sorry about that, i promise that it wont usually be so short!!!(: so this chapter was written by me, next to by her, get the pattern?? Anywayssss comment, vote, all that chazzz love yaa byyeee <3

Trapped In A Mall With One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now