Chapter Nine

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Liam's POV:

Niall was standing on a table, half a burger stuffed in his mouhth and screaming the lyrics along with Shayna and Zayn. "AS LONG AS YOU L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-OOOOVEEE MEEE!"

Dezi was sitting on top of a table while Harry was sitting on the chair, her feet in his lap as they talked. Mackenzie and Louis were off somewhere, probably up to no good, and Niall was screaming while Scarlet watched and laughed. I was sitting at a table alone, watching Zayn and Shayna, Harry and Dezi, and flashbacks of my time with Danielle came to me, envading my mind.

It had been a random breakup. One day, after some work in the studio, she had been waiting there, hands on her hips. I had thought that she had come to surprise me, but when I tried to pull her in to kiss her she pulled away. "No, Liam," she said softy. "I can't."

"What do you mean?"

"I think that we should break up." She said that it was because we never saw each other, she had to focus on dancing, all of this stuff but I couldn't help but think that it was just something that I had done. (AN: Okay, I just wanna say that I ship Danielle and Liam so if anyone else does too imm sorrrry! For the purpose of the story however, we're just gonna pretend that Dani isn't amazingg, okay? Cooolio!) I had begged her to stay, but nothing.

I missed everything about her. Her laugh. Her smile. Her curly, crazy hair, and her deep brown eyes....


A voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see Miranda, her dark hair framing her face. "Are you okay?"

I binked. "Yeah, I'm fine," but my voice was hoarse and I knew that she could tell.

"Are you thinking about her?" she said quietly.

I just nodded. Miranda sat down on the chair next to me. For a second she was silent, but then she said, "You know, the same exact thing happened to me. I was really in love with this guy, like really, realllyyy in love and I thought that we were perfect together and gonna get married someday, and have kids and be... infinidant. And then, just randomly out of the blue, he ended it. I thought that it was becasue I wasn't good enough for him, wasn't pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough." She stopped talking and looked me straight in the eyes. "But you know what? Screw him. He missed out. A couple weeks later he came crying back begging for another chance at us, for us to be something again, and I told him to f** off."

I found myself smiling slightly. "How'd you get over him?"

She laughed. "Well, there were a few different stages. First was kind of depresion. Then I turned into a party animal, and dated at least eight guys a week for three months. Then I went back to normal, but I think that I kind of changed in a way. I'm more reserverd somehow."

I bit my lip. "What was his name?"


I nodded. "HEY! You two! Get over here and sing with usss!" Shayna was screaming into the mic at Miranda and I. "HURRRY!"

Miranda and I shot each other a look and stood up, making our way up to the mic. "Sing something," Shayna said as Zayn picked her up and moved her away from the mic.

Miranda got a look on her face and whispered the song in my ear. I nodded and smirked at her and began, "I remember when we broke up, the first time...."

We continued to belt out the lyrics, screaming them into the mic. "WEEEE. Are never ever ever getting back together!!!!! You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to meee. But weeeeehhh are never ever ever ever getting back together!!!! Like......ever."

It was perfect. It decribled both of our situatinons so perfetly and actually made me feel better about it. The song ended, and Louis and Mackenzie were back from wherever they had gone off to and were clapping for us, as were Harry and Dezi. "ENCORE!" Niall screamed.

"I see you walk by extra fly baby where you going can I rolllll," Miranda started.

"Is it cool if I come with you baby?"I sang.

The song ended and Miranda and I were breathless, but I felt so muchbetter than I had just a few minutes away. It was like Dani was off my mind, off somewhere else, and I think that I was finnaly over her.

I was over Danielle. And maybe ready to move onto someone else....

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