Chapter Fourteen

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Niall's POV~

So we just solve the whole darkness issue, and now there's no heating?! You have got to be kidding me.

"I'm cold!" I whined.

"W-we a-all a-are, N-Niall." Scarlet chettered. Wow she was too cute.

"To the coat shop we go!" Louis declared. We all huddled close together to conserve our body heat as we made our way to this shop called "Manteaux, Manteaux". 

"That's french for 'coat, coat'. " Miranda clarified once she saw all of our confused expressions to the name. (A/N: I didn't really know any coat store names but this one really exists in the mall i went to with my friend yesterday. I know it's french, but whatevs.)

We all ran into the shop in search for coats, gloves, scarves and all other winter stuff. Though we were wearing winter coats when we came here, we needed many more layers in order to keep warm tonight.

"I can't find my size!!" I yelled.

"Woah calm yourself!" Shayna replied.

I started going through every single coat in the entire store but still couldn't find my size. What was this?

"Guys! I still can't find my size!"

"Well, we better try another store then." Liam said. I looked around and saw that everyone else had found something. Except me.

We walked around and it seemed to be getting colder. I stay huddled with Liam and he gave me another jacket of his size. It was big on me and the sleeves were too long. It was annoying to keep rolling up the sleeves. 

 We went through a couple more stores, but still couln't find anything. 

"I don't want to freeze to death!" I cried after we searched the third shop. I had a blanket, a hat, gloves and an oversized jacket around me. It was started to get heavy with all the layers. And I was starting to get annoyed with this mall.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with this for now, Niall." Scarlet said. "But if it makes you feel any better, I'll make everyone some hot chocolate."

"Say yes, Niall! Scarlet makes the best hot chocolate!!" Dezi exclaimed.

Harry laughed and I couldn't help but notice his arm around her shoulders. Hmm...something was going on between those two.

"Okay." I smiled. I could really use a warm drink. And if the girls were right, then I couldn't wait to try Scarlet's hot chocolate.

I stayed close to Scarlet, my arm around her. I noticed that her cheeks were tinted pink. She was too cute!

We all went to the food court. More specifically the café. As everyone sat around the tables, I followed Scarlet into the back. "Do you need any help?" I asked.

She shook her head, causing her blonde hair to fly around her. "It's okay, you can go sit with everyone else."

"And what if I don't want to?"

She thought for a moment. "Then be prepared to be bored out of your mind, watching me make hot chocolate." She turned around and started to look for the cups.

"Oh come on! You're not boring to watch!" I pulled away from the counter, where I was leaning and followed her to help her look for cups.

"You don't know what you're saying. I'm probabbly the most boring person out there. I mean, before you guys, the only people I'd actually talk to were my friends. I'm super shy." though she said all this, her cheeks were getting red. I liked to know that I had that sort of effect on her.

"Then I feel honoured that I'm one of the few people you talk to. I wouldn't know what I'd do if I met someone like you on the street and I couln't hear her beautiful voice because she was too shy to talk to me." We both stopped looking for the cups and stared at each other. I couldn't help but get lost in her big, blue eyes. "Even though being stuck here sucks, I'm actually glad we're trapped here, because I had the opportunity to meet such an amazing person like you." I smiled when I finished. I saw that Scarlet had tears in her eyes. "Oh no! don't cry! I can't handle people who cry!" I could feel my eyes watering a little. "See?"  I laughed nervously.

Scarlet laughed to and then ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. It took me a second to realize what was happening. I hugged her back tightly. When we pulled apart, I whispered in her ear "Now can I have my hot chocolate?"

She laughed and smacked my arm playfully. "fine"


Shayna's POV~

"Told you she makes the best hot cocoa in the history of hot cocoa!" I exclaimed, my hands gripping my steaming drink. I looked over and saw Scarlet blush. She blushed WAY to easily.

"This is really good!" Louis commented.

"Thanks Scarlet!" All the boys chorused at the same time. Woah, talk about creepy.

"What time is it?" Mackenzie asked from beside me.

I checked my phone. "Half past 11." 

'You know what we should do?" Harry started.

"What?" We said in union. Okay this WAS getting creepy. How did we do that?

" Play hide and seek!"

"OMG YES!" Louis jumped up.

"I think someone had too much sugar" I laughed.

He just stuck his tongue out at me.

"Let's go!" and we all quicky finished our drinks before jumping up.

"Shot not it!" Zayn yelled and put his thumb on his forehead.

we all copied but Dezi was last. "Aw man!" She complained and then pouted.

"Everyone run!" I screamed. We all ran into different directions as Dezi started counting.

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