Chapter Six

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Shayna's POV~

I woke up on something hard. Something was off about the way I was positioned. Still not opening my eyes, I rolled over. Only I fell off. I squealed as I landed on the floor.

“What? Shayna? Are you okay?”

“Uh...” I mumbled as I rubbed my sore neck. I opened my eyes and the first thing that came to mind was ‘where the hell am I?’ This wasn’t my room, nor my house. I looked around. It looked like I was in the electronics section of a store. And I fell asleep-and off- on the beige sofa.

“Shayna?” the person asked again. I turned and saw that on the other couch was Zayn Malik. The Zayn Malik. Okay, this was even weirder then waking up in a store.

“Yeah I’m fine. Can I ask: what are you doing here?”

Zayn looked a little confused then laughed.

“It’s not funny! Seriously! Why am I inside a store?”

“You don’t remember?”

I shook my head. “Sometimes in the morning I forget things that happened yesterday. As long as you tell me what’s going on, I’ll be okay.”

“Well,” he bit his lip, nervously. “Me, you, your friends and the rest of the boys, we got trapped inside this mall.”

And then I remembered the events of yesterday. The panic, when we met the boys, the food fight, and Zayn and I finding somewhere to sleep.

“Do you remember now?”

“Oh, yeah, it all came back. Sorry about that. Usually it’s not this bad. I just forget what I ate for dinner or something.” I yawned and stretched my arms. I felt my hair, and sure enough, it was sticky and disgusting. “Eww. I probably look like shit right now.”

Zayn got up from his couch and walked over to me. “No you don’t. If anything, I look terrible. I couldn’t wash out anything from my quiff. It looks ten times worse.”

 I laughed. “There has to be a shower here somewhere, for like the employees or something.”

 He nodded. “Why don’t we look around?”

 “You kidding me? I don’t want to look like this if we run into the others. I’m brushing my hair and stealing some clothes first!”

 “Whatever you say, Shayna, whatever you say.”

Louis’ POV~

Hmmm… what is the best way to wake up someone? Oh yeah! Jump on ‘em!

I stood up on Mackenzie’s bed, as she slept like a baby. A really cute one! She looked like an angel with her short blonde hair and the peaceful, happy way she slept like she there was nothing to worry about.

Wait, what was I doing again?

I started jumping on her bed, and she stirred, not really awake yet. It was time to yell.

“WAKE UP MACKIE!!!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!”I yelled in her ear.

She screamed and jolted up out of bed, causing me to lose my balance and fall off. “Ouch. How rude!” I playfully glared at her. “No ‘good morning sexy beast’?”

She rolled her eyes. “For scaring the shiz out of me, no.”

“Why not?” I pouted and used my puppy dog eyes I knew no one could resist.

Well apparently Mackenzie is no one, cuz she didn’t even waver. “c’mon! I’m starving! And in desperate need of a shower.”

“Yeah, you look like shit.”

“Geez thanks for considering my feelings.”

“You’re welcome!” I grinned, ignoring her sarcasm.

“It’s called sarcasm!” she called, as I walked away.

I turned around so I could face her. “It is? I had no idea!”after faking confused, I smirked at her. She rolled her eyes again. “You know if you keep rolling your eyes, I’m afraid that they’re gonna roll right out of your head!”

“At least I won’t be able to see you then.”

“Hurtful!” I put a hand to my heart.

She laughed and walked right pass me, patting my shoulder. “You’re funny.”

“Thank you. I do try my best.”

After getting all ready and stuff, we headed over to the cafeteria to wait for the others. Since no one was there yet, we sat at a table, facing each other.

“so…” Mackie started awkwardly.

“how old are you?”


“How. Old. Are. You?” I repeated slower as if talking to a toddler.

She rolled her eyes. “Fifteen.”

“Favorite colour?”

“What is this? Twenty questions?”

“No, it’s me, trying to waste time. Now answer the question!”

“um… red.”

“good answer.”

“can I ask you a question now?”

“no. favourite animal?”

“Louis.” She said smirking.

“Really? Me too! High five!” she tried to slap my hand, but I quickly put it down.

“hahaha! You missed! Ok um….. When was the last time you cried?”

She pouted a little. “What kind of question is that?”

 “Answer the question!”

“Um…I don’t know…probably when I saw my ex cheating on me with another girl.”

This hurt me.Why would anyone break such a lovely girl’s heart? “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. I’m over it. He was a douche anyway.”

We went back to me asking her questions and she tried to give her best answer. About half an hour later, the others finally joined us.

“’bout time you joined us. We were afraid there was a zombie apocalypse and we were the only ones alive.”

“Oh Lord. That would be torture! Being stuck with him all the time!” Mackie joked.

“See what I had to deal with all night? She’s mean! Harry, I cant believe you left me alone with this monster. She was probably sent by the zombies to come and eat me!” I hid behind my best friend while Mackie stuck her tongue out at me.

“Can we eat already? I’m not getting any younger here!” Niall complained, his stomach grumbling loudly

“Might want to tame that.” Scarlet laughed.


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