Chapter Fifteen

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Dezi's POV:

"98...99....100! Here I come, ready or not!" I taunted, opening my eyes to the dim lit mall. There was nobody in sight.

I took a step forward, thinking. I knew for a fact that Niall would be in the Cafe, but maybe I should wait a bit until I went to get him. Mackenzie would probably be in her favorite store, Forever 21, and since Liam had been talking aobut wanting coffee I could bet that he would be at the Starbucks.

Starbucks was the closest, so I started to make my way over there, careful to keep my footsteps light and not to make a sound. I arrived at the Starbucks and looked around. All the tables were emptey, and so were the curtains, so...the counter!

I ran over there, jumped over it, and saw Liam's light brown eyes looking up at me. "Crap!" He said, standing up. He was carrying a cup of coffee. "How'd you find me?"

"You might not want to hide at the most popular coffee place ever, right after talking about wanting coffee."

"Oh...I didn't think about that." 

I laughed and started to leave, knowing well that I had a bunch more people to find. "Do you know where anyone is?"

"Miranda's at the store next door. But you didn't get that from me," he said, winking. I rolled my eyes and went into the store, which was an electronics store. We found her playing with a Mac Pro, not even remotley trying to hide. She looked up surprised when she saw us and slapped Liam's arm.

"Traitor!" She screamed.

He just threw his hands up in surrender and laughed. "Well since everyone's being a Ben Aldic Arnold, Niall and Scarlet are in the Cafe."

One by one, we found people. Zayn in Bath and Body Works. Louis in a Cake Shop. Mackenzie in Forver 21. Shayna in Hollister. And so on, until we had everyone but a certain curly haired boy.

Where could he be?

Harry's POV:

I was in the air vents.

I know, I know, a really, really, really weird place to hide, but I thought that I'd be good. Or maybe I'd just been watching too much Disney Channel.

I crawled through the vent, a flashlight in hand. I honestly had no idea where I was going. Like, at all.

When the vent squeaked.

Oh, God no. No. No, no, no, no, no it can't break. You don't weigh that much, do you, Hazza? No. No way. Still, I began to crawl faster, starting to get a little scared, which was my mistake.


And then I was falling.

I screamed my head off, and then fell on something soft. I groaned, and heard a soft moan from under me.

"I found him!" Someone screamed, probably Louis.

Someone grabbed me and hauled me up, and I saw that I had landed on Dezi. "Holy crap Harry, how did you-?" Niall asked looking up and down like that might help him figure it out as Liam helped Dezi up.

She smacked me. "You idiot! You almost killed me! You weigh like....ten billion pounds!"

I laughed. "No, I dont." I looked around at all the faces, "And I won! So whooo hooo!" I did a little jig, but Dezi pushed me, clearly still mad. In responce I grabbed her and swung her over my shoulder, chuckling as she pounded on my back like a child.

"Harry! Harry! Harry Edward Styles, put me down right this instant!" She screamed.

I shrugged with the shoulder she wasn't on. "If you insisit," I said, and then I threw her into the giant ball pit.

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