Chapter Twenty Eight

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Louis POV~

I woke up with an empty feeling inside me. Today was the last day. We were finally getting out of here. As much as I wanted to leave, I also wanted to stay. So much has happened these past few days. I met some amazing people and most especially I met Mackenzie. Just her name gave me shivers and a warm feeling inside my stomach. I sat up and a smile grew on my face when I saw the lovely blond sleeping next to me. Her face was all calm and she looked younger. She looked like there wasn’t anything wrong. Like everything was perfect.

I got out of bed and stretched. I was going to do something special for Mackenzie. Today was the day I was going to tell her what she meant to me.

As I walked my way to the cafeteria, all I could think about was Kenzie. What she had gone through. Hunter was a monster and anyone could see she was absolutely terrified of him. Thank God he was downstairs in the darkness, hopefully still sleeping.

I go and warm up a nice breakfast, occasionally cooking a few things. In the end I made her a nice omelet, some pancakes, a croissant, and bacon, with a side of orange juice and a delicious, red apple. I did a pretty good job.

I took the tray and made my way back to where she was. I set the food on a nearby table and started to wake everyone up, except Kenzie. I told them about my plan and they all agreed to leave us alone. The girls even gave giggles.

When they all left, I started putting my plan to action. I thought through my head what I was going to say but the words were all jumbled up. I decided to express what I felt in song. But the question was, what song?

I thought and thought until I finally came up with one. It was kind of old, but it will have to do.

Just then I heard her moan and wake up. Even if her hair was all messy and there were bags under her eyes from tiredness, she still looked beautiful to me.

“Louis? Where’s everyone else?” she asks, looking around at the empty beds around us.

“I actually have something for you.” I told her.

“Really?” her eyes lit up.

I nodded. “But first you have to finish eating the breakfast I made you.” I give her the tray of yummy food.

“Louis, why did you make me breakfast? I’m perfectly fine going to the food court.”

“Don’t talk, just eat.”  

She doesn’t say anything else and I watch as she eats it all up. Not leaving a single crumb. As soon as she finished, I grabbed her hand and led her outside the mattress shop.

“Did you eat already?”

“Yeah, I woke up earlier.” I lead her to the music shop and make her sit in a bench as I pick up the guitar. I go by the microphone and amps and plug everything in. She watched from the bench, a curious shine in her blue eyes. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“This.” I then start to play the guitar and sing “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5. It wasn’t the best song I could’ve chosen, but it’ll have to do.

Beauty queen of only eighteen, she had some trouble with herself…”

I continue but I kept my eyes closed, almost afraid that if I saw her reaction, I’d mess it all up.

“And she will be loved. And she will be loved…”

I feel my confidence boost up with each word and by the last few words, I decide to open my eyes.

“Please don’t try so hard to say goodbye.”

I end the song and all I can do is keep staring at Mackenzie. Her blue eyes watered and I felt myself start to freak out. What if I sucked? What if she hated that song? What if she didn’t like me in that way? That last one nearly crushed me. I decided to ask her.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

She smiled through the tears and laughed. “T-that was beautiful, Louis. I loved it.”

I smile widely. “I really like you, Kenzie. Ever since I first met you.”

“I like you too” she whispered.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

“A million times yes.” She grins.

And the next thing I know, we’re leaning in. I close my eyes when I feel her lips touch mine. It was amazing. It was wonderful. It was the best moment of my life.

Niall’s POV~

Scarlet and I were having another ice cream challenge. Basically, Scarlet would mix stuff into the ice cream like soda and a whole bunch of other shit, and I would have to define what she put in there. Oh yeah, I’m blindfolded.

“C’mon, you can do it Niall! It’s not even that hard!” she cheered and I laughed at the adorable-ness of it.

“Ummm...It’s strawberry ice cream…”


“With some cream soda…”

“Uh huh…”

“And…what is that? Watermelon?”

“Correct!” I took the blindfold off and saw that I was right. I grinned, proud of my skills.

I look up and see Scarlet dancing around. I decide to join her and we dance along to one of my favourites, Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber.

As me and Scarlet set up round two of our game, my phone vibrates.


“Niall, its Paul.”

“Oh hi Paul!”

“We’re coming to get you soon. Actually we’re outside. Can you unlock the doors?”

“Really? Oh my God. I’m on my way!”

I quickly explain the situation to Scarlet and we race downstairs to the door. I couldn’t believe it. We were actually being saved. We were actually getting out of here. Finally.

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