Chapter Twenty Four

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Ya'll peeps should really enter onedirection_awards awards i dedicated this chappie to her i think that im gonna enter her contest...idk. maybe. anyway, if you write 1d fanfics u should! kk byee enjoy chappie!

Mackenzie's POV~
 My eyes burst open and I quickly sat up in bed. That was no dream. That was my past. A past that was soon catching up to my reality.
I looked around at my surroundings and figured that I was still in the mall, in one of the places where we slept. To my right was Louis, sleeping peacefully, and on his right was Harry, and he didn't look so good.
My blood ran cold. What had he done to Harry? This was all my fault. I hadn't realized I was hyperventilating until I heard someone's voice ask. "Kenzie? Are you okay?"
I looked up and saw Louis looking at me, concern in his eyes. I just kept staring into his blue eyes until he exclaimed. "KENZIE!!! YOU'RE AWAKE!"
Startled by his sudden loudness, I let out a small scream. "Sorry" he apologized.
"How long was I out for?"
 He shrugged. "I think, roughly around two days."
Louis chuckled. "I'm kidding. I don't know around a day or something. I was sleeping most of the time."
I let out a breath. "Wait? That means today is day five, which means it's Christmas, which means yesterday was your birthday!" I said all in a single breathe.
"Oh yeah.." Louis mumbled.
"Some birthday this turned out to be, huh?"
Louis shook his head. "no it was a great birthday, even if we didn't really remember." He smiled, showing his white teeth.
I nodded. "Where's everyone else?"
"Louis looked a little uncomfortable. "Scarlet and Miranda went to get more medical supplies and food for us, and Harry's right over here."
"Yeah, okay, but what about everyone else?"
Louis started playing with his thumbs, not looking at me. "HuntertookDeziandShaynawenttolookforherandthenLiamZaynandNiallwenttolookforthem."
Louis took a deep breath and repeated himself, much slower this time. "Hunter took Dezi and that's why harry's so beat up. Shayna and Zayn found beaten-up Harry and  Shayna told Zayn to bring him back here while she went to go look for Dezi. Zayn was starting to get worried so he, Liam and Niall went to go find them and save them."
My eyes widened. Hunter had two of my best friends. And my other two very close friends were probably going to die trying to save them.
I bit my lip, hard enough that I tasted blood in my mouth. "Louis?"
There was no point in hiding it anymore. He had to know the truth. "There's something I got to tell you..."
Dezi's POV~
I sat on the cold basement floor, frozen as I saw Zayn, Niall and Liam in front of me. Words can't even describe how thankful I am to them. Who knows what would've happened if they didn't come to my rescue. I would have been raped, that's for sure!
Hunter stepped away from me and turned to the three guys standing a the door. "Hello there. Is there something I can help you with?"
Niall rolled his eyes. "Let her go"
Zayn's eyes scanned the room, in desperate search of something. "Where's Shayna?"
Shayna? What would Shayna be doing here?
"There's another one?" Hunter's eyes seemed to glow mischievously. I didn't even want to know what was going through his mind just then.
Liam took a step forward and the lads did the same. This made Hunter come close to me and grab my wrist in his cold hands. I yelped as his grip tightened.
"Let her go." Liam repeated Niall's words but he  put a cold, threatening tone to it.
"And what you going to do if I don't? She's just as worthless as that other girl, Mackenzie."
"Mackenzie? what's she gotta do with this?" Niall questioned.
Zayn ignored Niall. "come on, let her go, you sick bastard."
Hunter's nails dug into my wrist, making me scream and my eyes water. This time the boys acted. They grabbed an old pipe on the ground and lunged for Hunter.
Shayna's POV~
 "NO! LET ME GO!" I shouted, trying to get this guy to release my arm. But he was strong, and was dragging me to who knows where.
I could easily tell it was a guy, probably two years older than me. So around 17. He had shaggy dark hair that covered most of his eyes. He was wearing sunglasses, and a black leather jacket with  black jeans and combat boots.
"Where are you taking me?" I demanded.
He didn't answer and continued to drag me. We rounded a corner and entered a dark hall. There was some of the little plastic ball things you find in the ball pit. my guess is that Dezi and Harry ended up here when she chased after him around two days ago. Wow time flied.
The person pushed me up against the wall at the end of the dark hallway. My breath caught in my throat at how close he was.
"My dad wanted me to go looking for more girls for him." He whispered, his breath tickling my lips. I was frozen and couldn't move a muscle. "I didn't think I'd find you here." Did I know him? And who the fuck was his father? "Dad never said I couldn't have any fun before I gave him the girls." He was getting closer now, our lips practically touching.
I tried to move my head further back but found it impossible since i was trapped between him and the wall. "W-who are y-you?" I whispered, and cringed at how frightened I sounded.
He took off his sunglasses and I felt my jaw drop when I saw those crystal blue eyes. Logan. As in Miranda's ex Logan.
I didn't have time to register anything before his lips crashed onto mine.

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