Chapter Twenty One

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Miranda's POV:

I didn't want to have to go to such extremes. 

But two hours later, Scarlet and Niall were off eating, Zayn and Shayna were sleeping on a couch in the corner, Dezi and Harry were probably off somewhere making out, Mackenzie was still asleep and Louis was passed out too, and Liam was just sitting there, looking into space, when one small tear slipped out the corner of his eye.

I could have just talked to him, or touched him lightly, or, gosh, I don't know, said, 'hey, liam, you okay' But I'm just not that normal, you know?

I'm not even sure that he knew that I was there. He was staring at the wall, his eyes glazed over. For a moment I thought that he was asleep, but then he blinked. I found myself staring at his lips, meeting his eyes, and getting lost in them. Dark eyes are easy to get lost into. Colored eyes are so pretty, you have to study them, trying to pick out every single different color in there, but with dark eyes you can just stare at them once and be in a complete other universe.

I dont remember leaning in. I do, however, remember my lips meeting his, and my body feeling like it was electrocuted. Liam fliched greatly, and a weird sound came out of his mouth. I pulled apart for one second, letting him get air, then tackled him.

Liam's shock wore off and he wrapped his arms around my waist and we fell over. I had been so, so tired before but kissing Liam woke me up pretty quickly.

A while later we pulled apart, me laying on top of him. "Miranda?" He asked slowly.

I blushed. "Who did you think it was?"

"Well, for a second I thought that you were-" his eyes began to glaze again.

"Dani," I answered in a whisper.

My voice brought Liam back to reality and he shook his head rougly."Well, yeah. But it was weird. You felt different than Dani. The feeling was...better."

"Better?" I asked, because quite honestly, I just didn't bielve him.

"Yeah," he answered. "So much better."

Dezi's POV:

I so would have been dead if it weren't for Harry.

We were making out. But, I  mean, we're both perverts so wasn't it kind of expected? When suddenly, Harry pushed me behind him and let out a growling sound that I had never heard him make before. "Who the fuck are you?" His voice said, deeper than deep.

The man showed himself. Hunter. My eyes widened but I didn't say anything at he cruel looking man standing in front of me and-What was harry? My friend? My...friend with benifts? My boyfriend?

Not the time, Dezi.

"My name is-"

"We know you're name," Harry said, his voice still threatening. "But who are you? What do you want?"

The man laughed without any humor. "What do I want? Why dont you ask you stupid, dumb, blonde so-called friend, eh?" Confused, I blinked and let out a puffed breath, turning his attetion to me. His eyes began to sparkle slightly, and he took a step forward, causing Harry to stiffen and step even more in front of me than he was before.

"Oh," Hunter said, his eyes fixtated on me. "Why, you're even prettier than she was. Much more curvy. Maybe it's about time I moved onto brunettes."

Well, that wasn't creepy at all. I said, "What are you talking about?" At the same time Harry said, "If you touch her I swear to God I'll kill you."

Hunter raised his eyebrows. "You really don't know? Damn, she doesn't tell you anything. Or you're just stupid."

Harry let out another growling sound, and I couldn't help but notice that he was really hot when he was protective.

And then, before my eyes could even focus on him, Harry was on the ground and I was wrapped in Hunters arms, being squeezed so tight that I could hardly breathe. "Ha-arry!" I chocked out, squirimg and gasping in his cold arms.

Harry stood up, swaying slightly. "Let her go," he demanded.

Hunter stroked my face and I turned my head and bit into his hand. He yanked it away and shot me a death glare, but I just smirked at him. "I like em sassy," he said, and I think I might have puked.

Harry threw himself at Hunter, tackling him enough to get him off of me. "RUN!" Harry screamed, but I didn't want to, I couldn't leave Harry alone. What if he hurt him? Or, even worse, killed him?

It was clear that Harry was losing his fight. He took punch after punch, kick after kick, and every time he got hit it was like it actually physically hurt me too. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I ran into Hunters arms when Harry was on the ground and said, "Leave him alone. Take me."

Hunter grinned at me and said, "Good girl." He kicked Harry once more in the gut, then threw me over his shoulder and sprinted away with me on his back.

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