Chapter Seven

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Louis POV:

Niall wanted to go to McDonalds, so, of course, we ended up there. It was kind of weird, going into the back room and having to fry the fries ourselves and make the patties on our own and all that. I spotted a hat over on the hook, you know, one of those hats that the employees have to wear when their working? I slipped it on and went behind the counter as the others came up and took orders from me.

"What may I get you, ma'am?" I asked Mackenzie.

"I think I'll have...a number four and a chocolate shake, eh?"

"Coming right up, love."

I ended up making most of the food, and I even put it all on a tray and brought it out to the booth where everyone was sitting, which made the girls laugh pretty hard. I could Liam staring at a  blank space on the wall and knew that he was thinking about Dani. They'd love to come to McDonalds whenever they were both in America together.

"Hey, Leee-yum!" I yelled, running over to him and putting his food right in front of his face, snapping him back to reality. "Quit yo daydreaming and eat yo food!"

He just nodded and began to eat.

Once everyone was done and I had cleared the table allllll by myself, we walked out in a group, kind of unsure of what direction to go. Hahah One Direction.

Anyways, somehow we ended up at Toys R Us.

Shayna's POV:

Toys R Us was my favorite store when I was a kid. I used to love running in their with my sister and looking at all the different toys and picking them out. We used to do this thing when we would have cart races. We would sit in those little cars for toddlers and drive around the store, seeing who was the fastest.

Which gave me an idea.

"Yo peeps! We should have cart races!"



"Da fudge?"




I sighed. "It's this thing that my sister and I-" and then I finished explaining. We decided that we would do the same thing, only in groups of two so that one person could push and one person could ride. The groups were Louis and Harry, Dezi and Scarlet, Mackenize and me, Niall and Liam, and Zayn and Miranda.

I got in the cart after Mackenzie told me that she wanted to push. Harry, Scarlet, Niall, and Miranda were also in the cart, where the other people were pushing.

"Ready! Set! GO!" Zayn screamed, and I felt someone push me from behind and I was off, sliding down the tile hallways.

"Aggggh!" I heard Miranda scream as Zayn pushed her a little too hard and sent her swerving and tumbling into a display of stuffed animals. "ZAYN!"

One down. Three to go.

Scarlet was a bit behind, but Niall was gaining on me, and Harry was ahead. I had to get Niall out of the picture. Reaching out, I grabbed a rubber sword and whipped him in his blonde perfect head.

"Hey! No fair!"

"There's no rules in racing!" I screamed back as Niall swerved into the wall. He was okay.

Now it was just Harry. "Ohhh Harold!" I screamed as I came side to side with his cart. His green eyes were steel...determined and ready to win.

But I had been doing this since forever.

I swerved into him, nearly sending him toppling over. "Shay!" He screamed at me and I just smirked at him in responce.

I hit him again, but this time he was ready and swerved into me too. I, however, wasn't ready. I went flying to the left and I heard Harry scream in victory, "YES! CURLY WINS!"

That jerk.

I hit the floor hard, and moaned. "Shayna?" I heard Zayn's voice say to me, near my ear, "Are you okay?"

I sat up and saw that I was except that I had a blood on my knee. It was bleeding pretty bad.

"Damn you harry!" I screamed at him, but I was laughing. He got out of his cart and walked over to us.

"Hey, you're the one that said that there were no rules. But I am sorry."

"Mmmmhhhhm," I mummbled and turned my attention back to Zayn. "I'm fine. Really."

"No, I think that we should get it checked out."

"How? If you havn't noticed, we're in a mall..." Dezi said, shooting Harry a glare.

"I can do it, I guess. Let's go find a bathroom, okay, Shayna?"


Trapped In A Mall With One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now