Chapter Nineteen

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Louis POV:

I stood up slowly, not letting go of Mackenzie, who was litterlay shaking. The figure towered over me, and I'm pretty tall. He sounded like Dark Vader, his breathing was deep and raspy, and I knew that the glimmering metal in his hand was a knife.

"Who are you?" I called out, surprised that my voice sounded strong and confident.

A deep chuckle vibrated in the man's chest, and he took a step closer to us, and I found myself pushing a crying Kenzie behind me. A blinding light clouded my eyesight, and Kenzie's scream filled my ears. I stumbled backwards, hanging onto Kenzie's hands, one hand on her waist so she wouldn't fall over.

When my eyes adjusted, I saw the man standing in front of us. He was holding a flashlight in his raw, dry, large hands that illuminated his face and casts a shadow over him. His features were sharp, as if they cut through anything, and he was paler than snow. His lips were thin and cracked, bloodless. A jet black mop of horribly cut hair rested on his head, making him look even paler.

"My name is Hunter. I hunt."

His voice was so deep, it made Harry sound like a little girl. Kenzie whimpered next to me and I tightened my gip on her.

"Hunt what?" She chocked out.


Harry's POV:

Dezi and I sat at the place we were meant to meet. Her feet were in my lap and I was leaning against the back of a chair, waiting for Liam and the others to come. "How do you think that they managed to get lost?" Dezi asked me, twilring a strand of her long dark hair.

"It's Louis. Who knows?"

Dezi laughed, "Touche." Then she got up and crawled over to me, a smirk dancing on her lips. "You know," she whsipered, "We never really did decide who won." The next thing I knew her lips met mine and I fell backwards in the chair, swaying slightly. Her fingers ran through my hair, and I kissed her harder than before, wanting more.

"Break it up! We have issues!" A voice screamed.

I groaned in protest when Dezi pulled away from me. "What do you want?" I spit at Zayn and Shayna.

"There's someone in the mall!" Shayna yelled, putitng her hands on her hips.

"Well duh," Niall and Scarlet said, walking up to us. "Louis and Kenzie. It was probably just them."

Zayn sighed and looked over at Shayna sharply. "Was it them?" he asked.

"Noooo. It wasn't. I don't think anyway."

Liam and Miranda came over. "Okay, we can't find them anywhere. I honest to God don't know where they could be."

We all sighed and looked at each other, not sure what to do. "What if they got out or something?" Scarlet said. "I mean, maybe they found an open door and just decided to save themselves."

Liam shook his head, "It wouldn't have worked. The snow is too high, even if the doors did open the snow would make is impossible for them to get out."

"Well what are we supposed to do, then?" Dezi asked, fixing her hair. "Just keep walking around the mall like idiots?"

Niall sighed. "What else can we do? We can't just leave Lou."

"And Kenzie!" Shayna added.

"Yeah, her too," Niall said, but I could tell he was thining more about Louis.

I moaned. "Stop worrying and chill out! We're in a mall, and the only other people in her are us and them. Nothing's gonna hurt them!"

Zayn shifted his weight from foot to foot. "Well, Shayna was walking and heard something...but it was probably just one of you guys or maybe Kenzie or Louis just walking around."

Miranda shook her head, "Why didn't you see who it was?!"

"We thought that it was a criminal!"

"Everyone shut up!" Liam screamed. Then he paused, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I asked.

Then I heard it. A scream.

AN: heheh a screaaaaammmmm! okay, so what do you guys think?? sorry about the cliff hanger:) it's my co-writters turn to update nextt, but she usually does it pretty quickly so the next chappie should be out soon! comment and vote!

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