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year later~~

Mackenzie's POV~

"C'mon Shayna! Hurry the hell up!" I yelled.

Deja vu, huh?

The girls, the boy and I were roaming the mall in search for christmas presents.

"Hey, guys, it's been exactly one year since we've been trapped here. Hasn't it?" Scarlet said, her arm wrapped around Niall's.

Yeah, Niall finally got the guts to ask her out a week after Hunter's trial.

"It has!" Miranda exclaimed.

"Today's the day we met the boys!" Shayna squealed, quickly kissing Zayn's cheek.

"So much has happened since that day." Dezi smiled at the memory.

"We were so stupid back then." I informed them.

"How so?" Liam asked.

We had stopped outside a toy store, where kids were running around screaming.

"I mean, how did we manage to get trapped inside a mall? We were only in the changing rooms! We can't be that deaf that we couldn't hear anyone panicking and leaving!"

Louis chuckled from beside me. I playfully slapped him on the arm. "Shh!! You got trapped too!"

"True true" Harry smirked. "Remember when Niall thought the girls were robots or something?"

Niall laughed, causing Scarlet to giggle. Those two were just adorable.

We continue to walk until we pass a certain shop. A shop that sells mattresses.

"Oh my God!" Shayna gasped.

"We slept here every night." Zayn whispered.

"And there's the book store!" Miranda pointed towards the right. She and Liam shared a look. I wonder what that's about.

We started looking around the very familiar area, and soon drifted off in our own directions. I hadn't noticed this until Louis pinned me against a wall somewhere in the back of the hardware store. He usually never does this when one of the others are around.

"Don't I get an anniversary present?" He whispers seductively in my ear, making shivers go up and down my spine. I hated when he had that affect on me.

I stared into his blue, blue eyes and bit my lip. I could feel my heart beat quickening just by him being this close to me.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?"

I rolled my eyes. "every single second."

"I think I should say it more." Our lips crash against each other. His hands are on the wall, on either side of my head, as mine are in his hair, messing it all up.

"HEY NO PDA ALLOWED! You horny teenagers." The shop owner yelled at us.

I don't know how long we were there, just making out, but soon enough we were forced to break apart. We laughed as we made our way out of the shop.

I turn and peck Louis one more time on the lips and whisper "I love you." I lean my head on his shoulder while we continue walking.

"Love you too, Kenzie." He kisses the top of my head.


Liam's POV~

Miranda and I were in the bookstore. The same bookstore I found her that early morning a year ago. We hadn't really told anyone about it; it wasn't really that important.

Trapped In A Mall With One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now