Chapter Eighteen

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Zayn's POV~

Day four. It has been four days since we were trapped in this place. And each one of those days, nothing has been quite ordinary. Like today. 

How on earth did Louis manage to get Mackenzie and himself lost somewhere on the dark side of this mall without any food? Well, that's Louis for you.

Shayna and I took the flashlight that Liam gave us and decided to be smart about this and pack some essentials. For example, a pocket mirror, some extra clothes, a blanket, some hand sanitizer... Oh yeah, and food.  We put all these things in a backpack. 

"Let's go." Shayna said. 

We both started walking towards the dark side. I could tell Shayna was a little scared, but she kept a brave face on. She was just so courageous. I just love that about her. Wait- did I say the "L" word?! Well, technically you didn't say it, you thought it. Oh shut up little voice, it's the same thing! 

While the little inner war was going on in my mind, I snuck a peek at her. Her light brown hair was a little messy from lack of washing and combing, yet they were still straight and beautiful. Her big brown eyes looked around, trying to find the two nutcases that managed to get lost. When she noticed me staring at her, she looked at me with shock.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Her hands searched her face and I let out a laugh when I saw how cute she was.

"What's so funny?" She now asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I managed to get out when I was done laughing. I put my arm around her waist and she shivered slightly. I loved the way I had that sort of effect on her.

We walked more into the darkness and I turned the flashlight on. The light of the flashlight was dim and terrible, but it was all we had.

"Do you think they're okay?" she looked up at me, her eyes filled with worry.

"I hope so. It may not look like it, but Louis is strong. He can handle things like this."

Shayna smiled at what I said. "You really love your mates, don't you?"

 I nodded. "I've always wanted a brother, and now I have four."

"That's soo sweet!" She gushed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Sooo what do you think's going on between Dezi and Harry? They finally kisssed! I so called it!" she yelled, making me laugh again.

"I don't know. But they're really happy. And that's all that counts."

Shayna nodded. "Agreed." she held on to my arm and snuggled close to my side. I guess she was cold.

This was the exact same position we walked out of the cafe with. Obviously everyone thought that something had happened, but we were just cold. At least that's what I think happened.

“Where are they? We’ve been walking for hours!” Shayna whined.

“it’s only been,” I checked my pjone which miraculously had a little life. “Two hours. Maybe we should head back and tell the others that we couldn’t find them.”

 Then suddenly there was a squeaking or creaking-well whatever it was- noise.

 “W-what w-was that?” Shayna’s voice wavered from fear.

The noise came again, louder this time.

“I don’t know.” This time the sound was followed by loud footsteps.

“Zayn, I’m scared.” She whispered and leaned even more onto me.

Normally this would have resulted in another inner war in my mind, but right now, all I wanted to do was protect Shayna from whatever the sound was. It couldn’t have been the others because we all took different routes.

The footsetps were getting louder. I didn’t think and yelled “RUN!”. I grabbed Shayna’s hand and ran the heck out of there.

Mackenzie’s POV~

“How long has it been?” I croaked. My throat was dry from lack of water.

“Around five hours.” Louis replied tiredly.

“You should really get some sleep.”

“No. If I’m not awake, I won’t be there for you if something happens.”

“And what could happen? We’re only inside a mall. ALONE. And the only other people here are our closest friends.  I think I’m pretty safe. Now go to sleep.”

He yawned. “Okay…fine…I’ll sleep…for …a few…min-“ And he was snoring.

Louis’ slow breathing was such a calming sound. I sat next to his sleeping body for a few moments before getting up.  I just wanted to walk around a bit, to clear my mind. I wasn’t going to walk to far from Louis, I wasn’t that crazy.

I was scared. I was lost on the dark side of the abandoned mall. Yet, I was happy that I at least had Louis with me. Okay, more than happy.

That’s when I heard it. A creaking noise. Followed by a faint “run!”. I think that was Zayn, but I wasn’t sure. What could he be running from?

The noise returned and now they came with footsteps. At first, I thought it could be one of the boys, but the boys’ footsteps weren’t this heavy and loud.

It was coming closer. I ran back to Louis and found him still asleep. The sound kept getting louder and louder.

“Louis! Louis! Wake up!” I shook him. By now I was sure the person was super close by. The creaking was even louder this time, as if he was just a mere ten metres away. “Louis! Louis! Please wake up! Please!”  My cheeks were wet. I hadn’t even realized I had been crying.

“Wha?” His groggy voice came.

Without even hesitating, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. “Louis! Im so glad you’re awake! I’m so glad I have you!” My voice cracked near the end.

“Are you crying?”

I nodded. ”T-there’s a noise”

“What noise?”

The creaking came back and the footsteps were closer than ever.  The person seemed to be directly in front of us, but we couldn’t see him in the dark.


Louis held me closer to him, as if protecting me from danger.

“maybe it’s one of the boys?” he asked, though he didn’t even sound sure of himself.

I saw a glint of shiny metal, despite it being dark. And then I heard the person’s heavy breathing.

I held onto Lou as if my life depended on it, which it probably did. “I don’t think that’s one of the boys.”

This chaper was dedicated to the girl above because she makes covers for pretty much every one of my stories and is AMAZING at them! So...yep. Okay, hope u liked ittttt if u did fan, vote, and comment! xx

I'll update again tomorrrrooww

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