Chapter Thirteen

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Mackenzie's POV:

Okay, so you would think that being a mall would give you a HUGE selection of food, right? Well, it actually does, it's just slightly hard to find when it's pitch black everyone but where you shine your tiny little flashlight.

So, the boys came up with an idea. Once Liam went and found Miranda, Louis said, "You know what we should do? Make this like a dance club."

"What do you mean?" Scarlet asked.

"Like, there's got to be some battery powered lanters or something around here, right? We could hang them up around the walls, and places that we spend the most time in and..."

"It would be completley cool," I finished. "Lets do it."

We split into groups and got to work- Boys and Girls. Girls were in charge of hanging stuff, since the boys had absolutley no artisitc ability, and the Boys were in charge of finding and getting the lanters to work. It took us a long time-five hours-to finish, and that was just the easter top floor of the mall. We didn't really care though. That was the best had the food court and bed places.

Niall litteraly dove into his food once we were done, inhaling it like he hadn't eaten in forever. We ate in silence, enjoying the warmth of the food. We so earned it.

"Try calling Paul again, Liam," Harry said in between bites.

"Iight," he responded.

"Ight?" I mocked, "Who says ight?"

"People with swag," Louis answered.

"Swag? Who says swag?" I said, again.

"People who say ight."

That made everyone laugh. Liam called, and put it on speaker.

"Liam?" A rough voice said, who I assumed was Paul.

"Paul? Oh, hey man you actually answered."

"Yeah, I did. Look, I don't know what's going on. It's the freakiest weather ever. This blizzard is insane. People are trapped in their houses. We can't get anyone out there to help you guys, I've called every snow blowing compnay in the state. I called all the girls mothers, and they are all aware of what's going on. I'm not sure how long this is gonna last."

A pause. "Well, did you know that all the lights are out?" Zayn said into the phone.

"What? The lights are out?"

"Yeah. But don't worry, I came up with the brilliant idea to hand up lanters around the top floor, so that's where we are," Louis said proudly.

"You are so full of yourself," I teased him.

"I have a right to be, I mean, have you looked at me?" He said back, forcing me to crack a smile.

"If the lights are out, does the air conditioning still work? The heater?" Paul said.

Oh, damn. "Go check," Paul said. "Now."

"I'll go," Louis offered. I stood up, "I'll go with you." He gave me a smile in return, and we began to make our way to the lowest level, where the heating stuff was kept. Louis seemed to know where we were going, don't ask me how cause I don't know, and we used four flashlights to lead the way.

Louis opened a large metal box thing that seemed to be attactched to the wall and looked at it. "It's not on," Louis said slowly. He pulled a switch, and nothing happened. "The heat isn't working."

"What?" I asked.

"The heat isn't working."

"Well don't say it again!"

"But you-"

"Shut up."

He sighed. "Oh, Kenzie."

"What did you just call me?"

"Kenzie. It's your new nick name."

"I don't like it," I said, even though I did.

"Sure you do, Kenzie."

I just rolled my eyes and stomped back up the stairs, hearing him laugh silently behind me. "It's broken," I said loudly into the phone.

"It is? Are you sure?" Paul responsed.

"Yeah, Paul, it really is," Louis answered. "I know that you can't trust blondes."

"Shut up!" Niall and I both said.

"Well, then you guys better go find jackets. Cuz it's gonna be a cold night."

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