Chapter Sixteen

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Dezi's POV~

I fell into the ball pit in the kid's section. How did we even get here? But who cares about that. I was going to kill Harry Styles. 

"Harry!" When I spotted him, laughing, I glared even harder.

"Aren't you a little old to be playing in the ball pit, Dezi?"

"You're gonna pay for this!" I grabbed about three hard plastic balls and threw them with all the force I could at the curly-haired boy. 

"Ow!" Harry started running away and I was quick to grab more balls and run after him. 

I had a brief deja-vu and I couldn't help but laugh at the last time I was running after Harry. I eventually caught up with him when he took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end.

"Mwahaha I got you now Styles!" I said in a creepy villain voice.

"No! Please! I'm innocent!" Harry played along, crouching onto the ground with his arms over his head. I laughed even harder at Harry and threw the first orange ball at him.

"Ow." He muttered. He stood up, brushing off the imaginary dust on his pants. "I'm very sorry Dezi." 

"Nope. I'm not done having my fun!" I shook my head.

Harry used his big puppy dog eyes and I found myself slowly giving in. But I was also very stubborn. "no. You deserve this!"

"Aw come on! What's fun about throwing painful spheres at me!"

"Everything! Cuz you deserve this!" I say, throwing another ball at him.

He ignored the pain. " I'm sure there's got to be something we can do that's way more fun than this." He raised his eyebrows suggestively. 

I felt my cheeks redden. "Harry! You pervert!" 

He laughed uncontrollably at me. "You're so cute when you blush."

Great. Now my cheeks were even redder. "Forget it." I mumbled before dropping all the remaining balls and turning around to get back to the others, wherever they were. 

But before I could get very far, someone grabbed my wrist. Harry. I spun around to find Harry's lips on mine. Holy Jesus! I was kissing Harry Styles. I was kissing Harry Styles!

When my initial shock subsided, I kissed him back. After about thirty seconds, he pulled away, much to my disappointement. But, you know, I had to breathe! 

We stared into each other's eyes, trying to catch our breaths. "Sorry" He mumbled, embarissed.

"For what?"

"For- for kissing you. Wait, you're not mad are you?"

"Why would I be mad?"

He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. "There. Now, we're even." I smiled and he smirked.

"Oh it's on!" he says before his lips are on mine again.


Mackenzie's POV~

Louis and I, being bored out of our minds, decided to go on a little 'adventure'. Emphasis on 'adventure'. We went inside the camping/outdoor store and wore helmets and other ridiculous things. It was all Louis' idea. Just saying.

"Why do we have to wear these?" I ask himtying up the laces to the green camouflage combat boots that he forced me to wear. I had to admit, these were the kind of boots that I'd actually buy.,

"Because," he started, fastening the helmet onto his head. "we're going on an adventure and safety first!"

 "Um," he now started fastening my halmet for me. "ok then. But what are we going to do on this adventure you speak of?"

"I don't know..explore?"

I sighed. We started off in a direction where there wasn't many lanterns, meaning that there wasn't much light.

"Why do we have to go this way?" I brought my big jacket closer around me.

"Because, it looks like the adventurous way!" he replied, turning on a flashlight.

"Don't you mean the dangerous way? We're going on the dark side."

"Well don't they say 'come to the dark side, we have cookies' or something like that? I want cookies!"

"I meant the dark side as in there's no light there. It's going to be pitch black and all we have is a measly flashlight!"

Louis ignored this and I kept following him more into the darker half of the mall since I didn't know my way back. 

We walked in silence for a while, neither of us saying a word as Louis guided our path using the flashlight.

Eventually the light from the flashlight got dimmer and dimmer.

"Do you think we're lost?" I asked Louis, getting scared.

He chuckled nervously. "I hope not."

"What? Maybe we should just turn around and try to find our way back to the light  side."

"Yeah, good idea."

We spun on our heels and walked a few steps before the flashlight died. The room turned completely black. "Noo!" I screamed. "There's got to be another one! You did pack another one, right?" I started feeling through the backpack I brought.

"Louis laughed nervously again. "Funny story. I-"

"You forgot it didn't you?" I cut him off.

I heard him gulp loudly and mumble a yes.

"Louis!" I cried. "How are we supposed to find our way back?"

He stayed silent for a minute. "Our phones! We can call somebody." 

I pulled out my phone at the same time as he did. We both turned them on. "My battery's dead." I informed him.

"I still have a little life left, but I think it'll die if I make a call."

"This is an emergency! Just call one of the boys and tell them to come find us!"

He pressed Liam's number and put it on speakerphone so I could hear too.

"hello?" came the muffled voice of Liam Payne.

"Liam!" Louis shouted.

"Louis? Is Mackenzie there, too?"

"yeah! I'm right here!"

"Where are you guys?"

"That's the problem. We're lost somewhere on the dark side!"


"There's no time to explain. I think we're near...hello? Liam? Liam?!"

"What happened?" I asked, worried.

"Phone died."

"What? now what are we supposed to do?!"

"I don't know. But we better get comfy. Who Knows how long we'll be here."

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