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Chapter: 2
As I walked into the bathroom, I bumped into a guy with only a towel around his waist...

I looked at him and he had those beautiful bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was so handsome and cute and his jawline was perfectly sharp.

I thought it was a dream...

'Hi, I'm not supposed to be here and you are very handsome,' I said without thinking.

'Well thanks, you don't look that bad yourself. Are you new here, because I haven't seen you before.'

'Oh, yes I'm new here and I think I gotta go now. Bye,' I said fast and sprinted out of the room.

Damn it, what did I do? That definitely wasn't the bathroom I was looking for. But damn, that guy was fineeee.

Eventually I found the right bathroom. I took a quick shower and made myself ready to go to bed.

When I walked back into my room, Kate was already sleeping so I went straight to bed too.

I was woken up by Kates alarm because I forgot to set mine.

I got dressed and did my hair and makeup and went to the breakfast hall with Kate. As I walked into the hall, I saw the blue eyed boy from last night. I felt ashamed, so I decided to ignore him.

I got my breakfast and sat down at a table with Kate. We talked a bit and when I finished my sandwich, I decided that I wanted another one.

I walked to the table with were the food was stalled out and as I wanted to take another sandwich, I heard a voice behind me.


I turned around and saw the blue eyed boy again.

'Well yeah, your girl gotta eat right?'

He laughed and I saw Kate walking towards us.

'Well, I see you've met my brother?'

Kate said standing next to us.

'Yes, we've met before,' I said with a shy smile on my face.

I haven't told Kate about the little incident from last night cause I thought it wasn't that important. But I also didn't know that he was Kates brother.

Kate and I finished our breakfast and went back to our room.

'Do you want to go with me today as my model? I want to take some pictures,' I asked Kate.

'I wish I could, but I have a test coming up, so I need to study. Maybe you can ask my brother if he wants to come with you. You guys already know each other for some reason.'

'Yeah, that's a good idea. Where can I find him?' I asked.

'His room is at the end of the hall. Do you want me to go with you?'

'No, I'm sure I'll be fine,' I said.

'Well, good luck with studying then. I will see you later.'

I packed my photo equipment and left the room.

I walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door. As I was waiting, I read the card next to the door.

There were two names written on it. Daniel and Liam.

After a while, the blue eyed boy opened the door.

'Hey, it's you,' he said with a cute smile.

I returned the smile.

'I wanted to ask you a question.' I started.

'Do you wanna be my photo model for today?'

'Oh yeah, I would love to!' he answered excited.

'I'm going out today! See you later!' he screamed to another boy in the room, probably his roommate.

We walked to a nice spot and we took a couple of pictures.

His beautiful blue eyes were so good on camera.

After a while, I got a lot of pictures already.

I asked him if he wanted to go get something from Starbucks. He agreed and we walked to the Starbucks nearby.

When we were on our way, I realized that we didn't even knew each other's names.

'You know, I never even got your name,' I said to start a conversation.

He responded; 'Oh damn, that's weird actually.'

'I'm Liam.'

'I am Jamie,' I told him.

'That's a beautiful name,' he answered and his blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

And those are some beautiful eyes, I thought.

We walked further and as we walked into the Starbucks, we ended our conversation cause Liam saw two friends of him sitting at a table.

I just stood there awkwardly cause I didn't know them but Liam started talking to them and they seemed very nice.

'Oh, by the way, this is Jamie,' Liam said.

'Hi, I'm Jonah and this is Daniel,' One of the handsome boys said.

'Nice to meet you,' I said with a shy smile.

Suddenly, there were 3 handsome boys.

'Nice to meet you too!' Daniel said.

'Where do you know each other from?' I asked them.

'We all went to the same high school together,' Liam told me.

'Oh, that's fun!'

Did I really just said that?

We talked for about 10 minutes longer but before Jonah and Daniel left the building, Jonah turned around and asked Liam and I if we would like to come to their party this weekend.

'Yeah, I would love to!' I said and Liam agreed with me.

'Alright, see ya!' Daniel said excited and they left the building.

Liam and I finished our drinks and left too after a while.

As I wanted to enter my room, Liam stopped me and asked me if I would like to come to his room later tonight, to look through the photos we took that day.

'Of course, see you tonight then,' I answered before entering my room.

He's so cute though. I don't know what Kate will think about all of this.

Kate was still studying when I entered the room.

'Was Liam a good model today?' she asked me.

'Yes, we did take some good photos.'

'That's great,' Kate said smiling.

'Did you get to finish your study work?' I asked Kate.

'To be honest, I felt more like skating, so I kinda skated all day long. Now I have to study the whole evening.'

'I'm gonna take a look at the picture I took today at Liams place,' I answered, not really asking for permission.

'Alright, just don't fall in love with him please, that's gonna make things complicated,' Kate responded while reading something in the book she was holding.

'I won't,' I responded.

A/n: This isn't the most excited chapter, we know. But it will get better! Y'all probably thought it was Daniel Seavey, because of the blue eyes, didn't you? Well, got ya there ;)

Btw, Daniel Seavey is not the same Daniel who lives together with Liam!

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