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Chapter: 20
Pov: Corbyn

I've been laying in my bed for a couple of hours now, skipped a meal and wasn't in the mood to face anyone in the house.

For some reason I could only think about what happened between me and Jamie. I couldn't give it a place in my head.

Why was she mad at me? What did actually happen? Did we do it safe?

NOPE CORBYN! Don't think about that part!

But for real, it felt like the worst fight ever, but I don't even remember what we were fighting for...

That one night, we were just laying there, we talked a lot and we were actually really into each other.

Well at least I thought we were both into each other, but maybe I was just really into Jamie.

The worst part about that night is that I left. I just left without saying anything to that poor girl.

I still regret the part of leaving her. Don't matter what she said that night, I just couldn't stay.

While I thought about the whole situation, I realised that it actually sounds like a love story... or a love song!

I directly got up out of my bed, I don't know where the energy came from, but I was standing again. Before I reached my desk where I store all my papers and pens, I hit my little pinky toe against the desk, so I was in pain for a couple of seconds, but went on grabbing a pen and a notebook to write my lyrics down.

I jumped on my bed again and layed stretched out. With my notebook right in front of me, I started thinking about the whole situation again and kinda created a storyline for a good song.

      ... I'm lying here with you....
        ... can't stay...
... between the sheets....
      ... in the morning when we wake up..
  ... you're done with me.....

After a while, I started humming a melody and tried to put the words I thought about in a correct order.

At first it sounded horrible. The sentences weren't connected to each other in any way, but I just kept on trying.

It was currently around 11PM and I was still working on my song lyrics when Zach walked into my room without even knocking on the door.

'Yo corbyn! Oh, I totally forgot that you wanted to be alone for a while, sorry,' he said whispering kinda embarrassed while leaving the room slowly.

'Zach!' I yelled at him before he could completely shut the door.

Zach opened the door and walked into the room again. He sat down on the other side of the bed.

'What are you doing here?' I said silently laughing.

'Just wanted to ask how you were doing,' he responded.

'I played Fortnite with Jack, but he convinced me to go to bed after I've been losing almost every round,' he added to his response.

'Thanks bro, that's nice of you,' I said with a little smile on my face.

'So, how are you holding up?' he asked again.

'I feel actually a lot better,' I responded.

'I've been working on this song for the past couple of hours, that's why I'm not asleep yet.'

'Oh, can I hear some of it?' he asked politely.

'Sure man, please tell me your thoughts about it.'

I showed him the lyrics and hummed the melody a little bit. The only thing about it, is that I didn't tell him about the fact that the song is about Jamie. But I was not planning on telling him that. The boys don't know what happened between us two yet and I wanted it to stay that way.

'You're liking it so far?' I asked curiously.

'This is sooo good man, I think you should let the other guys listen to this as well!' Zach responded enthusiastically.

Pov: Jonah

I put my phone on the table and noticed that Daniel was leaving the house so I asked where he was going.

'Bro, where are you going?' I asked politely.

'Just to the supermarket. Do you need anything?' he asked while walking to the coat stand to take his jacket.

'I'm fine, but maybe some snacks for in the fridge cause Jack ate all of them last night,' I answered.

'Alright, see you later!' Daniel said before the door closed behind him.

Daniel left, Corbyn was in his bed and Jack and Zach were playing Fortnite upstairs.

This was the perfect time to sneek out of the house and go to Jamie to give her company.

So that's what I did.

When I arrived I got kinda nervous. I've never been alone with Jamie before. Corbyn is always around her. I've tried to get her attention many times but I've never succeeded.

I walked upstairs and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

I waited for a couple of seconds until I saw Jamie's head appear in the door opening.

I was surprised by how good she still
looked after she texted me that she had been crying in bed for 2 hours straight.

'Hey. Thanks for coming,' she said while I walked into the room.

'Of course,' I answered and threw my jacket on the spare bed.

She sat down on the bed and I joined her.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds.

Shit! What do I say?!

Are you alright?

No, of course she feels like shit.

As I was overthinking literally everything, I suddenly felt Jamie's head resting on my shoulder.

I felt my cheeks turning red but luckily she couldn't see my face.

'How is Corbyn doing?' she asked out of nowhere.


We are laying in one bed together and she is resting her head on my shoulder and yet, she is thinking about Corbyn?!

'I haven't seen him much. He has been laying in bed all day,' I answered.

It was quiet again and I started to freak out.

This is going so bad. What am I even doing here? I still loved the feeling of her head on my shoulder though.

'Do you maybe wanna see a movie or something?' I asked to break the silence.

There was no answer.

'Jamie?' I asked again.

That's when I heard a light snore.

She fell asleep. I'm really that boring huh?

I didn't want to leave Jamie, so I just went on my phone for a bit until I heard a knock on the door.

Was she expecting someone else?

I carefully lifted up Jamie's head and let it rest on a pillow. I stood up and walked over to the door.

I was surprised to see who was standing in front of the door...

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