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Chapter: 43
After the whole incident, I just sat on the couch, crying and crying.

I heard a knock and saw Jack standing in the opening of the door.

'Hey..' he said as he walked over to me.

I tried to dry my tears but they just kept on running down my cheeks.

Jack sat down besides me and wrapped one arm around me.

I let me head fall onto his shoulder.

'You shouldn't be comforting me, I don't deserve that,' I said sobbing.

Jack sushed me and I just cried on his shoulder for a couple of minutes.

'I should apologize to Corbyn,' I said after a while, when I calmed down a bit.

'You should,' Jack responded.

I nodded at him.

'Thank you Jack, I really don't deserve you.'

I gave him a hug.

'Don't be silly, we all make mistakes. It's about the way you deal with them,' Jack responded.

I gave him a smile.

'He's in the tour bus,' Jack said at last and I left the room

As I was on my way to the tourbus I walked passed a mirror and saw my red eyes.

I wiped away some tears that were still coming from my eyes and walked further.

I felt so stupid for what I had done.

The door of the bus opened, just before I wanted to grab the handle.

Daniel closed the door behind him and looked at me.

'Daniel, I-'

'Please, save that explanation for Corbyn,' Daniel said cutting me off with a disappointed look and walked passed me.

Another tear fell down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and entered the bus.

Corbyn was sitting on the couch and when he looked at me, I saw the same red teared up eyes that I saw in the mirror earlier.

I sat down besides him and some tears started to form in my eyes already.

'Why?' Corbyn asked with a fragile voice.

'I'm so sorry Corbyn. I screwed up so bad. I thought I could handle it to see you with all those girls, but I got too jealous..'

'You know they don't mean as much to me as you do right?'

'I know..'

'And still, you kiss Jonah,' Corbyn said with a sigh.

'I didn't know Jonah liked me..'

'That's doesn't change the fact that you kissed him Jamie,' Corbyn responded on a kinda mad tone.

'I-..' I wanted to start but didn't know what to say.

'I think we should take a break..'

My heart shattered into a million pieces as I heard that sentence.

'Apparently, I'm not good enough for you and you go for my bandmates.'

'That's not true Corbyn,' I said as a stream of tears came down.

'I can't have my heart broken over and over again when I'm on tour and need te show a happy face every night..'

I looked at Corbyn and I saw a tear rolling down his cheek but he wiped it away as soon as I noticed it.

'I love you so freaking much, but it's just not the right time now.'

'I love you too Corbyn..' I said and gave him a quick kiss on his wet cheek and left the tourbus.

I immediately sank to my knees and every tear I had in me came out.

I just sat there, on the ground, crying with my head in my hands.

The worst part of it all was that it was my fault..

After a while, Daniel came to me.

He sat down besides me and wrapped his arms around me.

'We broke up Daniel,' I said while crying my eyes out.

Daniel didn't answer and just held me.

'Can you forgive me?' I asked him.

'Of course I can,' Daniel whispered softly.

'I love you Dani,' I said, still crying.

I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to stop crying.

'I love you too,' he responded and hugged me a little tighter.

I don't know what I would do without him to be honest.

After a while, Daniel found a way to calm me down. I don't know how he did it because I thought my tears would never stop.

'Can you grab my suitcase for me? I don't think Corbyn wants to face me right now..' I asked Daniel and felt a tear forming again.

I let out a sigh and held in my tears.

'Of course,' Daniel responded and entered the bus.

It took him just a couple of seconds cause I hadn't unpacked yet.

'Where are you going now?' Daniel asked me as he handed me my suitcase.

'I'm gonna stay with my family for a bit.'

'I'm gonna miss you so much,' Daniel said and a little tear ran down his cheek.

'No, don't cry Dani, you're gonna make me cry again,' I said and a tear already ran down.

I gave Daniel a tight long hug and made my way into the venue.

I called a taxi and in the time I needed to wait, I said my goodbyes to the other boys.

I'm gonna miss them so much. I don't even know for how long I'm not gonna see them. Maybe I'll never see them again...

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