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Chapter: 37
Corbyn stopped in front of the hostel.

'Thank you Corbyn. I really had a great time,' I said and gave him a kiss.

'Jamie?' I heard a familiar voice saying from behind.

We disconnected and I looked to my side through the window.

Liam was there and waved at me.

Why is it that Liam always ruins moments?

I opened the car window and Corbyn and I greeted him.

'I see that it didn't work out with Daniel,' Liam suddenly said.

God no. Liam is really getting on my nerves. I get chills if I think about the fact that he's kinda my ex.

I didn't even have a date with Daniel. It was just an excuse so I could get away from him.

'What is he talking about Jamie?' Corbyn asked me with a confused look on his face.

I could see he was trying his best to stay calm.

'I can't talk about that right now.'

'Why not?' Corbyn asked even more confused.

I turned to Corbyn so Liam couldn't see me and soundless said 'Liam'.

Corbyn nodded.

I turned back around to face Liam again.

'That was a one time thing. I'm with Corbyn now and Daniel is basically my best friend,' I responded.

'Alright, well congratulations.'

Liam was getting a bit awkward now.

He just stood there and looked around a bit.

I just looked at him with wide eyes.

Why isn't he getting the message?

'Oh, it's already late. I should go,' he finally said.

I heard a deep sigh from Corbyn behind me.

I held my little laugh in.

'But it was nice to talk to you. I kinda miss you..'

The last sentence was hard to hear but I could make something out of it. I think Corbyn couldn't and that was Liams intention.

'Yeah, I'm sorry Liam,' I responded, not know what to say.

He gave me a weak little smile and walked further.

I closed the window and faced Corbyn.

'You have some explaining to do,' Corbyn immediately said and gave me a strict look.

'Well, I just ran into Liam once and he kept talking and I couldn't get away. Then Daniel came and he said that we were in a rush. Of course Liam wanted to know why, so I just said we were going on a date,' I explained.

'That's all?' Corbyn asked.

'That's all.'

'Alright then,' Corbyn said with a smile and gave me a kiss.

'I'll see you soon right?' he asked as we disconnected.

'Of course,' I responded and gave him a little kiss before I got out of the car.

'I love you!' I heard Corbyn scream at last as I walked away.

'I love you too!' I screamed back as I turned around.

I made a heart with my hands which caused Corbyn to laugh a bit.

I entered the hostel and immediately went upstairs. I was super tired from all the traveling.

I let my bag and suitcase fall on the ground and let myself fall on the bed. I immediately fell asleep.

A couple of weeks have passed by. Some things weren't fun, such as school and homework.
But most things were fun. I was a lot at the Why Don't We house.

Not only because Corbyn was there but I watched movies with Daniel, went lunching with Jonah and Jack tried to teach me how to skate.

Let's just say that it was a one time thing.

I also played Fortnite with Zach ones. Also a one time thing.

But I spent most of my time with Corbyn.
Just the ordinary moments with him were already enough. We often just laid on the bed, cuddling and just talking about so many things.
Cooking and then laughing my ass off 'cause, if you didn't know yet, Corbyn isn't the best cook.

I was enjoying life very much at this moment. But there were more exciting things to come...

'Hey Corbyn,' I said as I picked up my phone.

'Hey beautiful, can you come to my house? There is something we want to ask you,' Corbyn explained.

Corbyn calls me beautiful every now and then, but still, every time he says it, I can't help but blush like a fool.

'I'll be there in a bit.'

'Alright, see you soon,' I heard before I hang up the phone.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out of my room.

I wasn't in a rush, I just wanted to know what they were gonna ask me as soon as possible.

I hopped on my bike, which I bought a couple of days ago. Corbyn couldn't come pick me up every day and the taxi was getting kinda expensive. I was close to buying a car though, but the Why Don't We house isn't that far away so I didn't thought it was necessary.

I arrived in a couple of minutes and rang the doorbell.

Jack opened the door and greeted me with a sweet hug.

'I haven't seen you in such a long time!' Jack said joking.

I literally had seen him the night before.

'I know right! I missed you so so much!'

I tried to fake my crying but I'm not so good at it as Jack is.

'You gotta practice that,' Zach said as he walked over to me and gave me a hug.

'Well, I didn't miss you,' I responded, wanting to tease him.

The rest was sitting on the couch. I greeted them and gave Corbyn a kiss.

I sat down besides Corbyn and the rest also sat down on the couch. Everyone was looking at me.

'Do I have something on my face?' I asked confused as I rubbed my cheek.

'No, you look beautiful,' Corbyn answered and gave me a cute smile.

There it was again. I felt my cheeks turning a bit red again.

'Alright, we are planning on going away for some time..' Daniel said.

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