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Chapter: 28
Pov: Jamie

A couple of days have passed by now. Nothing special happend.

It's currently friday. When I got back from the grocery store to get some snacks, I walked in on Corbyn standing in front of my door.

'Hey Corbyn. What's up?' I asked him while putting the bag with snacks on the floor to greet him by giving him a little kiss.

'I wanted to ask you something, but you weren't home,' he answered as I opened the door.

'Sorry, I went to get some snacks.'

'It's okay. I could've guessed that though,' he said with a little laugh.

'Don't judge me Corbyn Besson!' I answered sarcastically.

'I'm not!' he said laughing and putting his hands up.

'Sure. What did you wanna ask?'

I was putting my snacks in the cabinet when Corbyn asked me the question;

'Me and the boys made a new song and we rented this little cabin in the woods in Portland to shoot our music video. Zack is gonna be there to help with the shoot so you can ask him about the internship.'

'That would be amazing! I'd love to go with you guys,' I answered excited.

'We only have one shooting day so, after that we have the cabin for ourselves..'

'Oh my god. Are we gonna stay the night?! Cause I would freaking love that!' I said even more excited while interrupting him.

'Well, yes, that was my pla..'

Corbyn didn't get to chance to finish his sentence cause I jumped on him, causing him to fall on the bed with me on top.

'If it's gonna be like this in cabin, I'm never leaving again,' Corbyn said, followed by a little laugh.

'Well, I'm not gonna complain either,' I answered and pushed my lips on his.

We disconnected and I got off the bed.

'When are we leaving?' I asked him.

'Tomorrow. We leave really early so I guess it's the best option to pack your stuff today.'

'Yeah, I will.'

'Alright. I'll leave you to it then. I'll text you when I'm picking you up,' Corbyn said.

I agreed and gave him a peck on the lips before he left.

I didn't pack much because we were only staying there one night. After that, I got something to eat.

While eating my food, I received a text from Corbyn with the time he was picking me up.

I smiled at my phone like an idiot and finished my food.

I showered after that and made sure everything was ready to go.

I could barely fall asleep. I was so excited for this trip!


I immediately jumped out of bed as I heard my name shouted from behind the front door.

I opened the door, revealing a kinda mad Corbyn.

'Why aren't you ready yet?!'

Corbyn walked inside my room and took my suitcase for me.

Shit. I totally forgot to set my alarm.

'Shit, I'm sorry Corbyn,' I said, a little panicking while putting on some clothes.

'It's okay. Just hurry up. I'll see you downstairs,' I heard Corbyn saying as he walked out of the room.

After I got dressed real quick, I brushed my teeth and slipped in some Nikes.

As I grabbed my phone, the screen lighted up and I saw all the messages that I had missed from Corbyn.

I'm so stupid.

I didn't think to long about it and quickly ran downstairs.

Corbyn was putting my suitcase in the back of the car.

'Ready!' I screamed a little, so he knew we were ready to go.

Then we got both into the car.

'You are lucky I like you so much, otherwise I would've let you walk,' Corbyn said to lighten my guilt of being late.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, followed by a little laugh.

'Baby I just can't stay mad at you,' I sang while pushing on some buttons to get the radio on.

Corbyn chuckled a little.

With our suitcases, Corbyn and I walked inside the airport building.

All the boys were waiting for us there.

'There they are. Little late don't you think?' Zach said to tease us.

'I know. It's my fault,' I answered.

'Sleeping beauty forgot to put her alarm,' Corbyn added.

I gave Corbyn a playful push.

'Well we gotta go, the plane is gonna leave in a bit,' Daniel said.

I nodded and we all followed Daniel walking to the gate.

We still had a little but of time left when we arrived at the gate.

We looked around in some shops and took some pictures for the band account;

We looked around in some shops and took some pictures for the band account;

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whydontwemusic homebound

view all 4.914 comments
jonahmarais 🥶
imzachherron let's goo

I also left a comment.

jamie.miller @corbynbesson fell off his suitcase after this picture was taken

I didn't take long for people to react to my comment.

sparklyavery @jamie.miller you two are going on a trip I stan

whydontwe.lovee @jamie.miller your boyfriend is clumsy 😂

seaveydaniel @jamie.miller I love you for exposing @corbynbesson like this

corbynbesson @seaveydaniel you stealing my girl?

imzachherron @seaveydaniel 😮

seaveydaniel @imzachherron you'll sit besides @jackaverymusic now

jackaverymusic @seaveydaniel don't do this to me man

imzachherron @jackaverymusic I love you too bro

Oh god, what the hell did I start.

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