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Chapter: 26
Pov: Corbyn

I felt so relieved after I sang the song to Jamie.

She told me she loved me.

And what did I do?

I told her that I loved her too.

You can't imagine how happy I am about this whole situation. The date worked out so well and I'm so glad that Jamie is enjoying her time with me, or at least I hope she is.

We just sat there, on a blanket. Our feet in the cold sand. The sound of waves in the background. Was it perfect? Hell yeah.

It was already pretty dark at this point and I could tell that Jamie was getting a bit cold, so I came closer to her and wrapped both my arms around her.

We kept on talking and talking. Making jokes and laughing way too hard.

It felt so good to be around her.

We both layed on our backs. Jamie rested her head on my shoulder and her arm was wrapped around my chest.

Both enjoying the sound of the waves, the snacks I brought and each others company.

'Do you see that star there?' Jamie asked me, pointing at a twinkling light in the dark sky.

'There are a lot of stars here, but I think that I can see the one that you mean, the two twinkeling ones next to each other?' I responded looking at Jamie instead of looking at the sky.

She didn't notice that I looked at her and just went on with the conversation.

'No, it's the one on the left of that other one. It's big and twinkeling bright,' she said trying to explain it as best as she could.

That's when she turned her head a little bit so she could face me.

'I was talking about you, silly,' I said while I touched her little nose with my finger.

She blushed and kept looking at my face.

'Two little sparkles in your eyes, every time that I look at you, I see them glancing at me,' I added.

'You make me blush Corbyn,' she said while actually blushing even more.

'You know that you're really pretty right?' I asked her to make this moment even more romantic.

'Corbyn, you know that you are making me really shy by giving me all those way to cute compliments? I don't deserve you,' she responded.

'You're even more cute when you're shy and blushing..' I started my sentence.

'.. can I ask you something?' I finished.

'Sure,' she said and she gave me a reassuring smile.

'How do you ask someone to be your girlfriend?' I asked nonchalant.

'You just ask them by kissing them, and if they kiss you back, they say yes,' she gave me as an answer.

So that's what I tried.

I wanted to make her mine as fast as I could.

I kissed her on the lips, but she pulled back.

'That's a no?' I asked confused.

Then she kissed me back.

'It's definitely not a no! How could I say no to such a handsome face?' she said.

'Of course I want to be your girlfriend Corbyn.'

And with that being said, we talked a couple of more hours until we were the only ones left on the beach.

Before we knew it, we already passed midnight.

We were still gazing at the stars until I didn't get a respond to my question anymore.

I looked over to my side where I saw that Jamie had closed her eyes and probably drifted off to sleep.

She looked so cute while sleeping.

I decided to pick her up and carry my guitar in its case on my back.

It actually was really hard to walk through the sand while carrying someone, but I didn't want to wake her up because she looked so peaceful, so it was worth the effort.

After I parked the car in front of the house, I picked Jamie out of the car in bridle style.

As I walked in, I saw Daniel still sitting on the couch.

'Hey guys-' he said but stopped as soon as he saw that Jamie was asleep.

'Sorry,' he whispered.

'It's okay. I'm also gonna go to bed. Goodnight,' I whispered as I walked towards the stairs.

'Goodnight,' Daniel whispered at last.

Jamie let her head fall on my shoulder as I carried her upstairs.

I walked into my room and layed Jamie down on my bed and pulled the sheets over her body.

I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and grabbed a blanket to cover the couch that I was gonna sleep on.

'Corbyn?' I heard as I wanted to lay down on the couch.

'Yes? I'm sorry if I woke you up,' I answered.

'It's okay. What are you doing?' Jamie asked.

'I'm preparing my bed for the night,' I said while I put the blanket in place.

'Don't be silly. You don't have to sleep on the couch Corbyn.'

I smiled at her words. I didn't have to think about it for another second and layed down next to Jamie.

I felt her moving closer to me.

'Are you cold?' I asked.

'A little bit,' she said.

I moved a bit closer and let her lay on my chest and wrapped my arm around her to warm her up.

'Perfect,' she said softly.

I smiled and it didn't took me long to drift off to sleep...

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