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*Your pov*

I sat at a cafe, I was reading a magazine and drinking my coffee. When I saw one of my old friends from Hogwarts walk, 'Newt?' I then got up and chased after him. "Newt!" I shouted, he turned and looked at me. "Y/n? What are you doing here in England?" he cocked his head to the side, "dude...I went to Hogwarts remember? I was the American transfer" I told him "sorry...I forgot..." he chuckled as I smiled "feels like forever ago" he ran his fingers through his hair.  "I heard about New York..." I told him as he sighed, "once more...feels like forever ago," he chuckled as we walked back to the cafe. We sat down, "how have you been?" I cocked my head to the side, "the same. After New York, the ministry banned me from international travel, and everything" he chuckled. I smiled, "and how's Pick?" I asked as I saw Picks little head poke out of his jacket pocket in the front. "It's all right Pick...it's only Y/n..." he told Pick as Pickett climbed out of his jacket and onto the table. I set my hand down, Pick then climbed onto my hand, and I looked into his beady eyes. "How have you been Pick?" I cocked my head to the side as he chittered at me, "don't give me that... I know I said I'd come and visit...I ju-..." he chittered once more which cut me off and Newt chuckled, "can't talk your way out of this one Y/n," he said as I giggled, Pick looked between Newt and I and then chittered again, "whoa! We're not..." I blushed, "all right...we're only friends Pick...you know this" Newt said as Pick blew a raspberry at him and I laughed. 

"Would you like to come over for dinner Y/n? It'd give you more time to spend with my creatures" he smiled at me, I chuckled, "I'd love to...but only because I wanna spend time with you and your creatures" I told him as Pick went back to him and burrowed himself of Newts pocket. We got up and went to his place. When we got there, we could see a light flashing on and off inside, we walked in and saw a baby Niffler trying to get the lights dangly thing that is used to turn the light on and off. It stopped, looked at us, and slowly put the item in its tiny pouch that was on it's front. It then scampered off, Newt then looked over and saw another baby Niffler stealing his weights off of his weigher thing. Newt then sneakily grabbed a pot, placed it over the first Nifler, he followed it, grabbed an apple off the table, and tossed it. It landed on the other side of the weigher and sent that baby Niffler flying through the air. He caught the first one before it could fall off the table, it landed in his pocket, then he caught the other one with his pocket as well. "Come along" he spoke as he looked at me, we took a few steps, opened a door and that's when we heard more noises. We turned to see another baby Niffler messing with a champagne bottle. It was after the gold wrapping around the cork and that's when the cork flew off with the baby on it.

 It was after the gold wrapping around the cork and that's when the cork flew off with the baby on it

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It hit the wall and fell downstairs. "Bunty!" he shouted as we went downstairs, it was larger than the upstairs and it was filled with his creatures. "Bunty, the baby Nifflers are loose again," he said as a woman smiled at him, she then grabbed a glove and ran over to where one of the Niflers were. She held a small shiny trinket from her hand. It jumped up, grabbed the item, and she grabbed the baby Nifler. "Very good," he told her as he handed her the other Nifflers "sorry Newt, they must've picked the lock when I wasn't looking," she said putting the babies away. Pick then climbed onto his shoulder, I held out my hands and Pickett jumped over onto my hands. "You can go home now Bunty," he told the woman she looked at her finger, he looked over at her, "I told you to leave the Kelpie to me" he sighed, "that wound needs ointment..." she whispered, I followed him to the water area.

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