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I woke up a few hours later to someone knocking on the door. I sleepily opened the door and Newt stood there. "How did yo-...mphm..." I was cut off by him kissing me passionately. My eyes went wide and I kissed back. He pulled away and placed his forehead against mine. "I do love you Y/n...it has nothing to do with the fact that your parents are muggles..." he whispered as I smiled, "that's great and all...but how in Merlin's beard did you find me?" I cocked my head to the side, "tracking spell...you left this at my place" he then held up the ring I wore all the time. It had my house emblem on it, "oh..." I looked at it and he chuckled. He then placed the ring on my finger and looked at me, "sorry...for that kiss...I-I..." he cleared his throat, "no I'm sorry about...what I said" I chewed on the inside of my mouth, he smiled, and placed a hand on my cheek. "It's not your fault...Queenie kinda dropped it on both of us, and then Pickett here..." he started as Pickett climbed out of his pocket and onto his hand.   "You told him didn't you Pick?" I asked Pickett as he nodded. "You're lucky you're adorable Pickett," I chuckled "right...I told Queenie and Jacob I'd be back because they're making dinner" he told me, "oh! Uh...okay..." I chuckle softly, "you're coming to..." he grabbed my hand and we disapparated to his place.

"Wan me next time please..." I joked as he chuckled. We walked into his house, "I'm sorry for earlier" the woman spoke, "it's fine...you can't really help it...there's not like...an off switch to that ability" I told her, (as I'm writing this, I'm having some hella deva vu...) she gave me a warming smile as the four of us sat at the table.

~Newt's pov~

(Didn't expect this dija!) As Queenie spoke, she mentioned that she and Jacob were going to get married, and I realized that there was something different about my muggle friend. 'You've enchanted him haven't you?' I thought as Queenie nervously chuckled as she wiped away the champagne on Jacobs' face, "what? No, I didn't" she spoke as Y/n looked at me, "I've asked you to stop reading my mind..." I sighed, 'Queenie, you've brought him here against his will' I spoke through my mind to him, "no...no. Look how happy he is...he's so happy" she said as she smiled at Jacob, "then you wouldn't mind if I..." I got up and pulled out my wand. She instantly stood up, "please don't" she pleaded. "Queenie, you have nothing to fear, if he wants to get married then he can just tell us himself," I told her, she looked at Jacob, and then moved aside. I pointed my wand at Jacob, "Whatcha got there Mr. Scamander? Whatcha gonna do?" he asked as he started laughing. "Surgito" I spoke as the enchantment was lifted and broken, I put my wand back in my wand holder that sat around my waist. "Congratulations on your engagement Jacob"  I spoke, "wait what?" he cocked an eyebrow as I looked at Queenie who gave a small smile, then she packed up, grabbed her jacket and then walked out. "Uh...it's wonderful to see you...where the hell am I?" he asked as he got up, "London," I told him, "ugh! I've always wanted to go here!" he shouted as he walked out of the house.

Y/n looked at me, "they're friends" I told her as she chuckled, "you made friends with a muggle and a Legilimen? That's cool..." she started to play with her necklace, I saw that it was the best friend ring the three of us got from Hogsmeade one year. It was made for the three of us, it said "Best Friends Forever" and then the letter would disappear and reappear as Y/n, Leta, and my name. "You kept it?" I cocked my head to the side as she looked down at the ring that hung around her neck "Of course I kept it...we promised to never take it off remember? I outgrew it because we got it when we were young...so I put it on a chain and wear it around my neck now" she told me, I pulled out the chain I carried and showed her. "I did the same. Granted I don't wear it...but I do carry it with me. Leta wears hers on a chain around her wrist...as a bracelet" I told her and she nodded in an understanding way.

I walked past her and saw a postcard that Queenie left, "Reparo" I waved my wand in front of the torn up postcard

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I walked past her and saw a postcard that Queenie left, "Reparo" I waved my wand in front of the torn up postcard. It was from Tina, "Tina's in Paris..." I whispered to myself, I looked at Y/n, "didn't you always tell me that you've wanted to go to Paris?" I asked her, she nodded, and I smiled. "We're gonna go...I have a friend there and I need to go there anyway..." I told her, she followed me downstairs. I grabbed my suitcase, grabbed Niffler, and put him in the case. "We're gonna need him," I told her as she giggled, "Accio jacket" I used the spell to get my jacket, and I put it on. "Right, Pickett..." I opened the jacket pocket that sat on my chest, "in you hop" I said as he hopped into the pocket, "Newt?!" I heard Jacob shout from upstairs, "down here! I'll be with you in a moment!" I shouted as I heard him walk down the steps.

~Your pov~

I put my jacket on and put the Nifflers into the case. Jacob walked up and stared at a picture. "Queenie left a postcard. Tina's in Paris...and that's were Credence is..." Newt spoke as Jacob smiled, "that's perfect! Queenie is going straight to Tina!" Jacob spoke, "we're going to Paris," Newt said as he closed the case, "I'll get my jacket..." Jacob said, "I got it!" I said as I waved my wand and his jacket flew down to him. Then Newt used his wand to dry Jacob off. He closed the case and we left his house. We disapparated to some fields. We walked for a while, I lagged behind to enjoy the weather, Newt and Jacob talked about something.

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