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I woke up the next morning, Newt was still asleep, I sighed, got out bed, got dressed, packed, grabbed my wand, slid it into my boot, and left him a note saying that I had left for America to be there for my mother. Then I left, but not after taking Penelope because like Pickett who goes everywhere with Newt, Penelope went with me everywhere.

~Newt's pov~

I woke up in bed alone, well not really because her Kneazle was laying on her side of the bed, I yawned, sat up, and looked around the room. I found a note on my bedside table.


I've gone back to America to be with my mother, I'll be back once she's better, and I've taken Pen with me...I love you.


I sighed as I folded the note and got out of bed, I got dressed and went downstairs to feed the creatures. I stood there thinking about her, 'I wonder if she's okay...' I sighed, as Pickett crawled out of my pocket and looked at me, "I miss her Pick..." I told him as he trilled at me, "I know...you miss your mate too..." I smiled as he chittered at me, "no we can't do that...I don't want her to worry about our creature if I go to her..." I told him as he crossed his arms.

I fed the Fire Crabs, the Runespoors, the Sphinxes, the Unicorn, the Horned Serpent, the Hodag, the Wampus Cat, the Streelers, the Gnomes, the Doxys that nearly bit me but I dodged it, I fed the Sallygaster, fed the Acromantula's, 'I need to go se...

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I fed the Fire Crabs, the Runespoors, the Sphinxes, the Unicorn, the Horned Serpent, the Hodag, the Wampus Cat, the Streelers, the Gnomes, the Doxys that nearly bit me but I dodged it, I fed the Sallygaster, fed the Acromantula's, 'I need to go see Aragog with Hagrid...' I thought as I walked away from the pen filled with the Acromantuala's (don't know if Hagrid was even thought of at the time but I am the author and what I type goes!). I walked over to the Knarls and fed them.

I sat down, I rested my head on the back of my hand and looked at Pickett. "You wanna go somewhere Pick? Take our minds off our girls for a little..." I suggested as he nodded and I smiled, "we're gonna go visit an old friend" I told him as he climbed into my pocket and I disapparated to Hogwarts, I walked across the long bridge and was met by McGonagall, "hello professor" I looked down, I had a problem with looking people in the eye for some reason. Y/n is the only one who I can look in the eye, "Newt! It's so good to see you" she pulled me in for a hug which I returned, "I came to see Hagrid..." I told her, she then took me to Hagrid's place, I knocked on the door, "'Ello Newt! What brings you here?" he asked as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Y/n is away in America to check on her mother...I had already fed my creatures...and I grew bored...oh! I brought an old friend" I smiled as I reached into my pocket and pulled Pickett out, "'Ello there Pickett! How've you been?" he asked as Pickett trilled at him. "How are you doing Fang?" I asked his dog as it barked at me and I smiled, we sat in his hut talking about whatever we could, I showed him my Niffler who went with me everywhere because I didn't trust him alone at the house. "Oh! That reminds me...I need to go feed Buckbeak" he got up, "Buckbeak?" I cocked my head to the side, "he's a Hippogriff" he told me as my mouth grew into a smile "can I come with?" I asked him, "of course! You know what to do so he won't attack right?" he cocked an eyebrow as I nodded.

I followed him through the woods and to a clearing. There stood a Hippogriff. "Wow..." I whispered as I slowly approached it and then bowed my head.

It walked up to me, sniffed me, and then bowed its head

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It walked up to me, sniffed me, and then bowed its head. I slowly approached it and began to pet it. "He's beautiful Hagrid," I told my friend, after a few more hours, I went home, and I checked the mail. There was a letter for me from someone I didn't know.


I'm Y/n's sister/brother, you don't know me but we need your help! I went to go pick up Y/n, she never got off the boat...we don't know where she is! She sent me a letter saying that she was on the boat...but she never got off! Please, come to America, I need your help! We live in New York.

-Y/S/B/N (your sister or brothers name)

I quickly packed up, put the Nifflers in the case, and then left.

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