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"When first we touched,
My heart flew high,
On gossamer wings through a cloudless sky.
They said it was built upon a lie.
They told me my feelings would surely fade.
Passion would flare, and foes would be made.
Can you not put the past behind?
True love can change a river's course
Or pierce the strongest vault with ease.
True love can turn coal into gold
Or tame the tempest to a balmy breeze.
Quite some time has passed since then:
People no longer criticize.
For now, they see that truth exists
Where once there might have been only lies.
Still, my feelings are the same today
As they were on that very first,
For when we touch, my heart still flies on gossamer wings through cloudless skies." he read as he stared at me, I blushed and then giggled. "You're so cheesy sometimes," I told him as he gave me a fake hurt look, "me? Cheesy? Never" he spoke as I laughed, "you damn Hufflepuff" I joked as I poked him and he laughed, "you remember all those adventures we'd have? The three of us?" he asked as I played with the ring that hung around my neck.

"Oh goodness! Feels like-..." I started, "forever ago" he finished my sentence which caused me to smile then dad walked up because Newt said they could come in whenever they needed one of us. "There's someone here for you, Newt" dad spoke as we got up. We followed dad upstairs to the house, Newt went to the door, I stood in the hallway and saw a short-haired lady. "Tina?" he asked cocking his head to the side. "Why didn't you tell me you were in New York?" she sighed as she gave him a hug, "Newt? Who is it?" I asked in a small voice as they both looked at me, "Y/n, you remember Tina right? From Paris..." he spoke as he looked down a little, I clenched my jaw and sighed. "I'm gonna go check on mom..." I said as I walked away, "wait Y/n!" Newt chased after me, "Y/n...it's not what you think..." he started, "really?" I cocked my head to the side "yes...really. She's just a friend" he told me as I scoffed, "that always means that it is exactly what it looks like when the word just comes before friends..." I told him as I went to walk away but he grabbed my hand, "no! Y/n I swear...it isn't like that" he gave me a sad look, "just...go Newt..." I sighed as tears rolled down his cheeks, "Y/n..." he started as I pointed my wand at him, "don't make me do it Newt..." I whispered as tears rolled down both our faces, he turned, went upstairs, grabbed his case, and then left.

I pointed my wand at him as he was leaving "Obliviate" I whispered as the tip of my wand lit up. 'Goodbye Newt...' I watched as the door closed and he left. "Y/n?" asked dad, "I don't wanna talk about it..." I told him as I ran upstairs. I fell asleep, when I woke up, I saw his book on my bedside table, I sighed, grabbed it, and began to read it. Penelope walked up to me and trilled at me. "No Penelope...they're gone now..." I told her as she chittered something at me, "Pen..." I sighed as I got up and she gave me an angry chitter, "fine!" I said as I put her in my jacket pocket and disapparated. I knocked on a door, Queenie opened the door, "oh...oh honey...come here" she could tell what I was feeling and she pulled me into a hug. "Queenie...if he comes to you...just to talk...will you give him Penelope...and tell him that you think she might be a good mate for Pickett?" I asked, "well...y'see hon..." she started, "Queenie? Who's that?" asked Tina as she walked in, Newt soon followed and gave me a strange look. "You...look familiar..." he spoke as he approached me, I backed away and then held up my hand. "Here...I-I read your book..." I spoke as he looked at Penelope, "you have a Bowtruckle?" he asked as he examined Pen, "y-yeah...uh...I can't take care of her...so here..." I handed her to him, "Pickett has a friend now..." he smiled sweetly at me. We locked eyes, he could see the sadness in my eyes and that's when he pieced it together. "We were friends weren't we?" he cocked his head to the side.

"I-I should go! My mom got bit by a Murtlap...and I need to make sure she's going to be okay..." I turned for the door, "hang on..." he grabbed my hand, "please don't..." I cried, "I-I just wanna know why I don't remember you if we were friends," he told me, "you're a wizard...you figure it out..." I pulled my hand away and then left.

~Newt's pov~

I stood there, thinking for a moment, then I looked at Queenie, and cocked my head. "Who was she?" I asked her, "I-I really shouldn't say honey...it's not my place," she told me, "Queenie...please..." I gave her a pleading look, she looked at the clock and smiled. "Time for bed..." she spoke as she walked off, I then went to the room Tina and Queenie were letting me stay in. I lay in bed thinking about where I've seen that woman from. 'She's so beautiful...who is she...I know I've seen her face somewhere before' I sighed as I stared at the ceiling. I got out of bed, opened my case, and went down into it. 'There's gotta be something in here that could tell me who she is if we were friends...and something to tell me the reason she Obliviated me...' I sighed as I sat on the hammock, I grabbed my book, opened it and saw something that made me cock my head. On the front page, written in ink, was something that I stared at for hours.

Newt Scamander + Y/n L/n <3

"Y/n L/n..." I whispered as I ran my hand over the writing. "Oh dear..." I whispered as I sighed, "I think I know why now..." I ran my fingers through my hair.

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