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I got off the boat and headed to the address that was on the letter. I knocked on the door, a man opened it, "s-sorry...I was looking for Y/n's family..." I spoke as I went to leave, "I'm her father...who are you?"  the man asked as I turned back around, "I'm Newt Scamander...her boyfriend...her sibling sent me a letter saying that she never got off the boat..." I told him as he gave me a confused look, "Newt? What are you doing here?" asked Y/n as she walked up, "apparently your brother/sister sent him a letter..." her father spoke as he glared at me, "I-I received a letter from your sister/brother saying that you didn't get off the boat when you arrived...s-so I came to look for you..." I pulled out the letter and handed it to her. She read it and then sighed. "Y/b/s/n! You're in so much trouble!" she shouted as she turned around and walked off, "well...you gonna stand out there in the cold or what?" her father asked as I looked at him. "Oh! Uh...thank you..." I thanked him as I walked inside, I held my case in front of me and looked around. I saw Her chasing after her sibling, and then a little girl walked up to me. "Are you my aunt's husband?" she asked as I blushed, "Katrina! You can't just ask someone that!" Y/n spoke as she walked over and picked up the little girl. Then the little girl whispered something in her ear, "I know he is..." she looked at me with a smile, then the girl whispered something else in her ear, which caused her to giggle, "isn't he though..." she started chuckling as the girl looked at me and then whispered something else in her ear. "He is...but mostly when it comes to meeting new people...your momma/papa brought him here," she told her as the little girl looked at me.

"What's that?" she pointed at Pickett who poked his head out, "it's a Bowtruckle...he's my friend," I told her, she looked at me and then whispered something in Y/n's ear again, "yes he is...kinda like me" she told Katrina as she set her down, "now go eat lunch!" she told her as the girl ran off giggling. Y/n turned her attention to me, "I'm sorry..." she sighed as her father walked off, "don't be...I didn't know...and I rushed over as fast as I could and caught you off guard..." I told her as she giggled, "no, I think it's very sweet that you'd come to my rescue...I'm sorry that my brother/sister made you think I was in danger...but now that you're here...you can help us with mom." she told me as we walked into a bedroom. "She got bit by a magical creature...I don't know what though..." she told me as I examined her mom's neck, "Murtlap...what was she doing to get herself bit by one? How'd she get bit by one?" I looked over at Y/n's father "we were visiting Y/n a few days ago...and we were walking on the coasts of Britain and she got bitten...when it happened, we brought her back immediately..." he explained, "right! Hold on..." I turned, set my case down, opened it, and walked down the ladder.

~Your pov~

My brother/sister let out a loud, high pitched gasp as Newt disappeared into his case. He was gone for a moment, "Newt baby...are you okay?" I called out, "I'll be but a moment!" he shouted back, then I saw little hands that I knew. "HIDE THE SHINY STUFF!" I shouted as Niffler got out, everyone except for Newt was scrambling around the house, hiding all the shiny stuff we had. "Newt! Niffler's gotten out!" I shouted down to him as I ran out of the room looking for Niffler, I found him in my niece's room, she had put plastic tiaras on him and he was having a little tea party with her. Katrina looked at me, "aunt Y/n!" she smiled as I walked in and kneeled down, "I made a new friend!" she pointed to Niffler who was shoving the tiara into his pocket, "Niffler...give it back..." I told him as he stared at me and slowly continued his action. I grabbed him before he could get away, I held him upside down and shook out all the shiny things he had in his little pocket. "No...don't try that..." I said as I began to tickle him and more shiny items came out. "Niffler has to go back to Newt now Kat...say bye to him," I told her and she waved bye to Niffler who waved back. I walked back to moms room where Newt was giving her some medication. "She'll be fine..." he told me as mom looked at the both of us, "oh...thank you..." he thanked me as I handed him Niffler, "right...you're in big trouble...you know better than to steal...especially from Y/n's family..." his voice faded as he walked down into his suitcase. "He's sweet" mom spoke as I smiled, "yeah...he's amazing," I told her as I sat beside her on the bed.

"What was that thing?" she cocked her head to the side, "it's a Niffler..." I sighed, "a what?" she was confused "Nifflers are long-snouted, burrowing creatures native to Britain with a penchant for anything shiny..." I explained, "it looked like a platypus" she spoke as I laughed, "he kinda does," I told her as Newt returned from his case. "S-Sorry...I didn't introduce myself Mrs. L/n...I'm Newton Scamander...I go by Newt though" Newt awkwardly cleared his throat as Pen chittered at me, "oh! Right" I lay my hand on the bed, Penelope climbed onto my hand, I walked over to Newt, she climbed off me, climbed onto him, and into his pocket where her mate resided. "It's fine dear...Y/n has told me so much about you..." mom then sat up and patted the bed beside her, Newt looked at me, and I giggled. "Go sit with her," I told him as he set his case down and then sat down beside my mom. She cupped his face and examined his face. Then she looked at me, "he's cute" she told me as I chuckled "I know mom..." I chuckled as I saw Newt had blushed so hard that his ears turned red. "You treat her good Mr. Scamander" mom told him, "I will Mrs. L/n" he smiled at her as they both looked at me, "please...call me Y/m/n" she said as he smiled, "if you wish..." he said as she yawned, "you need to get some sleep..." he told her as he got up, she lay down and fell asleep. Newt and I left the room and stood in the hallway.

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