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We walked into the kitchen where Leta and Theseus were beginning to make dinner, "it's all right darling...he won't bite...he might hug, however" Newt whispered as he lightly pushed me forward Leta and Theseus turned to look at me, "I don't work with new people!" I suddenly shouted and I hid behind Newt who started laughing. "It's not funny Newt! You know I hate meeting new people! After what I went through in school just because I'm a mud-blood" I sighed as he growled, "don't call yourself that...you know I hate it" he spoke, "you're not the only one..." Leta sighed, "Theseus...this is my girlfriend Y/n...she went to school with us. Leta and I were her only friends..." Newt spoke as Theseus looked at me and I moved back some because new people made me scared and I hated talking to people I didn't know. I was too weird to talk to people, so I didn't. "She's pretty," he said as Leta hit his arm, "ow! You're pretty too darling" he told her, "I told you he wouldn't bite you, love," Newt told me as I moved out from behind him. I refused to look at his brother in the eye. Then Theseus pulled me into a hug, "NEWT! NEWT HE'S HUGGING ME! HELP!" I shouted again as they all started laughing, "TOO MUCH HUMAN INTERACTION!" I shouted as I ran upstairs to our shared bedroom, I instantly hid under the blankets.

~Newt's pov~

I chuckled as Theseus looked at me with a confused look, "she's got anxiety when it comes to meeting others...especially pure-bloods like us...she thinks you're gonna be rude because she's Muggle-born..." I told my older brother, "why would I..." he trailed off, "because the Malfoys were like that to her..." I sighed (yes, the Malfoys existed back then in Newt's time) "they were assholes to her Newt..." Leta spoke as I nodded, "yeah..." I sighed as we took our seats, "is she going to be coming back down?" Dumbledore asked, "professor...we both know she hates people and can only deal with so much human interaction...she's not going to be joining us. I'll take some food up for her once you guys leave" I told them as Penelope and Pickett poked their heads out, "right! Hold on..." I got up, they both climbed onto my hand, I opened a cabinet to reveal a nice little cozy home that Y/n made for the two of them. I lifted my hand up to it, they climbed off my hand and went inside the small home.

"She made them that..." I chuckled as Leta smiled, "who's the other Bowtruckle?" Theseus cocked his head to the side, "Penelope...she's Pickett's mate and Y/n's Bowtruckle..." I explained as we all started to eat. After dinner, we sat at the table talking about random things. "So when did you and Y/n get together?"  Leta cocked her head to the side, "in Paris...before all that stuff went down...how's your bother by the way professor?" I asked Dumbledore, "he's good...we haven't talked since Grindelwald..." he told me as he took a sip of his wine, "is he getting better at..." I trailed off, "yeah! He's learning how to control it." he nodded and then he checked his pocket watch, "I should get going. It was lovely to see you all" he spoke as he got up, he said his goodbyes and then left. "We should get home as well...the baby will need to be put to sleep soon" Theseus held out his hand for his wife. "You guys have a child? Congratulations" I smiled as cleared my throat, "thanks Newt...tell Y/n that is was nice to meet her" Theseus smiled, "it was great seeing you" Leta gave me a hug as they left.

I sighed and went upstairs, "Y/n?" I called out as I walked into the bedroom and saw she was fast asleep, I smiled and walked over to her. I gave her a kiss on her forehead, then I removed my shoes, my vest, and climbed into bed next to her. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to me. "I love you Y/n..." I whispered as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to crashing downstairs. "GET BACK HERE!" Y/n's voice rang through the house, I got out of bed, went downstairs and saw she was after the Crup, "YOU NEED TO BE WASHED! YOU WERE OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN ALL NIGHT LAST NIGHT! YOU'RE ALL MUDDY!" she shouted, "Barkspawn! sit!" I shouted and the Crup sat down, I looked over at my girlfriend who was covered in mud, and she was panting. "Merlin's beard...why doesn't he ever listen to me?" she placed a hand on her hip and looked at me, I shrugged, "I don't know darling..." I smiled as we walked downstairs, and the two of us gave the dog a wash as the Kneazle watched, "don't get too comfortable MeowMix...you're next" I looked over at our cat, who hissed at me and then ran off. "MeowMix...come back here!" she shouted, the cat came back, sat beside her with its ears down and looked away from her. "Don't give me that...you know that you're also muddy...you need a bath," she told her cat as my dog shook off the water and then ran off. "You bite or scratch Newt...you're in big trouble and won't get any treats you hear?" she asked as she got up, she grabbed some food and began to feed the creatures. The first thing she fed were the Snidgets, then the Hidebehind, then the Occamys, then the Demiguise, then the Erumpet, next was the Nifflers, she moved on from the Nifflers to the Kelpie. I was already done washing her cat and I ran up to her. "I'll handle the Kelpie," I told her as she stared at me, "what?" I cocked my head to the side, "you're eyes...are gorgeous today...there's just something different about them today..." she was almost entranced by my eyes.

"They always look like this darling..." I smiled as she cocked her head to the other side, "no...there's something different about them..." she whispered as I began to lean down, she placed her hand on my chest, and then pushed me into the water. I swam to the surface and looked at her. She was laughing so hard I thought she was going to die. She sighed, wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes, and smiled at me. "We're gonna have a talk when I get out" I splashed her as she giggled and then swam over to her.

 "We're gonna have a talk when I get out" I splashed her as she giggled and then swam over to her

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