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I just like the idea of Newt having a phone XD This picture is amazing-Hoshi

I woke up a few hours later, the same as before, the hammock swaying, a blanket over me, and the only difference was Newt wasn't laying beside me. I sat up, got dressed and left. "We're gonna be going soon...her mother is feeling better..." I heard him say, I walked into the dining room, I saw Queenie, Tina, Jacob, and Newt sitting at the table. Queenie looked at me and smiled. 'Thank you Queenie' I returned the smile and she just nodded. "You better come and visit us Newt" Jacob spoke as he patted his friend on the back. I took a seat beside Newt and lay my head on his shoulder, "Hello, darling" he kissed me on the head, "so Y/n...did you go to Ilvermorny? I don't remember seeing you there" Tina smiled sweetly at me, "no...I was born in America but we moved to London when I was ten...then I got the letter for Hogwarts when I was eleven...and went to school there until the age of seventeen" I explained, "I met Newt during my second year...and we became fast friends" I gripped onto my wrist under the table and looked at the scarring that never fully healed. The word Mud-blood was still there, it was faint but there, along with the memories that followed it.

Newt looked over at me as I stared at the scar, his hand slid into mine and he kissed my hand

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Newt looked over at me as I stared at the scar, his hand slid into mine and he kissed my hand. "It's okay, love," he whispered as I gave him a small smile. "You poor thing" Queenie gave me a sympathetic look as I looked at her. "Can you...not. please?" I asked her as she sighed, "I'm sorry...people are easier to read when hurting..." she told me, "what? What's going on?" Jacob asked as I sighed and showed them the scaring on my wrist. Tina gasped, "oh...I'm so sorry Y/n..." she gave me a sad look, "what? What's that mean?" Jacob asked Newt sighed. "M-Mud-blood is a highly derogatory term for a Muggle-born wizard or witch; that is, individuals with no wizarding relatives," he explained, "and it's an insult?" Jacob cocked his head to the side, "Pure-bloods use it..." I told him as I sighed. I cleared my throat and then disapparated to my place. "Mom?" I walked into her room, "hey! Hey, how are you? Your father told me about what happened" she got out of bed and hugged me, "actually mom...Newt and I made up...are you feeling any better?" I asked as she smiled and nodded. "Okay, well...Newt and I are gonna leave okay? If anything happens...please write" I told her, she nodded, hugged me, and then I packed.

I was going to meet Newt at the docks. I disapparated to the docks as Newt walked up, "there you are" he smiled as he gave me a kiss. "You ready?" he asked as I nodded, then we looked at Tina, Jacob, and Queenie. "Thank you...for everything" I smiled as they returned the smile. Newt and I boarded the boat and waved bye to them. "Hey Newt!" shouted Tina as he looked at her, "don't forget to give me my copy of your book!" she shouted again, "I will!" he shouted back as we waved bye to them. Little did we know, we were being watched by some unknown person.

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