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I started to read the poems in my book when I read one and I began to remember everything.


I saw Y/n run away crying, there were Slytherin's laughing at her as she ran and I chased after her. She sat by a tree, her knees were brought to her chest, and she held something in her hands. She was whispering to it, I couldn't hear what she was saying. "Y/n?" I asked as I walked up to her, she jumped, got up, and held her hands behind her back. "N-Newt! What are you doing here?" she asked as she wiped her eyes. "I saw you...running away, are you okay?" I asked her as she sniffled. "I'm fine..." she looked away from me, "may I see what's behind your back..." I suggested, then she moved her hand to show a Bowtruckle, "she's a friend" she told me as I saw blood on her wrist, "Y/n?" I asked as I moved her sleeve up. There written in blood on her wrist was the word Mud-blood. "Y/n...you need to tell someone...come on..." I took her hand and we went to Dumbledore. She explained to him about what happened, all while the female Bowtruckle sat on her shoulder. "You should've come to me Y/n..." Dumbledore spoke as he patched up her wrist, she was silent as Pickett climbed out of my pocket and onto my shoulder, he looked at the female Bowtruckle and chittered at me. I let him climb onto my hand, walked over to Y/n, and let Pickett climb onto her shoulder so he could meet the female Bowtruckle. Dumbledore chuckled, "it seems you two made a new friend" he spoke as Y/n looked at me, "Newt's been my friend for a long time Professor..." she whispered as I smiled at her. She was so beautiful.

~End of Flashback~

'Oh, Y/n...I've always loved you. I just wish you would listen to me when I say there's nothing going on between Tina and I...' I felt tears threaten my eyes.

~Queenie's pov~

I felt tears threaten my eyes as I heard Newt's thoughts. "Poor thing..." I whispered to myself, then an idea popped into my head. I walked into Newt's room, closed the case, and locked it. I got dressed, picked up the case and then left with it. I walked to Y/n's house, knocked on the door and she answered. "Queenie? What are you doing here?" she asked, I set the case down, opened it, and looked at her. "Get it..." I told her, "is that Newt's case?" she cocked her head, "get in Y/n...trust me" I gave her a trusting smile.

~Your pov~

I did trust her so I climbed into the case, I looked around and saw that it was Newt's case. I went to leave but she had closed it, 'Queenie! Let me out! Now' I growled then I heard footsteps behind me, I turned and saw Newt. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" he cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. 'Great...he remembers me...' I sighed as I sat on the ladder, "Y/n..." he started, "don't Newt..." I held up my hand, he looked down and went to walk away. "No...you're going to listen to what I have to say. If you don't believe me then fine...but I'm going to tell you the truth," he spoke with firmness in his voice as he stared at me. I blinked at him, "I know you don't want to hear it...but apparently the only way to get anything through that thick skull of yours is to say it like this..." he added as my eyes went wide. 'Where'd the kind Hufflepuff run off to?' I thought to myself.

"To love is to share life together,
to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side,
and then smile with pride,
as one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise,
to take time to share,
to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special,
one on whom you can always depend
to be there through the years,
sharing laughter and tears,
as a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall,
of all the good things
that sharing life brings.
Love is the greatest of all.

I've learned the full meaning
of sharing and caring
and having my dreams all come true;
I've learned the full meaning
of being in love
by being and loving with you." he spoke as I blushed and tears rolled down my eyes. He then crawled over to me and placed his chin on my knees, "I am begging you Y/n..." he whispered with tears in his eyes, "please believe me when I say there's nothing between Tina and I..." he added.

"As I gaze into his liquid gold eyes,
Poetry radiates from his warm soul
His lips brush mine and I soar through the skies
Passion seizes me; I lose my control

An amalgam of thoughts pierce through my mind
There is love, trust, yet I feel petrified
I know destiny; our fate's intertwined
But what if he's a dream, one I'm denied?

A thousand years I could spend with those suns
Amid his presence, I've conquered all realms
I've witnessed beauty that forever stuns
And have basked beneath his forest of elms

Then and there, I grasp truth with clarity
He's in my arms; there's no obscurity" I spoke as he looked at me, he sat up, placed his hands on my hips and placed his forehead against mine.

"The fear of rejection was stopping me, but I don't have the time to waste.
I'm past cloud 9 when I place my hands around your waist.

I know lately things have been kind of crazy,
but there is no denying it girl; I want you to be my baby.

I want to be the one you talk about when you talk to your friends about the one you're loving,
The one you can run to, the one you can confide in.

I want to be the one to keep you warm when it's cold;
give you a hand to hold.

Someone to depend on when life gets rough.
When you're not here, pictures and dreams just aren't enough.

Sometimes I can't find the words to describe your beauty,
and don't disagree, you look pretty hot to me.

I want to be the one to loosen the cuffs when they too tight.
I'm the one who will have you smiling from the break of dawn till the late night

'Cause the truth is if the angel of death came to me tonight to take me off this earth,
my last wish would be to see your face first.

I know there is no angel that could ever match your beauty and style.
Nobody on heaven or earth can come close to that beautiful smile." he whispered as he placed his lips on mine. I inhaled his scent and returned the kiss. Once again, our lips moved in sync, his hands traveled down my thigh as he stood up, and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carried me over to the hammock and lay me down on my back.

 I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carried me over to the hammock and lay me down on my back

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