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~Your pov~

I was going to help him out but he just pulled me in. I swam to the surface and looked at him as he climbed out, "you did not just do that!" I shouted as he laughed and then helped me out. "That's what you get," he said as we both used our wands to dry ourselves off. The Kelpie swam to the surface and we fed it, after that, we sat on the couch upstairs listening to music, Pickett and Penelope were on the coffee table dancing together. We watched as they danced, Pickett was very gentle with her since she was still recovering. "How long does it take for Bowtruckle legs to heal?" I looked up at Newt who was holding me, "it's uncertain...they threw her pretty hard...it's only a matter of time..." he told me as he kissed my head, we were silent, and then he started laughing. "Are you okay?" I asked looking at him as he continued to laugh, "yeah...I just remembered the time your house won the house cup..." he laughed.

(okay...so I realize that some of you are probably Hufflepuff...but don't judge me okay...I just felt the need to throw this in because I'm running out of ideas for the two of you to talk about lmao) "oh god! You were so angry but also happy with me..." I laughed as he started laughing, "I know that's why I started laughing, love," he told me as he started tickling me. "Ah! Newt no!" I screamed while laughing "haha! I've got you now!" he playfully said as he continued to tickle me, "stop!" I laughed as he started laughing and then loomed over me because I fell onto my back while he tickled me. I smiled as we looked at each other in the eyes. "Hey...are you happy?" I asked him, "of course I am...you?" he asked cocking his head to the side, "Um..." I thought for a moment, "um?" he cocked an eyebrow as I laughed and looked at him.

"C'mere..." I pulled him down for a kiss but we stopped because we heard trilling. We looked over at the table and saw Penelope and Pickett looking at us. They chittered at us and I started laughing. "Right, you two are going back to your little home..." he spoke as he gently picked the both of them up, he walked into the kitchen, and I walked upstairs because I was tired and ready for bed. I changed into my pajamas which was my underwear and one of his shirts. I heard the music turn off downstairs. "Lumos" Newt spoke as the bedroom was filled with a bright light because the light was off in our room, he placed his wand somewhere and then changed into his pajamas. He climbed in bed behind me. "Nox" he whispered as the light disappeared, I rolled over and cuddled up to him. "Heat!" I whispered as he wrapped his arm around me and chuckled.

I thought for a moment, "Newt

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I thought for a moment, "Newt...you know I love you right?" I asked him "I love you too Y/n..." he looked down at me, I gave a small smile, and he sat up. "What's wrong? You gave me a small smile which means somethings wrong!" he was now worried, I was taken aback, and I sat up. "I-I need to go back to America...my mothers sick..." I told him,  I saw him clench his jaw, "I'll go with you" He said, "Newt...no...you need to stay here to take care of your creatures" I told him, "I don't want you to go alone Y/n..." he gripped my hand and pulled me into a tight hug, "my sister/brother is going to pick me up...I'll be fine baby..." I told him as he grumbled something, "will you write to me?" he looked at me again, "does a Hippogriff fly?" I told her, he thought for a moment, "they don't when you cut off their wings" he told me, "that's awful! Who'd do that!" I looked at him as he smiled, "horrible people...that's who" he replied, "my point is...I'll write" I told him as we laid back down, and he climbed on top of me. "Whatcha doing buddy?" I cocked my head to the side as he snorted, "I've uh...been thinking. We've been together for a while now...and we've never...uh..." his face got red as I giggled at his cuteness, "are you asking if I wanna have sex?" I cocked an eyebrow, "don't..say it like that! I've never done that before!" he got flustered, even more, I held back a laugh because I made him blush even more.

"It's not funny Y/n..." he told me, "I'm not laughing about the fact that you're still a virgin Newt...I'm laughing because you're extremely adorable when flustered," I told him as he rolled his eyes and got flustered even more than last time. "Y/n...c-can we..." he trailed off as he stared at my lips, "you're my boyfriend Newt...I think it'd be rude to say no..." I told him as he smiled and then kissed me passionately. He had removed his shirt and his pants. He climbed on top of me and removed my shirt, my bra, my pants, and my underwear. He kisses me passionately, he then left small wet kisses down my body until he reached my entrance. He wrapped his arms around my legs and spread them wide. He lowered his head and began to lick me. "Haa~" I moaned out as I gripped onto his hair, he sucked on my clit. "Ngh~" I pushed my hips into his mouth and he grunted. He then shoved a finger inside me and thrusted his finger deep inside me as he continued to suck on my clit, "AH!" I shouted, he began to kiss me passionately as his finger picked up its pace. I felt a knot begin to form, "N-Newt!" I shouted as I came on his hands. He licked all my juices off his hand and then removed his boxers. I placed my hands on his shoulders, he removed them and kissed my knuckles as a gentleman would.

"This is about you baby...." he whispered against my lips, he slowly slid himself in me, "haa~" I arched my chest into his chest, "ngh~ You're so tight Y/n..." he panted in my ear as I moaned loudly. "Newt!" I screamed as he held himself up and went faster. My legs wrapped around his waist as he went deeper, he began to hit my G-spot, and I screamed out as I raked my nails down his chest. "HA! AH~" I screamed as he grunted, "Y-Y/n!" he shouted as he gripped onto my hip tightly, I could feel the blood from his nails piercing my skin on my hips. He ran his fingers through his hair. Sweat beads were seen because the street-light outside was still on, outside, "god you look so sexy Newt..." I moaned out, he then pulled out and lay behind me. He picked up one of my legs and began to thrust into me again. "HA~" I screamed out as his hand found its way to my clit and he began violently rubbing me, he thrusted deep into me as I felt the knot form again. "N-Newt...you're gonna make me cum again" I panted as he bit down on my shoulder, "it's okay...let go baby...let go..." he panted as his thrusts became erratic and sloppy. "I'm so close Y/n..." he grunted, "N-Newt" I screamed out as I came all over him. Not long after, he buried himself deep inside me and came. He gave three more thrusts before pulling out, he lay beside me and panted. "So...that happened" I joked as he chuckled "yes...it did..." he then propped himself up and looked at me.

"That was amazing..." he panted as I giggled, he then pulled me close to him and held me. "I love you Y/n" he sleepily spoke as I closed my eyes, "I love you too Newt" I whispered as we fell asleep.

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