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I woke up the next morning still under the stairs, Newt was holding me close to him, and I snuggled up to him. "Mmm..." I groaned, then I saw Pick walking towards me, he cocked his tiny head to the side, and I smiled at him. "Don't...we didn't do that Pick..." I started but he chittered at me, "he's always like this" Newt sleepily spoke from behind me because we were spooning. "I know..." I yawned,  I tried to get up but Newt pulled me back down and whined. "Noo..." he gave a pouty face which made me giggle.

~Time Skip because of spoilers~

I walked into my boyfriend and my shared home. Like the first time I visited him, the baby Nifflers were out...again. I managed to grab them all, I walked downstairs, where music was playing, and Newt was feeding his creatures. "The babies got out again..." I told him as he sighed and then walked over to the Niffler cage "if you guys don't stop getting out...I'm gonna take away all of the shinies...you hear?" he asked as they stared at him and I snorted, "I don't think they understand" I told him as he sighed, "they never do..." he gave me a small kiss, "oh! Penelope has been looking for you" he said as I walked over to the tree where all the Bowtruckles were. "Pen...come on out" I spoke as the small female Bowtruckle walked out and chittered at me, "I know...I should've taken you with me...but you know that it's too cold for you to go with me right now..." I told her as she stuck her tongue out at me, "not only that...you're still recovering from that accident you had, remember?" I cocked my head, she continued to trill at me, I sighed and chuckled. "Penelope...you broke one of our legs protecting Pickett...you know he doesn't blame you...he's very thankful...Newt is as well..." I told her as I held out my hand and she climbed onto my hand.

She gave me an angry trill, "we both know that he'd never give Pickett up...besides...I wasn't in New York when all that stuff went down..." I told her, then she crossed her tiny arms as I turned, I saw Newt leaning against the doorframe with a smile on his face. I returned the smile, "I'd never give you away..." I told her, she turned her head from me, "again with the sulking! Pickett taught you that didn't he?" I asked as her but she ignored me, "all right...this is beneath you..." I sighed as I placed her on my shoulder. I walked over to Newt, Penelope climbed over to Newt and climbed into his pocket to hang out with her mate, Pickett. "We should plant a wand quality tree outside for them" I looked at Newt as I grabbed the can of pellets for the Puffskeins. I sighed as I walked over to their pin and began to feed the small, round, fluffy creatures, and then set the can down. "I think we should...that'd be really neat...however, Pickett has abandonment issues remember?" he cocked his head to the side as I turned and looked at him.  "I know...I just think it'd better for the two of them to have a place of their own...so they don't have to keep going back to the others and have to deal with them when they want to be alone. They shouldn't have to hide in your pocket when they want to be together..." I told him as he placed his hands on my waist and smiled a little. "Are you talking about us? If you wanted time alone with me...you could've just told me" he chuckled as I sighed, "we're never alone Newt...we've got the creatures to take care of remember? On top of that...we've got the Kneazle and the Crup upstairs..." I sighed as I looked away.

He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my face, "hey...you know I love you..." he whispered as I gave a small smile, "I know...I love you too Newt. and these creatures" my smile grew bigger as he gave me a kiss and then went to go feed the Nundus.

 and these creatures" my smile grew bigger as he gave me a kiss and then went to go feed the Nundus

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Then I heard talking coming from upstairs, "Y/n..." he looked at me as I pulled out my wand, "I'll go check it out" I told him as I started walking upstairs, I saw Dumbledore, Theseus, and Leta. "Oh! Y/n! How've you been?" she asked as she pulled me into a hug, "uh...pretty...good...how'd you guys get in? I don't need to ask Professor Dumbledore that...but how did you and Theseus get in Leta?" I cocked my head, "unlocking spell remember? Where's Newt?" Theseus responded as the Kneazle ran past with the Crup chasing it while barking. "Hold that thought..." I smiled as I turned "NEWT! THE CRUP IS AT IT AGAIN! YOU KNOW HE WON'T LISTEN TO ME!" I yelled down to my adorable boyfriend. Footsteps were heard as Newt walked up, and then went after the Crup. He picked up the dog and looked at him, "listen here mister...you keep chasing MeowMix...there's gonna be trouble...you hear Barkspawn?" he asked the dog as it barked at him and licked his face, "I know...I love you too buddy..." he spoke as he set the dog down and then looked at our friends. "Oh...well this is a surprise..." he said as he put his wand in his holster and I slid mine in my boot, "we just came over for dinner...that's all" Theseus spoke as we looked over at Dumbledore, "I had some free time...thought I'd drop by for a visit..." he smiled, then I saw the adult Niffler trying to steal my jewelry. "Newt..." I whispered as I sneakily gestured to the Niffler. "Bugger...give us a moment..." he waved his wand and all the doors shut, Newt went one way and I went the other, we tried to get him but he ran off. "Accio Niffler!" Newt shouted as he pointed his wand at Niffler and Niffler flew over to him, "right...what did I tell you? Paw's off, what isn't yours...you have enough shiny things in your nest. You don't need any more" Newt said walking downstairs, I was always awkward around Theseus, and I didn't know how to act.

"Right! I should..." I started and then I turned and walked downstairs. "Y/n? You okay love?" Newt asked putting Niffler back into his nest, "no! I don't know how to act around your brother! This is the first time we've met...he's intimidating" I told him as he chuckled, "come on darling" he wrapped his arm around me and we walked back upstairs.

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